of Warrosquoyacke ( changed 1637 to IOW) Co 
& Mulberry Island, Va.
& Wife Alice (MNU) Pearce

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Thomas Bennett was born CA 1587.  He is listed in the 1624 census of Virginia on the S/S of the James River, near Lawne's Creek.  

Shortly after this census Thomas Bennett married Alice Pierce, widow of Thomas Pierce who was killed in the Massacre of 1622 at Martin's Hundred, as their son Richard was born CA 1624/5   Thomas Pierce's wife and daughter had been reported as killed, but had survived.

In October, 1624, Elizabeth Pierce, daughter of his wife Alice, chose her "father-in-law"  (stepfather) Thomas Bennett, as her guardian.   On that same date, Alice Bennett testified in a trial concerning a servant who had been mistreated by her master, Mr. John Proctor, after her husband Thomas Bennett, and a Mr. Richards had carried her home.  Another witness in this trial was Anthony Barham

Thomas Bennett appears as a tenant on the Governor's land, at the mouth of the Chickahominy, Jan, 1626/7.
(Min. Coun. 136)

Thomas Bennett served in the House of Burgesses representing Mulberry Island in 1632. Mulberry Island is in Warwick County, whose records have been lost.  No further record has been found on Thomas Bennett.

Anthony Barham & Wife, Elizabeth, were living at Mulberry Island in the census of 1624/5 This is on the N/S of the James River, where Thomas Pierce had his plantation. Anthony came on the Abigail (1621) and Elizabeth in the William & Thomas (1618) (Hotten's lists)  Anthony was Burgess from Mulberry Island in 1629-30.  Anthony Barham died in 1641, naming "Mother Bennett" and his brother-in-law Richard Bennett in his will.  Elizabeth Pierce Barham (M) #2 Richard Jackson, by whom she had two daughters, Sarah  (M) Col. Arthur Smith II & Mary (M) Col.George Hardy

ONLY child of record of Thomas Bennett & wife Alice:

(1) Richard Born CA 1625 Mulberry Island, Va and died 1709 Isle of Wight Co, Va.
He (M) #1 Ann            (Prob mother of all his children)
(M) #2 Sarah (MUN) Lewis, Wid. of Daniel Lewis, who died IOW Co, 1698.

Richard Bennett resided at Blackwater, in the vicinity of the plantations of Justinian Cooper & Francis England, according to deed records. 

Ref: 17th Century Isle of Wight (Boddie)
Southside Virginia Families  Vol I (Boddie)
Isle of Wight Co, Va Records (Hopkins)
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol 1 (Nugent)


Will of Anthony Barham, of Mulberry Island, 9/6/1641 (At present residing in England)
Refers to "Brother-in-law" Richard Bennett
Refers to "Mother Bennett" (His Mother-in-law-Alice MNU Pierce, Bennett, and  also mother of Richard Bennett, SR, 1/2 brother to his wife Elizabeth Pierce.

June 10, 1642-Va. Land Patents- Harding, George. grantee. 300 AC easternmost side of Lawnes Crk, joining land of Mr. Tuke, and Alice Bennett

June 19, 1642 John Stocker Grant, 200 AC known as Hogpen's Neck, adj. Mr. Harding and Widow Bennett.

Aug 25, 1642-Grant to Robert Lawrence, 200 AC W. upon Lawne's crk, adj. Mr. Harding, and Widow Bennett's lands. 

DBA P 35-Sept 12, 1644 Grant for 200 AC to Robert Laurance on E/S Lawnes Creek & b/b Mr. Harding and the Widow Bennett.  Land was orig. grtd to sd. Laurence on Aug 25, 1642, for the trans. of 4 persons.  On July 8, 1652 Robert Laurence to Daniel Washburn the above 200 AC land. Wts: Robert Sabin & James Pyland Recd. Aug 9, 1652

DB A P 2-Apr 2, 1644 Justinian Cooper, Gent, to Alice Bennett, widow, for 1 calf, and 1 barrel of corn, 150 acres between Castle Creek & Cypress Swamp, b/b Stocker  Wts: James Taylor, Samuel Abbott

Bk A P 107 Mar 14, 1646-William Yarret of IOW to Thomas Brandwood of London-350 A b/b Bennetts Park, Samuel Jackson, Goose Hill Crk, Sewards Crk

DB A P 4, July 19, 1647 Alice Bennett to Mary Jackson & Sarah Jackson, the dtrs of Richard Jackson, 150 Acres land. (to be possessed immediately after my death) , the land & housing on the S/S of the swamp to Mary; the land on the other side to Sarah.   Sig: Alice (X) Bennett  Wts: Edwd. X Garrett, James Piland

July 17, 1648 Grant of George Hardy - 500 AC lying on E/S Lawne's Crk, extending to main river, along Thomas Gaynes, along the great river to a creek, dividing same from land of Alice Bennett. 

June 9, 1666, deed from George Hardy to Francis England, 100 AC  sold by England to Wm. Shaards? who sold to Richard Jackson, dec. and afterwards given to Mary, his dtr, now w/o George Hardy.

DBA, July 8, 1652 Robert Laurence assigns to Daniel Washburn all right to patent of 200 AC  situated on E/S Lawne's Crk, adj. Mr. Harding, Widow Bennett Wts: Robt. Sabin, James Pyland

April 9, 1666 IOW W&DB1- Arthur Smyth & Sarah, his wife, one of the dtrs of Richard Jackson, dec'd, to George & Mary Hardy, land on Blackwater which belongs to me by marriage with my wife, grandchild unto Mrs. Alice Bennett, dec'd. which share was given to her by her grandmother.

Sept 7, 1673-John Neblett & w/Mary of Chas City Co, to Daniel Washbourne, 200 AC in Lawne's Cr, adj. Widow Bennett's land, grtd Robt. Lawrence, Sept 12, 1644, etc.