Some Descendants of
& wife
Judith (MAYBURY?)
of Surry Co, Virginia & Northampton Co., North Carolina
This page last updated January, 2008
Page created by Sadie Greening Sparks
copyright, October 18, 2000
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Robert Warren was born in Surry Co, Virginia about
His will #407 was dated July 3, 1793 and proved (first in Halifax Co
Superior Court,
NC Oct., 1795) and in Northampton Co., NC Dec. Court, 1795 His
parentage is yet to be proven.
He married about the year 1725/26 in Surry Co, Virginia, where his son Hinchey was born about 1727/28, as he was married by 1749/50 and had a son Carolus Warren born prior to 1752 who was named in his grandfather Carolus Anderson's will of 1752 in Northampton Co, NC.
Robert Warren's wife was named Judith, when he sold out in Surry Co, Virginia in March, 1742 (Her maiden name is yet to be proven, but I haven been working on the THEORY that she was Judith Maybury, Dtr of Francis Maybury & Elizabeth Gilliam, for many years. Elizabeth Gilliam Maybury had a brother named Hinshaw/Hinchie/Hinchia/Hinche Gilliam. Elizabeth Gilliam was dtr of John Gilliam & Marjorie (Hinshaw?-Recent records apparently have dispoved her maiden name).
Robert Warren appears in records of Northampton Co, NC in October, that same year, when he made his first land purchase, which deed states he was from Surry, Va., as does a subsequent deed.. He may have married a second wife, named Elizabeth, according to Northampton Co, North Carolina records.
He had numerous land transactions in Northampton Co, and was a large
landowner. He was named as a vestryman for Northwest Parish, in 1758.
Some of his closest neighbors were Carolus Anderson,( whose
daughter Rachael married Hinchey Warren , son of Robert, about 1749.) and
the families of Edwards, Cobb, Stevenson, Boon, Ward, Fort, Sherard, Tharp,
Washington, DeBerry, Sowerby, Williams, Figures, Liles, Mabry,(See deeds
Below) Edmunds, John
Brittle, James McCravey, and others. Many of these families had also come from Surry, Isle of
Wight & Nansemond Counties, Virginia.
Robert Warren "proved his rights" in Northampton Co in August, 1743, with 10 whites, and 2 blacks; it appears he had 8 children as of that date. He mentioned only some of his children in his will, and his son Robert, Jr. was named in the will of his brother Jesse. Therefore, I do not have a complete list of his children.
KNOWN CHILDREN: WARREN (May not be in order)
(1) Hinchey
Warren born ca
1727/8 Surry Co, Va Died Will Pro.1803 Montgomery Co, Georgia
(Adms-Josiah Warren & Richard Warren, his sons) Hinchey Warren will was
dated Sept, 1798 Burke Co, Ga.
(M) Rachael Anderson, about 1749-50 Northampton Co, NC
(Dtr of Carolus & Mary Boon Anderson of
Northampton Co., NC)
Their son Carolus Warren named in Will of gr/father 1752
Hinchey Warren moved to Onslow Co, NC, 1765, and then to Burke Co, Ga, about
Rachael died on the trip to Georgia from Onslow Co., NC
(2) Jesse Warren Born CA 1740 Surry Co, VA Died 1786 Northampton Co., NC
(Will #370-dated July 3, 1786, Pro.
Dec, Crt, 1786)
(M) Elizabeth Liles-Dtr of Thomas & Elizabeth Liles of Surry Va,
& Northampton Co, NC
Children of Jesse Warren & Elizabeth Liles
(a) Samuel Warren Born CA 1773 N/H Co., NC d. 1816 N/H Co., NC, Jesse
Warren, Jr (Bro) Admr. Samuel Warren (M) Ailsey Boon, Born 1782 NC, Dtr of John Boon
of N/H Co, NC-Samuel Warren was apprenticed to Lazarus Cook to learn the trade
of bicklaying, March Crt, N/H Co, NC)-discharged June Crt, 1794, Cook being
resident of VA)
(Samuel died 1816 N/H Co, Jesse Warren (Jr) Adm)
Wid. Ailsey/Alice (Boon) Warren, living w/ son Samuel Warren 1870 Northampton Co, NC age 88 yrs.
1. Samuel A. Warren b. abt 1812 NC (Constable in 1850 N/H Co, NC) (M) Martha W._______ b. abt 1845 (Had 3 female children, ages 4, 2 & 1 in 1870 census-all un-named)
2. Sarah b. abt 1816 NC-Single, White Female, age 34 in HH w/mother & brother Samuel in 1850 (M) William H. Woodard Dec. 18, 1852 N/H Co, NC; Bondsman: William H Chann William H Hughhes, Deputy Clerk, Witness; Performed by H. W. Maddery, JP; Sarah Warren appears in HH w/mother & brother Samuel in 1860 w/son Alexander Woodard; In 1870 she appears in HH w/mother & brother Samuel & her son Alexander, but is incorrectly listed as Black, in error
NC Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
William H Woodard | Sarah Warren | 21 Dec 1852 | Northampton | William H Chann | Wm H Hughes, Deputy Clk |
a. Alexander Woodard b. abt 1854 N/H Co, NC
Samuel Warren & Ailsey Boon had other children, names unknown to me-sgs
(b) Robert Warren (March Crt, 1794-Apprenticed to Lazarus Cook, to learn the trade of bricklaying , discharged June Crt, 1794, Cook being resident of VA)
(c) William Warren
(d) Thomas Warren (Prob. the Thomas Warren who died 1810 Davison/Robertson Co, Tenn; Rebecca Boon Warren's brother Richard BOON, was ADMR of his Est..--Ref: Leta Myles Boon Franklin, Oct. 1, 2008
(e) Jesse, Warren, Jr b. abt 1774 NC-over 45 in 1820 census (M) Rebecca BOON, Born Ca 1792 N/H Co., NC, Dtr of John Boon. (Jesse Warren , Jr died pr to 1830 NC. Rebecca Boon Warren & son James W. Warren removed to Madison Co., Tenn in 1840's; (1850 Madison Co, Tnn. Census) and then to Searcy, Poinsett (Now Cross) Co., Arkansas, pr to 1860 (1860 Arkansas census) where Rebecca died between 1860-1870
Had 7 children, all dec'd as of 1890-Only KNOWN child of Jesse Warren, Jr & Rebecca Boon, is James W Warren who migrated to Madison Co., Tnnn, then to Arkansas with his mother
1. James W Warren born Abt 1812 N/H Co, NC d.-Sept. 1869 Searcy. Cross Co, Ark--Farmer, 1850 Madison Co, Tn, 1860 Searcy, Poinsett Co, Arkansas
James Warren (M) Arenella "Ella" FUTREL abt 1847 in NC-She was b. Abt 1833 NC d. bet. 1890-1900 Cross Co., Ark. (Had 7 children, 2 living 1890- Jefferson Joseph & James--Both are prob. buried in unmarked graves, Vanndale Cem., Cross Co., Ark, where their son James is buried, as are many of the FUTRELL family. Widow appears 1870-1880 Searcy, Cross Co., Arkansas, Wittsburg PO
.Ref:- Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas (1890)
Mrs. Ella (Aranella) Warren. Among the early and most prominent farmers of this county some twenty-five years ago, was James W. Warren, who came to this State in 1852. He was the son of Jesse and Rebecca (Boon) Warren, who were the parents of seven children, all of whom are now dead. James Warren was married to Ella Futrell in Tennessee, in 1847, both natives of North Carolina. After his marriage Mr. Warren moved to this State, settling in what is now Cross County, but at the time of his settlement Poinsett County, where he purchased a section of land, part of which is now the village of Vanndale. He also owned a number of negroes, and carried on a large plantation previous to the war. At the time of the rebellious outbreak Mr. Warren was in poor health, and so did not take any part in the Confederate service, and died soon after the war closed, in 1868. He was very active in politics, and was one of the leading men of his community, besides being one of the largest land owners in the county. He left his widow in good circumstances at the time of his death, and she has proven herself thoroughly capable of taking care of the property left her. Mr. and Mrs. Warren were the parents of seven children, two of whom are now living:(1890) Jefferson (who is married and carries on the farm for his mother) and James (also at home). Mrs. Warren's parents were very wealthy. They moved from North Carolina to Tennessee when she was but a child. To these parents were born eight children, five of whom still live: Ella (our subject), Sarah, Martha A. (now Mrs. Outland), Mary L. and James G. Mr. Futrell (our subject's father) died in 1883, and his wife in 1868. Mrs. Futrell was a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Warren is an enterprising and accomplished lady, and highly respected (5 of their children were identified from census records)
1850 Slave Schedule, Madison Co, Tn Dist 6-J W Warren 7 slaves, Rebecca Warren, 5 slaves
1860 Poinsett Co, Ark Slave Schedule-James W Warren 19 slaves
a. Joseph Jefferson Warren b June, 1852 Tn Died: May 27, 1930 Cross Co, Ark, (buried PROB unmarked, Vanndale Cem., Cross Co., Ark, where brother James is buried)- appears 1860, 1870 HH of parents;
did not locate 1880;
1900 Searcy, Cross Co., Ark, Jeff J Warren, age 47, farming; wife Ella age 45, (M) 19 yrs, w/ 2 nephews, Derwood & Garland Warren*, in HH
.- *Derwood Warren & Garland F. Warren are sons of his sister Sarah Olivia Warren & Perry A Warren of Cross Co., Ark. Both parents died in 1880's.
1910 Wynne, Cross Co, Ark, Joseph J Warren, age 57, farmer, home farm, wife Lula, age 33 (M) 4 yrs., Had 1 child, 0 living;
1920 Clark, Greene County, Ark-, Jeff J Warren, age 66, farmer, wife Annie, age 47 son Estil; age 8. shows marr. @ age 34* & 20;
April 8, 1930 Wynne, Cross Co, Ark, Jeff J Warren, age 77, NO ooc. (d. a few wks after census was made) wife Lula, age 55 yrs, son Estelle, age 19 yrs., (M) @ ages 20* & 34
*was married 19 yrs in 1900 to wife Ella
(M) #1 Ella R.______abt 1880-1881 She was b. May, 1855 Ark. d. pr to 1910-Had 3 children, 1 living, 1900 Cross Co., Ark., (M) 19 yrs.
1. Maggie D. b. Sept., 1881 Arkansas (age 18 yrs, Had 1 child, 1 living, 1900 Cross Co., Ark; Had 5 children, 4 living, 1910 Wynne, Cross Co., Ark, (M) 11 yrs; 1930 Badgett, Pulaski, Ark, (M) @ age 17
(M) Jacob T. Johnson March 8, 1899 Cross Co., Arkansas (Live next door to her parents, 1900 Cross Co., Ark,) He was b. Dec., 1873 Ark. (Farmer, 1900 Cross Co., Ark, Teamster/Drayman, 1910 Wynne, Cross Co., Ark, (M) 11 yrs; farm labor, 1920 Hill, Pulaski Co., Ark, 1930 Badgett, Pulaski Co., Arkansas; truck farmer, (M) @ age 25
a. Middy/Mitty S. b. Jan, 1900 Ark-married/or died pr to 1920
b. Albert S. b. abt 1901 Ark-died pr to 1920
c. James J b. abt 1955 Ark-died pr to 1920
d. Lula R. b. abt 1907 Ark-died pr to 1920
e. Harry b. abt 1916 Ark
f. Marguerite/Margarete b. abt 1918 Ark
g. Cletus b. abt 1925 Ark
#2 Lula ____abt 1906_b. abt 1876 Tenn (Had 1 ch-0 living, 1910)
2. Estill J. (son) b. abt 1911 Ark.(1920 Clay, Green Co., Ark; 1930 Wynne, Cross Co., Ark)
b. Laura Warren b. abt 1856 Ark-d pr to 1890
c. Sarah Olivia Warren b. abt 1858 Cross Co, Ark d. pr to Dec, 1886* Cross Co., Ark.
(M) Perry A. Warren 20 Dec 1877 in Cross, Arkansas,, Bk B P 106 (Perry Warren was b. abt 1844-46 Hertford Co, NC, d. prior to 1886* Cross Co., Ark., s/o William Warren b. 1801 NC & Martha b. 1805 NC of Hertford Co, NC 1850-1880 (P A Warren, single, lives near Sarah Olivia Warren's family, 1870 Cross Co., Ark-alone in HH, farm laborer; farmer, 1880 Cross Co., Ark; lives 1850, 1860 Hertford Co., NC, HH of parents)
*S(arah) O(livia) Warren (M) #2-J(ohn) W Whitby, June 16, 1886 Cross Co., Ark.-(Sarah Olivia Warren, Warren, Widow of Perry Warren.) Her brother James M Warren (M) Julia E. (Whitby) Damron, 1899 Cross Co., Arkansas0- John W "Jack" Whitby, (M) Bettie Markham Dec. 4, 1886* Cross Co., Ark.. Bettie is his wife in the 1900 Census.
1. Derwood H. Warren b. April, 1878 Cross Co, Arkansas (In 1900 HH of Uncle Jefferson Joseph Warren, Cross Co, Ark-Single- Factory Supt-Foreman
2. Helen Olivia Warren b. Jan, 1880 Cross Co, Ark (age 5 mos, June, 1880 census)
3. Garland F. Warren b. May, 1882 Cross Co, Ark Died Nov. 14, 1936 Cross Co., Ark. (Cross Co., Ark. death records) He is in HH of Uncle Jefferson Joseph Warren, 1900 Cross Co, Ark, Single, stair cutter, Factory, 1920 Benton, Saline Co, Arkansas, Mgr, Stair Factory; & 1930 -Engineer, Water Works, Shreveport, Caddo Par., La (M) @ age 27-- (*1936 City Directory, Shreveport, Caddo, La-Garland F. Warren (Nancy B.) 3211 Milton St., engineer, City Dept of Water & Sewage, Mrs Nancy B. Warren, emp; Washington-Youree Hotel, res: 3211 Milton St.)
(M) Nancy Bertha H _____abt 1909_b. January 8, 1895 Ark d. July 15, 1988 Shreveport, Caddo, La (SSD, Iss'd La pr to 1951) .(M) @ age 16
1938, 1939, 1940 City Directory, Shreveport, La-Mrs. Bertha Warren, res: 3211 Milton St., Hkpr/Insptr, Washington-Youree Hotel, No occ given 1940; 1941 City of Shreveport, La, Mrs. Bertha Warren, eng., Washington-Youree Hotel, res: 3211 Milton,
a. Perry Warren b. abt 1913 Ark-d. August 23, 1924 Shreveport, Caddo Par., La, age 11 yrs (LA Death Records)
b. James R. "Jimmie" Warren b. abt 1919 Ark-lived 1930-1941 Shreveport, Caddo, LA (1936 City of Shreveport, La City Directory-James R, Warren, helper, Brewster Co., res: 3211 Milton St; 1940 City of Shreveport, James Warren, USA, (US Army) r 3211 Milton St;, 1941 City of Shreveport, James Warren, USA, (US Army) r: 3211 Milton
U S WW II Army Enlistment Records-James R Warren b. 1919 white, citizen Res: Arcadia, Louisiana Enlistment date: July 23, 1942 Enlistment Place: Los Angeles, California Branch/Branch Code: Branch International-Warrant Officers Grade/Code: Private Term: Enlisted for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law; Component: Selectees, Enlisted Men; Education: 4 years of high school Civik Occupation: Architect; single, without dependents Ht: 70 Wt: 142
d. James M. (Jimmie) Warren b. Nov, 1862 Ark d January 23, 1937 Caddo Par., La, age 74 yrs, (Louisiana death records Cert #148, Vol 1) buried Vanndale Cemetery, Cross Co, Ark.
(He in HH of mother, 1870, 1880; Timber cutter, 1900 Searcy, Cross Co, Ark, wife Julia, NO ch in HH;; 1910 Little Rock (Big Rock T/S) Pulaski Co, Ark-Laborer, stair factory; 1920 Benton City, Saline Co, Ark, Timber Buyer, wife operates boarding house; 1930 Shreveport, Caddo Par., La -Timberman, (M) @ age 38- 1936 City of Shreveport, La Directory-James M Warren (Julia) r. 733 Wilkinson
(M) Julia E. (Whitby) Dammran (Damron)**May 20, 1899 Cross Co., Arkansas She was b. July, 1873 Arkansas d. after 1945--(1910 census Little Rock, Pulaski Co, Ark shows Julia has had 4 children, 4 living-3 Warren ch & 1 Damron child)- (operated boarding house, 1930 Shreveport, La) 1938, 1939, 1940 City Directory, Shreveport, La-Julia Warren (Wid James) res: 956 Margaret Pl.; 1941 City of Shreveport, La Julia Warren, Wid James M. res: 553 Wall St;; 1942, 1943, 1945 City of Shreveport, Mrs Julia Warren, 553 Wall St (**Julia E. Whitby, dtr of David E. & Cordelia L Whitby, (M) J T Damron March 1, 1892 Cross Co., Arkansas and had 1 son, Claude Damron, b. December, 1892 Cross Co., Ark-lived w/mother & stepfather, James M. Warren, 1900 Cross Co., Ark., & 1920 Saline Co., Arkansas
1. Florence "Florine" Warren b. abt 1902 Ark- single, 1920 Saline Co, Ark---Miliner, 1930 Shreveport, Caddo, La (M) Virgiil Sipe,.1927, born abt 1896 Indiana (Dispatcher, Gas Co, 1930 Shreveport, Caddo, La) (M) @ age 24 & 31 No children in HH 1930
2. Lottie Warren b. abt 1903 Ark-single, 1920 Saline Co, Ark, missing 1930
3. Felix Warren b. abt 1907 Ark. (single, Electrical Engineer, 1930 Shreveport, Caddo, La)
e. C (Fem) Warren born abt 1867 Ark (Missing 1880)
(f) Sarah Warren
(g) Elizabeth (Betsy) Warren
(3) Robert Jr. Warren Died Intestate- (Abt. Jan, 1789) Northampton Co., NC, Adm-Richard Masson/Mosson-No record of marriage/children
(4) Joshua Warren Died Intestate pr to Mar, 1809 N/H Co, NC Jacob Liles,
Adm (Jacob Liles wife was Martha BOON).
(a) Eliza Warren
(b) Benjamin Warren
(c) Rebecca
(5) Susannah Warren Born Ca 1760 Northampton Co, NC (Prob. by
Wife #2 Elizabeth)
Died Madison Co, Tenn Nov., 1831
Adm. of Est-Allen DeBerry, Son
Bur: DeBerry Cem., Rose Hill, near Jackson, Madison Co,
(M)#1- Absolum Deberry ( son of Peter DeBerry & Patience Dew and gr/son of Capt. John Deberry &
Absolum Deberry's will dated April 25, 1795 Pro. June Court, 1795 Northampton
Co., NC
Susannah (M) #2 (Mark?) Murrell
Madison Co, Tenn Wills, Etx: 347. Administrator's report, Est. of SUSAN MURRELL, Feb. 6, 1833. MCCM 3, page 334, shows ALLEN DEBERRY appointed
Adm. of this est., Nov. 11, 1831. ("This lady lies in a grave marked with a tombstone bearing only her name, no dates,
in the Deberry Cemetery at Rose Hill in Madison Co. She was the mother of MATHIAS DEBERRY and
others"-Madison Co, Tenn Gen Web)
Children: Deberry
(May not be in order)
(a) Dorcas Born Ca 1782 Died: Sept 19, 1855 Telfair Co, Ga
(M) Alexander Powell CA 1800 Northampton Co, NC
(He of Hertford Co, NC)
Born 1771 Died 1826 Telfair Co, Ga Henry Wilson,
Est. Div. Deed Bk H, P 65-67 Telfair Co, Ga
s/o James Powell, Rev. Soldier, NC B. 1740 Bruns.
Co, Va
REF: Charles Powell
(Ref: Vol 7, Pioneers of Wiregrass, Ga.)
Family moved to Georgia, where all child. were
Children: Powell
1. Susannah Born Ca 1801 Ga. (M) Cullen S. Lane Jan 13,
2. Josiah Born Ca 1803 (M) Lucy Turner
3. Allen B. Born Ca 1804 (M) Martha "Patsy"
Akridge Oct. 31, 1825
4. Alexander S. C Born Ca 1807 (M) Elizabeth Anderson,
July 31, 1828 (dtr of Vincent)
This couple had 13 children, 1
being Jesse who had 10 children
5. Abraham F. Born Ca 1810 (M) Mary Martha Burkhalter
June 25, 1835
6. Absalom Deberry Born Ca 1815 (M) Catherine______
Mar. 1831 Bibb Co, Ga
7. James Born Ca 1818 (M) Unk
8. Elizabeth Born Ca 1822 (M) Harvey Blount Keel
9. William C. Born Ca 1823 (M) Martha J._____moved to
Berrien Co, Ga
Alexander Powell family moved to McIntosh Co, Ga, and abt. 1806 moved across the
Altamaha River into Wayne Co, for a short stay; by 1810 were in Montgomery Co,
and soon after moved to Telfair Co, Ga. Both are buried in family burying ground
on his homeplace, not far from Ocmulgee Riv, bet. Possum & Horse Creeks
(long since abandoned) Alexander Powell lived in Ga. at the time of his
marriage, but was back in NC disposing of some land deeded to him by his brother
James located in Orange Co, NC.
(b) Jane DeBerry (M) Henry Jenkins
(c) Thomas DeBerry (died 1815 N/H Co, NC)
(d) Mathias DeBerry Born Ca 1784 Northampton Co, NC Died: 1839 Madison Co, Tenn (M) Mrs. Elizabeth Epps Hadley Greensville Co., Va. She died Madison Co, Tenn 1847
She had 3 Hadley children by her first husband.
1. Eliza Jane DeBerry Born Nov 1, 1812 NC
Died Nov. 20, 1889 Dyersburg, Dyer, Tn
(M) David Meriweather Dec
2, 1834 Madison, Tn He was born Oct. 30, 1800 Louisa Co., Va & died Sept 20,
1859 Huntersville, Madison, Tn
2. Absolum DeBerry Born April 20, 1814 Northampton Co., NC
& died Oct. 27, 1853 Madison Co., Tn., and is buried at Riverside
Cemetery, Jackson, Madison Co., Tn
(M) Elizabeth F. Meriwether
March 24, 1835
3 Emily Susan DeBerry Born Feb. 7, 1816 & died Sept 30,
4. Rebecca F.DeBerry Born Nov 2, 1817
(M) #1 Dr. William H Meriweather
Dec 15, 1838 Madison Co, Tn
(M) #2 Rev. Thomas Taylor
May 1, 1845
5. Joseph DeBerry Born Nov. 19, 1819 Died Sept 22, 1841 Nashville, Tn
6. Allen DeBerry Born Noc 8, 1821 Died ?
7. Susan Allen DeBerry Born April 5, 1825 Died
Nov. 13, 1910 Jackson,
(M) Robert B. Hurt June
3, 1843 Madison Co, Tenn
a. Rebecca (M) W D T Nelson (#2 wife)
8. Mathias, Jr DeBerry Born Jan,. 21, 1828 Died: April, 1850 Madison Co, Tenn
(M) Ann Ingram Nov 3, 1847
Madison Co, Tn (Dtr of Dr. John Ingram)
a. Ann (M) W D T Nelson (First wife)
He (M) #2 Rebecca Hurt, dtr of Susan A. Deberry & Robert Hurt
b. Elizabeth J. Born 1848 Died 1888
(M) James G Meriweather Jan 21, 1872
Had 2 children, 1 dying age 7 yrs
9. Allen DeBerry Born Born July 10, 1831 Died 1877 Buried
Riverside Cemetery, Madison, Tn...He (M) Annie P. Tarver Feb. 17, 1852
Madison, Tn
(e) Allen DeBerry Lived 1830's Madison Co, Tenn
Admr. of Mother's Estate Nov., 1831
Died ??
(f) Elizabeth DeBerry b.. abt 1790 Northampton co, NC Died Limestone Co, Ala 1832 (M) Lewis Henry DeLoney Dec 1, 1823 Huntsville, Madison Co, Ala He was born abt 1788 Brunswick Co, Va & died 1836 Athens, Limestone Co, Ala (Elizabeth Not named in Will 1795 but does appears in Court Records of Est. Settlement, as heir of Absolum Deberry)
1. Mammus Deloney b. abt 1826 Tenn appears in 1850 Jackson Par, La in HH of James Walker; He is single, farmer
2. Lewis H Deloney b. Sept, 1824 Alabama died after1900 DeWitt Co, Tx (M) Sarah C Smith (Dtr of James Smith) of DeWitt Co, Tx . She was b. abt 1829 Ten and died bet 1866 and 1870 DeWitt Co, Tx. He was a farmer, 1860 DeWitt Co, Tx; HH of father-in-law, James Smith; He was a farmer, 1870 DeWitt Coi, Tx HH of Sarah Slaughter; He was a farmer, 1880 DeWitt Com, Tx HH of Dtr & S-in-law E Brent & Sarah Elizabeth Peavey; He was a farmer, age 75 yrs, 1900 HH of Wid'd dtr Sarah Eliz Peavy, DeWitt Co, Tx.
a. Lewis Smith Deloney b. abt 1857 DeWitt Co, Tx Died Aug 8, 1948 DeWitt Co, Tx (M) Octavia F. Lee (Widow) abt. 1887 She was born abt 1847 Va. He was a carpenter, 1900 Census;- lived 1910 Austin, Travis Co, Tx , Life Ins. Agent (M) 22 yrs.-; Insurange agent, 1920 Abilene, Taylor Co, Tx; Her son James A Lee in HH;
1. William L Deloney b. Oct. 1888 DeWitt Co, Tx
b. Sarah Elizabeth "Bettie" DeLaney b. June, 1859 DeWitt Co, Tx & died Aug. 11, 1943 DeWitt Co, Tx (M) E Brent Peavey & resided DeWitt Co, Tx. She is a Widow in 1900 DeWitt Co, Tx, Farming, with father in her HH., She is living 1910 Tarrant Co, Tx where she oiperates a boarding house,
Children Peavey
1. Thomas H Peavey b. Jan, 1880 DeWitt Co, Tx (M) abt 1909 Lucille/Loddie? He is a genl farmer, 1910 Dewitt Co, Tx
2. Ann N Peavey b. Sept, 1882 Dewitt Co, Tx
3. Alexander E. Peavey b. Nov 1884 Dewitt Co, Tx
4. Mary Lou Peavey b. Mar, 1887 DeWitt Co, Tx (single 1910 HH w/mother, Ft Worth, Tarrant Co, Tx)
5. John Henry Peavey b. April, 1889 DeWitt Co, Tx (stenographer, Packing house, single, 1910 Ft Worth, Tarrant Co, Tx HH of mother
6. William L Peavey (sh as dtr in error, 1900) b. April, 1891 DeWitt Co, Tx (Clerk, RR, 1910 Ft Worth, Tarrant Co, Tx)
c. William W. Delaney b. Nov, 1866 DeWitt Co, Tx-Boarder, single, 1900 Amarillo, Potter Co, Tx
(g) Susannah DeBerry Born Abt 1785 N/H Co, NC Died 1840 N/H Co, NC-(Not named in father's Will of 1795, but appears in Court Records as heir) (M) James H Wood
Robert Warren, Sr possibly had other children, HOWEVER, many people claim James Warren who died in Montgomery Co, Georgia, was s/o Robert, and brother to Hinchey Warren, and that he resided in Onslow Co, NC at the same time as Hinchey Warren. I have found NO records in Northampton Co, NC or in Onslow Co, NC on a James Warren, other than family information submitted by family members to Onslow Co, NC Heritage Book. sgs
Albemarle Par. Reg. Surry/Sussex Co, Va
John & Elizabeth Brittle, Parents
Child: William Brittle Bapt Oct 22, 1738-Sponsors: Robert Warren, Arthur Smith,
Sarah Long
John Brittle also moved to N/H Co, was a neighbor to Robert Warren there; they
witnessed deeds for ea. other and together for other people.-sgs
Surry Co Va Deeds (Hopkins)
Nov. 1, 1731- William Marriot to Thomas Bage- 60 ac in Southwarke Par, b/b Thos. Bage, Robert Warren's crk and the land the church stands on. Wits: Wm. Browne, Jr, Sam'l. Thompson, Walker White
2/15/1742- Roger & Catherine Williams to John Hunnicutt 150 A Cross Crk, b/b Capt Richard Cock, Capt. Wm. Brown, Robert Warren & Chas. Wholesworth
3/14/1742- Robert Warren & wife, Judith to Joseph John Clinch, 150 Ac Gray's Crk, b/b Richard Anderson, Capt. Rich. Cocke, John Hunnicutt, Thos. Bage, & Capt. Brown's Mill Swamp. Wit: Robert Gray (My note-I believe this is the Robert Warren who went to Northampton Co, NC)
BERTIE Co, NC deeds-May 13, 1740- Joseph Nixon to James Washington, of Surry Co, VA 300 Ac S/S Meherrin Riv, adj. John Nelson, Henry Wheeler, Owen McCravey, & Benj. Foreman's plantation.
Dec. 24, 1739-Richard Washington to John Washington - 335 A Hunting Qrtr Swp. pat. grtd Richard Washington Aug 4, 1723, -the Manor plantation of Richard Washington
History of Hertford Co, NC- P 18-Northampton Co was carved out of Bertie Co. in 1741-43. Northampton County's first representation in the Colonial Assembly began in1744. Her members for 1745 , 1747, 1748, 1749 were John Dawson & James Washington. Among the Justices of the Peace were John DeBerry & John Gilliam .
P 20-Northampton County was known as the Northwest Parish. On account of it's
great length, it was again divided in 1758 into two parishes; namely
Northwest & St. George.
The following vestrymen were named for the Northwest Parish: William
Murfree, James Washington, James Turner, Samuel Thomas, Joseph Sykes, Charles
Skinner, William Battle, Joseph Smith, Benjamin DeBerry, Robert Warren,
James Many, and John Figures. (State Rec. of NC Vol 23-499
P 21-In 1764 the line between Hertford & Northampton Co was changed,
Hertford taking in part of Northampton Co beginning on Kirby's
Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton Co., NC, Bks. 1 & 2, by Margaret
M. Hofmann
& Northampton Co., NC Wills 1759-1808, by Margaret M. Hofmann)
Aug. 7, 1742-John Miller to James Maney-100 Ac N/H Co-Wits: James Washington, Samuel Warren
Oct. 20, 1742 Samuel & John Peacock of N/H , NC to Robert Warren of Surry Co, Va. 33 pds, 10 shillings, Va. money, 100 Acres more or less S/S Meherrin Riv., joining the river, Robert Sherard, the Cypress swamp, the pocosin, and the low ground, all houses, orchards, gardens, etc. Wit: James Washington, William Pilant, James Washington, Jr. Nov. crt. 1742
Nov. 22, 1742 John Peacock of NH Co NC to Robert Warren of Surry Co.,Va, 30 pds, 10 shillings, Va money, 100 acres more or less, S/S Meherrin Riv, joining Thos. Morrell, the river pocosin, other lands of Robert Warren, and Samuel Peacock. Wit: James Washington, John Deberry, Thos. Morrell
Nov. 28, 1743 Nathaniel Jones of NH Co, NC to John Brittle of Surry Co, Va, 300 Ac S/S Meherrin Riv, adj. Gregory, Braswell, Deberry, Williams.
Book of Rights, 1741-1750 File No. SS 906, Archives, Raleigh, NC
Secretary's office, at Wilmington, 3rd day of July, 1764
In the fourth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the 3rd and Under the
Government of His Excellency Arthur Dobbs, Esqr. an Irish Gentleman born A true
Copy by John D. Depty Searching?
The six columns are headed as follows:
(1) Names of Persons that have proved their rights
(2) In What County Proved
(3) When Proved
(4) No. of Whites
(5) No. of Blacks
(6) Acres granted and where (this col. left blank)
Carolus Anderson, Edgecombe/ Feb. 1743 /8wh/3Bl
Robert Warren, Edgecombe Co, Feb, 1743 2 wh +++
Robert Warren, Northampton Co. Augt, 1743 /10Wh/2Bl
+++This Robert Warren (Capt) died 1759 Edgecombe Co,-Wife Margaret (Dawson, of IOW Co) and 4 dtrs named.( he had NO children in 1743)
Dec. 1, 1744 Crown Grant #2863- to ROBERT WARREN, 350 acres in Northampton Co., NC on the south side of Meherrin River, joining the Crane pond, his own corner, MCCRAVEY'S corner, and the river bank.(My note-See will of James McCravey, Prov. Edgecombe Co, 1758-Robert Warren & his son Hinchen (Hinchey) EXRS) Issued by Gabriel Johnson on behalf of King George II with the following description: "beginning at a cypress in the crane pond then N 50W 260 poles to a Cypress of his own corner thence N 40 E 184 poles to a cypress on the river Bank down the River 160 poles to a maple McCraveys corner South 20 Wt 110 poles along McCraveys line to the first boundary. (SS Land Book 5, P 229, also listed in SS Land Book 10, P 731) No documents survuve from this grant,. (Note by Doug Rader, Phd-the second cypress mentioned is one of the corner trees for the sale of the 100 acre Peacock home tracts. The Cravey/McCravey lands mentioned to the east anchor this grant landscape.
2/12/1745-John Bynum of N/H Co, to Sam'l. Maget of Surry Co, Va.-200 AC S/S
Meherrin, Wit: Robert Gray, Emanuel Jones, Nich. Maget (of S/H Co,
My note-Robert Gray wit deed of Robert Warren & wife Judith,1742 Surry Co,
May 3, 1745 Carolas Anderson of N/H to William Andrews of N/H 150 ac join. John Nelson, William Boon, and the swamp. Wit: Robert Warren, John Anderson
Nov. 29, 1745-John Powell of Craven Co to Robert Warren of N/H Co 3 pds current Va money, 640 Acres joining Robert Edwards, Cabbin branch, a patent to Robert Scott, Wit: James Washington, Richard Washington, John Nicholson.
Jan 1, 1746-Thos. Davis, Sr of Isle of Wight, Va. to Jones Shavers of N/H Co,
NC- 30 pds curr. money of Va. 235 Acres on SE/S of a branch of Horsepasture Crk,
joining a swamp, it being a tract of land granted to Beal Brown, Nov 7, 1723,
all edifices, etc. Wits: James Many, John Brittle, Robert Warren.
. Feb Crt, 1746
My note-Robert Warren was Sponsor at Baptism of William, son of John Brittle, Surry Co,
Va, 1738-sgs
Mar 3, 1746 Will of John Garner; Named son John, Test: Bennet Smith, John Mackone, Samuel Warren Prov-Feb'y Crt, 1755
March 27, 1746 William Pilant of Surry Co, Va. to Robert Warren of N/H Co, NC 6 pds Va. currency, 100 acres, joining White Oak meadow, Joseph Ward, Thomas Ward, and Panther swamp. Wit: James Washington, Richard Washington, James Washington, Jr.
Jan 1, 1747-Thos. Murrell to Robert Tharp, both of N/H Co, 150 A S/S Meherrin River, joining Crane Pond Swamp, the piney woods by the Chappell, Sherard & Robert Warren. Wits: James Washington, Joyce Washington, & Joann Washington
July 10, 1747-Will of Richard Stringfield, Nov Crt, 1747 Sons, James, Richard, Joseph Stringfield Wits: Thos. Shorn, Samuel Warren, Rt. Forester, Cl Crt
1748 Northampton Co, NC Regimental Officers
Col. John Dawson's Co, John Edwards, Lt. Col. & Major James Manney
Incl: John Deberry, Capt., James Fason, Lt., _____Deberry, Ensign
Nov. 21, 1748-James Nelson of Edgecomb Co, NC to Carolus Anderson of N/H Co-480 A S/S Meherrin Riv, joining Little swamp, and Thomas Liles, part of patent to John Nelson 1723; Wits: Robert Warren, Elizabeth Warren
Granville Grant- #3569-June 22, 1749 -Robert Warren 420 acres in Northampton Co in the Parish of Southwest on Potticasey and Panther Swamp, joining William Vinson, OR; /s/ Robert Warren, Wits: John Dawson, Osborne Jeffreys , surveyed May 12, 1749 /Sworn Chain Carriers: Timothy Fullar, William Vinson, Jr, Osborn Jeffreys, Surveyor
Nov. 3, 1749, Abraham Bagget of N/H Co to Abraham Bagget, of N/H Co 25 ac. in
Wits: Robert Nicholson, Joseph Warren, J. Washington
Jan 23, 1750 Abraham Baggett & Abraham Baggett, Jr of N/H Co NC to Newit Drew of S/H Co, Va mortgage on 250 ac. N/S Meherrin River. Wit: James Washington, Robert Warren, Thomas Liles.
Same date and same people deed on 250 Ac N/S Meherrin River. Same Wits
Nov. 27, 1750-Carolus Anderson of N/H Co to Hinchy Warren of N/H Co, for 20 pds of current money of Va, 160 acres on the south side of Meherrin River, joining Little Swamp, William Boon and a branch, part of 400 acres Anderson purchased of William Baker, Gentleman, of Nancemond (sic) Co, Va. Wits: James Washington, Jolly Webb, Reg. N/H Co, Nov. Ct, 1750 J. Edwards, Clk, Crt
NORTHAMPTON CO. NC Quit Rents*, 1750-56.- P 35
* "A rent reserved in grants of land, by the payment of which the
is quit from all other service"
Robert Warren, 840 Acres near Meherrin Riv.
Robert Warren, 770 Acres (2 parcels) near Meherrin Riv.
P 6 Thomas Liles, 490 Ac S/S Meherrin Riv.
P 8 John Deberry 827 AC S/S Meherrin Riv
P 23 John Deberry 827 ac Meherrin Riv
John Deberry 200 Ac ditto
P 19 James Washington 390 AC Meherrin Riv
P 24 Richard Washington 300 AC ditto
P 48 Peter Deberry ditto
P 21-22 Nicholas Boon 920 AC Meherrin Riv
Nicholas Boon 281 AC Meh. Riv
Nicholas Boon 300 AC Meh Riv
Capt James Fason's Co., N/H Co., NC (1750's) Incl:-Solomon Deberry, ___? Deberry, Drewry Deberry, Benjamin Deberry, Clerk
Col John Dawson's Co., 1754-Incl: John Deberry, Capt. (Refused to Act) Meherrin Dist. ; James Facen, Lt., ____Deberry, Ensign, Two Corporals & Four Seargents, 115 Privates
1752-1753 Grant to Bartholomew Figures, Northampton Co, NC -This warrant and plat are identified as a warrant and survey for resurvey in the case of Sherrard v. Figures.Warrant: August 11, 1752; Descriptiive Ref. for land: John Nelson, Arthur Sherrard, Plat: April 23, 1753, 813 AC, Arthur Sherrard, Northampton Co, Meherrin River; Chain carriers: Robert Warren, William Frankland; Survyor: John Edwards
May 8, 1755 GRANVILLE GRANT # 3567 to Robert Warren
427 acres in Northampton Co, in the parish of North West, joining Warren's
corner, Ginn's branch, a meadow, a Branch, Panther Swamp, and Cabbin
OR s/s Robt. Warren Wits: W. Churton, Jno. Haywood, surveyed Aug. 22,
1753 Sworn chain carriers, Thomas Parker, Hinchey Warren, J. Edwards, D.
Aug 4, 1755 (2-244) Robert Warren of N/H Co to William Mabry of N/H Co. 25 pds current Va money, 200 acres, joining mouth of Cabbin branch, Panther swamp, Poticasa creek and William Vinson: Wit: James Washington, William Rix, Archd. Warren, Nov, crt. 1755
Nov, 8, 1755 Grant to James Vincent, joining Robert Warren, Wm. Vincent, John Boude, James Denton
THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE (HUNTER) Issue of Aug. 27, 1756, P 4, Col.1
To be sold for ready Money, Gold and Silver, to the highest bidder at Venter?, the 30th day of April, at the house of Robert Warren, near Meherrin River, 40 Negroes consisting of two Men, Two Women, and sundry Boys and Girls, all lately imported from Africa, and very healthy having been in this country since November, and well settled. They may be sold before the Day appointed at private sale by John Cunningham or Robert Warren.
1756-Granville Grant to Howell Edmunds of S/H Co, Va, S/S
Meherrin Riv, adj. John Brittle, Rebekah Braswel
1756 N/H Co, NC Deed-John & Martha Rogers of N/H to Henry Sowerby of Sussex Co,
John Brittle, John Smith, Jas. Faison.
1758-James Mac Cravey of Northampton Co, NC-Will Pro Edgecomb Co, NC Dec,
1758- dated Dec, 1758- Bequeath to the Parson or Parsons of the Parish -land;
Mary Brown, my "soposed" daughter, 310 Ac land I bought of Drury
Stokes , cattle, hogs, etc; In case of death of Mary Brown to my sisters
children- To my niece Jean Allen, 100 A I bought of Collin (Col.?)William Baker,
hogs, bed, furniture, livestock, etc. In case of Jean Allen's death her part to
be divided between my sister's children. To Owen Brown, my "sposed"
half brother, bees, hives, guns, horses, etc To Hugh Cravey, half-brother,
rifle, gun, ready money and horse. To Sarah Cravey Jorden, "that
unhappy woman" long list of items, and if she is not happy and files for
her 1/3, you may find receipts I have paid for my father, and you will find she
has no right at all, and I order that it should be tried by law. EXR Robert
Warren & his son Hinchen (Hinchey) Warren
(According to deed records James McCravey (Cravey) was a neighbor to Robert
Warren, and the Edmunds family; Cravey land was on the East side of Robert
Warren's land according to plats-sgs..
DB3, P 28 (16) Feb. 2, 1759 James Vinson to Matthew Revell both of N/H Co, 100 ac which was pt of 402 ac acquired by sd. Vinson Nov. 1, 1755, join. William Vinson, James Vinson, Figures, Robert Warren. Wts: Wm. Murfree, Robt. Tharp, Samuel Cryer, Rec. Apr. Crt, 1759
DB3, P 38 (24) June 24, 1759 Noah Pridham & wife Sarah of N/H Co., to James Turner of S/h Co., Va., 99 lbs.procl. 200 AC on S/W side of Poticasa Crk, join. sd. Turner, Poticasa Crk. Wts: James Turner, Jr. John Warren, Joseph X Platts. Jul. Crt, 1759
DB3, P 41 (26) May 21, 1759 Joseph Thomas, planter of N/H Co, to Thomas Godley of same., 7 lbs., 100 AC N/S Little Swamp, join. Little Swamp, Robertson, Doctor Cathcart. Wts: John Warren, Barnabee Thomas. July Crt, 1759
Northampton Co, NC DB 6, P 151 (182) 1759 Dec 16 Peter Johnson of Johnston Co, NC to William Mabry of N/H Co, 150 AC, Part of grant of 640 a. to me Apr 7, on South side Kirbey Creek and 20 a. adj. bought of Jacob Rice, sd. land already in possession of sd, Mabry, joining Honey Comb Branch, Kirbey's Crk., Wts Robert Warren, Francis Mabry, Archl. Warren. Filed Dec Ct., 1777., Jeph. Atherton, CC
Dec. 13, 1760 DB3, P 145 (89) Thomas Liles, Jr. of IOW Co, Va,., to Joseph
Woodard of N/H Co., NC; 25 pds. Va. money, - 290 AC already in possession
of sd.Woodard, which was part of a Pat. of 590 AC
Nov 10, 1755 on S/S Kirby Crk., joining Johnson Corbit, Abraham Stevenson,
Benjamin Cobb, Joshua Johnson, Arthur Williams, Meadow Branch.
Wts: Thomas Liles, Robert Warren, JR. Feb. Crt., 1761 J Edwards, CC
May 23, 1761 DB3, P 323 (189) James Turner of S/H Co., Va. to Barnaba Thomas of N/H Co., NC -120 pds Va money,-tracts on W/S of Poticasa Cr., -1 of 200 AC which sd. James Turner purch. from Noah Pridham and his wife Sarah, June 24, 1759, join. sd. Turner, Poticasa Crk,. and 1 tract of 275 AC join. Cabin (Br.), Goodson's Br.,. Wts: John Barnes, Edmond Griffin, Jno. Warren Aug. Crt, 1762 J. Edwards, CC
July 24, 1761 DB3, P 209 (124) Henry Dawson of S/H Co., Va., to James Crave (Cravey/McCravey) of N/H Co., NC, for 185 pds,- 100 AC which was part of a Pat. to Benjamin Foremen on S/S Meherrin Riv. on Grt Crk, join. William Sherard., Mills? Crk., Henry Dawson, Wts: Robert Warren, Jr., Jesse Corbet, Robert Warren Aug. Crt, 1761 CC J. Edwards
Oct. 14, 1762 DB6, P 223 (242) Granville Grant to Thomas Brown of N/H Co., NC-178 AC join. Thomas Ward, Thomas Barker, Joseph Moor, Robert Warren, James Washington,. Thos. Childs for Granville. Wts: Wm. Churton, Pn 22 Oct, 1778 Thos. Person attested to sd. Childs handwriting and that of sd. Churton & John Linton. Pro. before Samuel Spencer.
DB3, P 343 (200) Oct. 29, 1762 William Lane & his wife Elizabeth of S/H Co., Va to Drury Davis of N/H Co., NC -45 pds Va. Money,-165 AC which had been pat. to William Arrington the elder, Feb. 1, 1725 and conv. by him to his son Wm. Arrington, Jr., and then deeded to William Lane, Oct 3, 1755., on S/S Meh. Riv., join. Beaver Dam Br., Sike's Br., Wts: Thomas Davis., Ethd. Davis., Benja. Warren Nov. Crt, 1762 CC J Edwards
Will #51-John DeBerry Dec 2, 1762-Feb Crt, 1763
S/o Peter Deberry of IOW Co, Va
Wife Jane (Sowerby, Dtr of John Sowerby & Lydia Norwood)
Henry Deberry, s/o Benjamin, land his father lately lived on-Correroy Swamp;
also all the stock in possession of the widow, (of Benjamin) name not given
Son Peter use of Neg, plant. where he now lives-200 acres-join. Mill swamp &
Son John -use of neg-plant. where he now lives, 200 Ac Adj. my spr. br. and
Little Swamp.
Son Solomon-300 A bet. Correroy & Kirby crk.-purch fr Matthew Strickland,
Neg, etc
Son Henry, Neg, sows, bed, etc and money now in his hands
Son Drewry ( 300 Ac where I now live, adj. my spr. br, pole bridge br,. John
Brittle, and Little swamp, his mother having use during her life, w/no
disturbance or interruptions., also sev Neg.
Dtr Mary Cobb, Negroes (wife of Robert Cobb, Will #101, Oct 14, 1765)
Dtr Sarah Stevenson, Negroes (she died pr to 1788) (w/o Abraham
Stevenson-his will #303, 1788, Pro. 1791)
Dtr Priscilla Pope, Negroes
Sons Peter, John & Drewry land 1/3 Ea of my land over the Little Swamp and
up Reedy Br, residue of Est to son Drewry after debts are paid.
EXR- my son Drewry
Wits: J. Edwards, Howard (Howell?) Edmunds, Sr, Benjamin Brittle
My Note-Capt John Deberry is s/o Peter Deberry, Sr of Isle of Wight & Surry,
Va & wife Mary Elizabeth Brantley of IOW Co, Va-Capt John DeBerry is a
brother-in-law to John Warren of Surry & IOW &, Va-sgs
Will #101- Robert Cobb-Oct. 14, 1765-Pro. Nov Crt, 1767 (M) Mary DeBerry
of Capt John DeBerry & Jane Sowerby)
Lend wife Mary Cobb use of negroes during widowhood, sand then they go to son
Jesse Cobb & son John Cobb, when said John is 21
To my daughters Jane, Selah, and Beau? Cobb, and my sons Stephen, Robert &
Jesse 1 negro each. To sons Absalum & John Cobb, and dtrs Priscilla
& Sarah Cobb, negroes, each, after wife's decease. the sd. neg. to be
divided by John DeBerry, Henry DeBerry, Peter DeBerry, and Abraham
Stevenson. Lend my wife Mary, use of plantation and all my land during her
widowhood. Son Absolum, land whereon I now live. Son John, the land and
plantation I purchased of Arthur Stevenson. Lend wife remainder of estate
and at her death the same to go my sons John & Absolum. EXR-wife Mary,
Wits: John DeBerry, Henry DeBerry, Joseph Strickland (My note: John Cobb married
Martha Liles, Dtr of Thos. Liles, and is a brother-in-law to Jesse Warren.)
The following deeds I copied from microfilm at LDS Library -SGS
Feb. 21, 1766-DB 4, P 11-12 Hinchey Warren of Northampton Co., NC to James Sumner of Nansemond Co, Va, for 70 pds. current money, 300 Ac. land in Northampton Co, S/S Meherrin River, Little Swamp, adjoining Thos. Boon, and Thos. Liles.
Hinchey Warren (Seal)
Rachell Warren (Seal)
Wits: John Long, Thomas Boon
Recorded Dec. 9, 1769, James Dancy, Willie Jones, Clk of Crt -
My note-Hinchey Warren moved to Onslow Co, NC, purchasing his first
property on Oct. 17, 1765
DB4, P 795 (133) Dec 17, 1767 Anne Mitchell & Wm. Mitchell of N/H Co., NC to James Madderic (Maddry) -9 pds. Va. money-60 AC on S/S Meherrin River, join. the mouth of Flat Br., Johnson, Cypress Swamp. Wts: Robert Warren, Sr., George Warren Mar. Crt, 1768 Willie Jones, CC
Mar. 1, 1769 DB4, P 864 (216) Robert Warren, Jr. of N/H Co., NC to Thomas Edmunds of same., 56 pds. 7 shillings, 6 pence procl.-60 AC join, Crane Pond Swamp. Sig: Robert Warren, Jr.., Thomas Edmunds Wts: Robert Warren Jr. Bowman Crichlow, Mar. Crt, 1769 CC Willie Jones (Note reversal of Grantor/Grantee-SHOULD Read Thomas Edmunds to Robert Warren, Jr.)
DB5, P 1067 (114) June 13, 1771 Thomas Edmunds of S/H Co., Va. to John Edmunds of N/H Co., NC-125 pds. of Va Money-NO ACRES-join. a swamp. Wts: Howell Edmunds, Robert Warren, Jr Sept Crt, 1771 Willie Jones, CC
June 8, 1772 DB5, P 1157 (210) James Murdaugh of Nansemond Co, Va to Archibald Warren of N/H Co NC, 80 pds. procl.- 491 AC join. Nicholas Tyner, Thos. Morrel, John Taylor. Wts: Nathl. Suter, William Murfree, Sept Crt, 1772 CC Willie Jones
October 31, 1772 Bk 5, P 391-392- (128-1269) Carolous Warren of Onslow Co, NC to Bartholomew Figures of same, 200 Acres N/H Co, on Little Swamp, adj. William Boon, Wm. Andrews, for 50 pds. current money. Wits: Daniel Ambrose, Philip Rasbury- Signed: Carlos Warren Rec'd: Sept, 1774.(This is the land left to him by his gr/father Carolus Anderson in his will of 1752-sgs)
Jan 1, 1770-Mar 6, 1770 Southampton Co, Va. Will of Howell Edmunds
Wife Mary, land I bought of Ramen Ellis and Joshua Pope, and land formerly grtd
Wm Barnes; unmarried dtrs: Sarah, Mary, Ann, Martha, Lucy Edmunds
son Samuel und age
son Thomas, land adj. John & Andrew Pope
Henry Edmunds and his son Charles
son Howell, land I bought of Benjamin Williams
son William land in Halifax Co, NC
son, John, land I bought of James Craven (Cravey) in Northampton Co, NC
dtr: Elizabeth Williamson, cash loaned Stephen Williamson
negroes left to dtrs Mary, Lucy, and son Samuel, to be divided bet. them by my
sons Howell Edmunds, Thos. Edmunds, William Edmunds & John Edmunds
aforesaid children Martha & Lucy, are to be under care and direction of my
son Thos. Edmunds, w/o formality of gdnshp.
Exrs: sons Thomas Edmunds and wife Mary Edmunds
Wit: George Gurley, Jr Wm. Whitehead, & Holliday Revel
Mary Edmunds (Wid of Howell Edmunds, above) Will Abstract - 1777 - Southampton Co., VA EDMUNDS, Mary. Leg.- son Howell; son William, son John; son Samuel at twenty one; to Charles, son of Henry Edmunds; daughter Sarah; daughter Mary Nicholson, Daughter Martha Myrick, grandchildren Edmunds and Susan Myrick at age; daughter Lucy Nicholson; granddaughter Sarah and Lucy daughters of Howell Edmunds; granddaughter Elizabeth;, Mary, Lucy and Martha, daughters of Stephen Williamson, to Etheldred son ot Thomas Edmunds. exs., sons William and Samuel and daughter Sarah Edmunds. Sept 12, 1777. R. December 11, 1777. Wit. John Pope, Simon Revel. Page ;181 from
DB6, P 50 (76) Nov 21, 1775 Jno. Edwards of Onslow Co., NC to Nicholas Judkins (M) Mary Anderson) of N/H Co., NC, 20s; 50 AC which had been willed to Sarah Anderson, Dtr. of Carlise (Carolus) Anderson & deeded to sd. Judkins by Wm. Edwards, July 4, 1758, on south side Meherrin Riv., join. Greate Gutt, Carlise (Carolus) Anderson's former corner, his 2 daughters Mary & Sarah. Wts:** George Warren, Hinchey Warren, Henry (X) Warren Dec. Crt, 1775 Willie Jones, CC
**I have yet to prove relationship between Hinchey Warren, (wife Rachael Anderson) s/o Robert Warren, Sr., & Henry Warren, s/o Joseph Warren of Southampton Co., Va. Also relationship between Hinchey Warren & George Warren. Hinchey Warren lived in Onslow Co at this time, and wit. this deed for his wife's nephew. (John Edwards, s/o William Edwards & Sarah Anderson) -for Henry Warren records, see bottom of page.-sgs
Sept 1, 1777 DB6, P 124 (157) Nathan (X) Boon of N/H Co., NC to Thomas Boon-30pds, 7sh Va money-100 AC which was part of a grant to William Boon Nov. 11, 172, join. Thomas Boon, Pitch Laanding, Boon's Road, Sumner, Thos, Liles, Clay Branch, John Long, Pitch Landing Rd. Wts: Robert Warren, SR, George (Warren? ), Nicholas Washington Sept Ct., 1777 Jeph. Atherton CC
Nov 3, 1777 David Burn & w/Lucy to Absolum Deberry, all of N/H Co., NC for 55 pds. Va money, 150 AC S/S Coraray Swamp, join. Wm. Burns old line, Owen Burns, Huskanow Br. Wts: Absolum Cobb, Henry Burn, Jesse Joyner. Mar. Crt, 1778
Will of John Sowerby Dec 22, 1777 Sept Crt, 1779 Northampton Co, NC
# 140
Wife Mary,
Son Henry, under age, all my land , (M) Sally and died 1803 N/H Co, NC)
Should wife Mary be delivered of a male
child, said land to be divided between Henry and the male child
Should wife Mary be delivered of a female child, said child to have equal
part of my estate with my OTHER DAUGHTERS-unnamed
Should my wife Mary remarry, she to have choice of living on my plantation
now occupied by Widow (TAYLOR?) or go off with her new husband, taking a
child's part of my estate with my surviving daughters, -unnamed. Should my wife
remain a widow during her life, she is to enjoy use of all stock, negroes, and
farming utensils to support my younger children., until they arrive at woman
age or marry.
Son Henry, plantation in the Hill patented by Matthew Sellars, dec'd.
EXRS: my wife, Mary, Henry Taylor of Southampton Co, Va, Jesse Warren,
the son of Robert Warren, and my son Henry Sowerby. Wits: John Edwards,
James Thorp, Wm. Clark
Codicile: July 16, 1778-my mill to be sold, and money arising to be used to pay
my debts. Wits: Robert Warren, Henry Morriss, John Long
(MY Note-Robert Warren was paid out of this estate-see below)
Nov 12, 1778 Elijah & wife Martha Crocker to John Deberry all of N/H Co., NC Wts: Thos. Person, Absolom Deberry
Mar. 2, 1779 John Wilkerson (Wilkinson) of S/H Co, Va to Absolom Deberry of N/H Co., NC- 300 pds. Va money-300 AC as by a Granville Grt to Wm. Burn Nov 8, 1755, join. Coreroy Br., Batt Parker,, Edward Wilson, Long Br., Corriroy Swp. Mar. Crt, 1779
Nov. 3, 1779 DB7, P 372 (2) Charles Cooper of Nans. Co., Va to Arthur Williams of N/H Co., NC for 628 pds. Va money, 20 AC on N/S Peter Little Swamp, join. the bridge across the road, Little Br., Wm. Sherrard; also 2 Ac S/S Little Swamp. Wts: Jesse Warren, Jesse Williams. Dec Ct., 1779 Jeph. Atherton, CC
Jan 5, 1780 Absolom Deberry of N/H Co., NC to Elijah Pope of S/H Co.,Va-2500 pds Va money-450 Ac N/H Co., NC Wts: Daniel Massengail, John Cobb, Absalom Cobb
Feb 12, 1780 Nathan Garner & Sarah Garner of N/H Co., NC to Absalom Deberry of same, 1550 pds Va money-212 AC N/H Co, NC Wts: Henry Deberry, Timothy Morgan
Mar. 1, 1780 DB7, P 419 (30) Richard Caswell (State Grant) to Benjamin Clifton. 30 ac. adj. Archebal Warren, Littleberry Long, Arthur Williams. Wm. Sheppard, D. Sec.
DB7, P 411 (26) Apr. 4, 1780 Thos. Boone of N/H Co., NC to Benj. Liles of same-A dispute had arisen bet. sd 2 parties; they submitted to arbitration- Arbitrators: Henry Deberry, Charles Stevenson, Abraham Stevenson, Jno. Edmunds, Jno. Tyner, How. Edmunds, Jesse Williams, Wm. Sherod, Saml. Davis, Robert Warrin.-20 AC awarded to Benj. Liles, join. Crane Pond, Thomas Boon, John Long. June Crt, 1780 Jeph. Atherton, CC
1780 Tax List-Northampton Co, NC-
Jesse Warren, Job (Joshua?) Warren, Robert Warren Jr,
& William Warren
2/18/1781 Absolum Deberry wit will of Brittain Brittle
Jan 16, 1781 Benjamin Futrell to Absalom Deberry, both of N/H Co, NC.-8000 pds Va money-100 AC S/S Meherrin River, Kerby's Crk, Mirry Br, Morgan, Maple Br. Wts: Daniel Massengall, Anne (X) Taylor Sept Crt 1784
Mar Crt, 1782- Est. of Margaret Forster - by James Vinson, Exr. Acct of Sale : 1 of buyers was Samuel Warren
March Crt, 1782- Est of Littleberry Long-Sheriff Sale-1 of buyers was Jesse Warren
DB7, P 748 (278) Dec 27, 1783 Adam Starling of N/H Co, NC to John Oliver of Hertford Co., NC 35 pd. hard silver money-50 AC N/S Kirby Crk., joining WARREN. Wts: Wm. Fly, Nathan Garner
Northampton NC Estate Records-(David Gammon)
#422 1782-Copy- George Warren, Etheldred Warren, Jesse Warren
#634-Jesse Warren 1780's
#675-Jesse Warren 1780's
#841-Samuel Warren 1790's
DB7, P 692 (231) May 15, 1784 Henry Lowesberry of N/H Co, NC to Jesse Warren of same-150 Pds Va money-100 AC which was part of a patent to Matthew Allen Apr. 1, 1723, on S/S Meherrin Riv, join. Owen Cravey (McCravey). Wts: Matthias Speed, Robert Warren, Jr., Joshua Warren, John Edmunds June Crt, 1784 Jeph. Atherton CC
DB7, P 335 (818)-June 5, 1784 Robert Warren, SR to Jesse Warren,
both of Northampton Co-80 Pds Va money, 100 Acres, white oak meadow, Adj. Joseph Ward, Thos.
Ward, Panther Swamp
Signed: Robert Warren SR (Seal) Wits: Nicholas Washington, Robert Warren, Jr, Oliver
Sharp Sept Crt, 1785 Ea. Haynes, DCC
Dec 30, 1784 Micajah Woodard to Peter Maddra-200 AC Wts: John Davis, Absalom Deberry, Timothy Morgan
Jan 14, 1785 DB7, P 829 (342) William Sherrod of N/H Co., NC to Thomas Figures of Hertford Co., NC, for 75 pd. Va money-300 AC join., N/S of Court House Rd., Robert Warren, Pitch Landing Rd., Cypress Swamp, John Long, Williams. Wts: Benjamin Malone, Benjamin Sherrod, Sept Crt, 1785 Ea. Haynes, DCC
Will No 241- THOMAS LILES, dated March 19, 1785, Pro March court, 1786
Wife: Elizabeth Liles
to my son William Liles, 4 dollars
son Benjamin Liles, Negroes, etc (born 1754-died 1797 N/H Co, NC -wife Mary)
son Jesse Liles, blacksmith tools, etc
to my Daughter, Lucy Boon and her husband, a negro (w/0 Jacob Boon Will
# 291)
grandson Benjamin Boon
Elizabeth Warren (w/o Jesse Warren)
daughter Martha Cobb (w/o John Cobb, s/o Robert Cobb & Mary
grand daughters, Elizabeth Pond & Catherine Pond
to son Jesse Liles land & negroes
EXRS: William Sherrard, Jesse Williams, Thomas Figures
Wits: Benjamin Clifton, J. Clifton, Briton Woodard
Sept 6, 1732-Robert Atkins to Thos.Liles 155 AC Lawnes Cr, Wit:
James Washington, John Simmons, Jr & Thos. Eldridge, Jr
Mar 21, 1743-Thomas Liles, & Wife, Elizabeth, of Northampton Co, in NC to Augustine Hargrove of Surry 155 AC on Hart's Br, N/S Seacock Swp in Albemarle Par, being land whereon Thomas Liles lately lived, purch from Robt. Atkins 9/7/1732-Wit: John Newsom & Richard Andrews
1784/87 Census: Northampton Co, NC-
(Males 21-60, Males Und 21-Over 60,
Tot. FE, # Bl)
Capt. Andrews Dist.
Archibald Warren, 1-3-2-0 (Missing 1790)
Archibald Warren Jr 1-0-1-0 (Missing 1790)
John Warren 1-1-5-0 (Missing 1790)
Jesse Warren
2 -4-3-5
Thomas Liles' Est-2 Fe 6 bl.
Benj'n. Liles 1 M 21-60 6 M Und 21, 5 Fe
Jesse Liles 1 M 21-60 3 M Und 21, 2 Fe
John Cobb 1 M 21-60 3 M Und 21, 3 Fe 5 Bl (M) Martha Liles
Francis Mabrey 2-1-2-0-0
Capt Dupree's Dist-
Peter DeBerry 1-1-2-8
Absolum DeBerry 1-0-3-6 (M) Susannah Warren, dtr of Robert, Sr.
Capt Sikes' District-Henry Warren 1-0-3-0-0
Bk 10, P 22-March 28, 1786 Archibald Warren of N/H to Hardy Murfree of Hertford Co., 335 Ac being part of grant to Robert Thorp for 590 Acres by Lord Granville
Bk 10, P 23 March 28, 1786 Archibald Warren to Archibald Warren Jr, both of N/H Co. 85 Ac, being a part of 591 Ac grant to Robert Thorp by Granville Nov 5, 1757
Aug 9, 1786-State Grant to Robert Murrell, joins Micajah Woodard, Absalom Deberry, Cabin Br.
DB 10, P 16,- Nov. 165, 1786 Archibald Warren Jr. of N/H Co., to Hardy Murfree of Hertford Co, NC, 85 Acres on Cabbin Branch, for 42 lbs, 10 shillings, being part of grt. to Robert Thorp by Granville Nov. 5, 1757 of 691 Acres and by conveyance became invested in the said Archibald Warren, Jr. Sig: Archibald Warren (his mark) (Seal) Wit: Thos. Finney, John Naycock
1790 Bladen Co, NC-Wilmington Dist
Archibald Warren 4-1-3-0-0
Sept 2, 1786 DB7, P 896 (389) Randolph Maddrey, Planter of N/H Co, NC to Drury Deberry of same, for 96 Pds, 1 sh, Va. money, -125 AC Kirby's Crk, Cabbin Branch, Meadow Branch,. Wts: Howell Edmunds, Benja. Deberry, Joshua Warren Sept Crt 1786 Ea. Haynes DCC
Will #249- JESSE WARREN dated July 3, 1786 Proved Dec Crt, 1786
Northampton Co, NC
to my two dtrs-Sarah & Elizabeth Warren, negroes, each
to my wife Elizabeth, land I live on and land on Meherrin River, I bought
of Henry ---berry (DeBerry ) farming utensils, also1 negro, stock, etc to
maintain and educate my children during her life and at her death , Estate
remaining to be sold by my Exrs. and money arising to be equally divided between
my 5 sons: Samuel, Robert, William, Thomas & Jesse Warren; land in
fork between White Oak meadow and Panther branch, 1 negro woman to be sold to
pay my debts. my 2 sd. daughters to receive 2 negroes each at marriage or
age 21 Exers:: my brother, Robert Warren, and John Cobb
Wits: Joshua Warren, William Stokes
(My note-John Cobb is his Brother-in-law),
July 28, 1786- JESSE WARREN - Inventory of Est-- by John Cobb & Robert Warren, Jr, Exrs-
Jan. 18, 1787- JESSE WARREN Estate- Acct of sale, by John Cobb & Robert Warren, (Bro) Exrs- Buyers: Samuel Slade, Wm. Brown, Eliza Warren, Thos. Milner, John Cobb, Frans. Parker, Jethro Bass, John Boon
August 25, 1787- JESSE WARREN Estate- Acct of sale by John Cobb, EXR- Buyers: Ben Coakley, James Judkins, Newsom Faircloth, John Edmunds, Robert Warren, Jr, Arthur Williams, Jacob Liles, William Boon, Joshua Warren, Drewry DeBerry, Charles Thompson, Thomas DeLoach, Joel Judkins, Hanna Ryner, John Tyner, Absalom Cobb, Brittain Long, John Cobb, John Fly
Nov. 23, 1787-Pro Dec. 1790 Will # 292 Charles Thompson-Plantation to wife, with the land I bought of Jordan Warren, *etc
1790 Hertford Co, NC, Edington Dist:
*Jordan Warren 1 1 1 0 0
Obediah Warren 1 1 3 0 0
Bk 8, P 120 May 31, 1788 Robert Warren Jr of N/H Co, to James Skinner & Robert Vassers of Hertford Co, NC 1/2 AC in the town of Princeton (Lot #50) Sig: Robert Warren Jr (Seal) Wits: Richard Masson, Jr, John Shaw
Will # 261-JOHN EDMUNDS Oct. 1787-March Crt, 1788
To my wife Susannah Edmunds, one lot in Princeton, bed and furniture, etc, and
lend her use of the plantation whereon I now dwell, and 800 acres on Meherrin
Riv., one half of my stock, and 5 Negroes during her natural life. To my two
daughters, Jane & Lucy Edmunds, Negroes, each, at wife's decease.
Should said daughters die under age, said Negroes to go to my nephews Howell
& Nicholas Edmunds. To my daughters also, lands; should sd. daughters die
under age or without issue, said land to go to my two said nephews.
Residue of Estate to my two daughters and to my brother Samuel Edmunds, if
daughters die. EXRS empowered to hire out Negroes and rent lands.
EXR: Nicholas Maget, Howell Edmunds, Jr., both of Southampton Co., Va, and
Laurence Smith. Wits: Danie Massengale, William Stokes Prob.
indicates will proved on oath of John Tyner
(Note: Money was pd. to Elizabeth Warren out of this estate-See below)
(See Will 446-Jane Edmunds died unmarried1797/8 her mother Susannah Edmunds (M) Jeremiah
Daughtry and had 2 Dtrs-Elizabeth & Martha.
Lucy Edmunds married a Dawson pr to 1797)
March 2, 1789-JOHN FUTRILL Est- Inv. by John Futril, EXR Est. Sale-1 of buyers was Henry Warren ( My Note-Henry Warren was a hatter from Southampton Co, Va, accdg. to deeds-s/o Joseph & Faith Warren. He (1777) wit. deed with George Warren & Hinchey Warren-See above-sgs)-
Jan. 30, 1789 ROBERT WARREN, JR -Inventory by Richard Masson, Adm. Including one lot in Princeton, Acct. of Sale,. Buyers: Richard Masson, Henry Sowsberry (Sowerby), Joshua Warren, Hardy Murfree, Jesse Vasser, John Boon.
Mar 14, 1789 ROBERT WARREN JR-Acct of Sale, Buyers: Joshua Warren, Thos. Woodard, Benjamin Banks, Bartha. Figures, Mathew Figures, John Boon, Thomas Judkins, Joshua Stinson, Hardy Murfree, James Washington, Burwell Long, William Winters, William Stokes, Nicholas Tyner.
Sept. Crt, 1789-JOHN SOWSBERY Est ( Sowerby)- Accts. Current for 1779, 1785, 1786, & 1788 by Henry Taylor, EXR Money was paid to Robert Warren, Col. Davie, Brittain Long, Nicholas Washington, John Taylor, Sarah Taylor, Henry Taylor for riding from Dobbs Co; Matthew Marable for riding from Mecklenburg Co, Va. and Henry Sowsbery, as Gdn of Lucy & Martha Sowsbery, money was relinquished by Matthias Speed, Money was received from Arthur Williams, Henry Pointer, Robert Warren, Fras. Branch & Henry Sowsbery
1790-1791-Land Grant for Benjamin Lile(s)-MARS Index, NC Dept of Archives & History:
File #399, B3enjamin Lile; Creator: Office of Sec. of State, Office of the Sec.; Call No. S.108.927; Location: 959-92; MARS id: (Folder); Quantity: 2 items; Personal Names: Benjamin Lile, Robert Warren; Land Grant Information: 48 1/2 Acres, (Northampton Co, NC) Grant No: 137, Issued: Dec. 20, 1791Entry NO: 74, Entered June 8, 1790 Bk No 79, P No 219 Location: Beg. at Robt Warrens corner red oak.
1790 Census: Northampton Co-Halifax Dist
P 576-24
Warren, Henry, 1M Ov 16 1M Und 16, 2 Females
P 578-21
Absolum DeBerry 1 M over 16, 3 M under 16, 3 Fe, 8 Sl
P 586-5 Francis Mabrey3 Males over 16 . 1 Fe. .
P 587-3 Joshua Warren 2 Males over 16, NO females & 1 slave
P 587-7 Liles, Jesse 2M Ov 16, 1M Und 16 1Fe . 3
P 587-8 Boon, John 2 M Ov 16, 3 M Und 16, 5 Females . 10
P 587-12 Robert Warren 2 males over 16, 3 Females, 1 All Other Free Persons, 2 slaves
P 588-17 Benjamin Liles 3M over 16 4M und 16 6
Fe 2 Sl
P 588-18 Eliza (Liles) Warren 1 male over 16, 3 males Under 16, 2 Females Total, 2 slaves (Wid of
P 589-15
Benjamin Warren 1 male over 16, 4 Females
P 596-15 Cobb, Martha .(Liles) 2 Fe .
DB8, P 257 April 3, 1790 DEED Of Gift- Robert Warren Jr. to Francis
Mabry, both of N/H Co, 300 AC more or less on White Oak Meadow, Panther Swamp,
Matthew Revels, and George Warren's line, being land where Francis Mabry
now lives. Sig: Robert Warren, Jr (Seal) Wits: John Watkins, Jr., Joseph
Johnston, Thos. Powe
(My Note: Robert Warren JR died intestate abt Jan, 1789-therefore, this is obviously the
FILING Date-sgs
1784-87 N/H Co, NC Census-
Francis Mabrey 2 males over 21, 1 male under 21, 2 females
1790 N/H Co, NC Francis Mabrey 3 males over 16, 1 female
June Court, 1792-ROBERT WARREN Jr- Estate ordered settled with Richard Masson, Admr. Mar. Crt, 1792 Account of Sale, by Admr.
1792 Jul 16: Northampton Co NC: Burwell Mabry sold 284 acres of land to Oliver Woodard for 178 pds. Land was partly Hertford Co., partly in Northampton Co adjoining Math Revels, Daniel Cooks, Parker Swamp, Geo. Warren. Wit: Alex, Fran .Parker, and Woodard [Deed Book 9, p. 197] (Courtesy Don Collins)
Will # 407-Robert Warren, dated July 3, 1793, Pro. Halifax Co Crt, Oct., 1795, N/H Co Crt-Dec, 1795
To my son Joshua Warren, 4 tracts of land; 100 acres more or less
whereon I now live; the 100 acres whereon the said Joshua now lives; all the low
ground tract containing by plat, 350 acres, and 75 acres on the N/S Kirbey's
creek, which is part of a grant to Isaac Sterling for 435 acres, dated
1753. To my grand daughter Elizabeth Warren, daughter of Jesse
Warren, dec'd, the land I bought of Thos. Edmunds, being 60 acres on the
Crane Pond swamp, and rent from the said land to pay her board and schooling
until she is eighteen years old or married. Should said Elizabeth die
without issue, the said land to go to my grandson Jesse Warren,
son of Jesse Warren, dec'd. Old Tom & Sue to have their choice to
live with either Joshua Warren or Absolum DeBerry; residue
of estate to be divided as follows: 1/3 to Joshua Warren. 1/3 to
Susannah DeBerry, and 1/3 to my seven grandchildren, namely, Robert, Samuel, William,
Thomas, Jesse, Sarah & Elizabeth Warren, the sons and daughters to Jesse
Warren, deceased. 1/3 left to grand children to be sold and money to
be given to said grandchildren when boys are 21 years of age, and girls are
eighteen. Residue to estate to be divided by Jesse Williams, Arthur
Williams, Joel Sherrard, and Richard Masson, or any two of them.
EXRS: Joshua Warren, Absolum Deberry
Wits: Etheldred Washington, James Washington, Richard Masson
(My note-son Robert JR predeceased his father in 1789, son Hinchey now living
in Burke Co, Ga---sgs
March Crt, 1794-Samuel & Robert Warren, orphans of Jesse Warren, apprenticed to Lazarus Cook, to learn to be bricklayers. June Crt, 1794-Said orphans were discharged from his care, said Cook being a resident of Va,
Dec, 1795-Robert Warren estate- Will proved by oath of Etheldred Washington, in Halifax Superior Court, -Inventory by Joshua Warren, EXR, Dec Crt, 1795
Will #414, Sept, 1794-PRO. June, 1796 Peter Deberry (Son of Capt. John
& Jane Sowerby)
Son Absalom, negroes and 50 pds VA currency
Son Peter, Negroes, plant. where I now live-300 Ac and the plant. where he now
lives, -200 Ac
Dtr Sarah Jenkins, Negroes
Gr/sons Deberry Jenkins, Peter Jenkins, Negroes
Gr/dtrs, Jane, Martha & Mary Jenkins
Remainder of est. not already ment. to go to sons Absalom & Peter who
are made EXRS
Wits: Exum Holloman, Absalom Cobb
Son Absalom predeceased his father, See Will dated April 26, 1795-Pro. June Crt, 1795,below
Will #395- Absalom Deberry-dated April 26, 1795-Pro June Court,
1795-Northampton Co., NC- (M) Susannah Warren, Dtr of Robert Sr
I lend the use of land and plantation whereon I now live with one still and 4
negroes to my wife Susannah Deberry during her widowhood, and I lend my wife also all my stock except 3 horses which are to be sold and money
they fetch to my son Thomas DeBerry when he comes of age. I lend my
wife also my household goods and furniture during her widowhood, except my beds,
which I desire my children to have when they go off for themselves, one
negro to be hired out until son Allen DeBerry comes of age. To son Allen
DeBerry the land and plantation whereon I now live after my wife's
widowhood. To son Mathias DeBerry plantation I bought of Benjamin
Futrile;, after wife's widowhood. negroes lent to wife to be divided between all
my children when Allen comes of age. To daughters Darcas &
Jane the use of one negro girl each until negroes are divided. -negroes to
be divided by Henry DeBerry, Benjamin Branch, Benjamin DeBerry, Exum Holliman,
and Timothy Morgan. Residue of estate to be sold after wife's widowhood,
and money to go to all my children. My horses to be divided between all my sons.
To son Thomas, all the ready money I possess after all my debts are
paid. Money from sale of brandy to go to son Thomas.
Exrs: wife, Susannah, Henry DeBerry, Exum Holliman, and Timothy Morgan.
Wits; N. Edmunds, James Maddrey (There was also a dtr
Elizabeth born after death of her father. She moved to Madison Co, Alabama,
according to descendants, and a dtr Susannah-These dtrs appear in Court
Records as heir of Absolum DeBerry-sgs)
January 22, 1796- ROBERT WARREN Estate by Joshua Warren, EXR- Account of Sales; Buyers: Joshua Warren, Benjamin Coakley, Susannah DeBerry, John DeBerry, Henry Sowerby, Lawrence Daughtrey, William B. Cheatham, William Davis, Arthur Williams, Nicholas Edmunds, Joel Sherrard, Drew Jenkins, John Hatfield, John Long, Benjamin Liles, Howell Edmunds, John Tyner, John Slade, Charles Liles, James Long, Jesse Liles. Filed June Crt, 1799
June court, 1796-Est of Jesse Warren-(Orphans, Betsy, Jesse, Robert, Samuel, Thomas &
William (Sarah not mentioned)-Est ordered settled with Admr.
June Court, 1797-JOHN EDMUNDS est- Jane Edmunds & Lucy Edmunds,
Howell Edmunds, filed Gdn. Accts. for 1788 to 1796-Money
was paid to Lachlen McLane, Elizabeth Warren, John Maget,
Etheldred Everett, John Kindred, Henry Ramsey, Ebenezer Leary, John Williford,
Poice ? Long, Chandry Graham, Col. Murphrey, Ben Branch, C. Cook, Dr.
Graham, Elizabeth Branch, Jeremiah Daughtry, William Stokes, William Rea, R.
Williams, William Vaughn, William Tyner, Thos. Powell, & Ben Coakley.
Money was rec'd from Lachlon McLane, Elizabeth Warren, and in 1790
from Jeremiah Daughtry as an over proportion in a slave division; the said
orphans received two thirds of the proceeds of a slave sale in 1795, with
Jeremiah Daughtry receiving the other one third share.
June Court, 1799-ROBERT WARREN Acct of Sale, Joshua Warren, EXR-
Buyers: Joshua Warren, Susannah DeBerry, Joel Judkins, Carolus Judkins,*
William B. Cheatham, Arthur Williams, Howell Harris, Wm. Horne, Thos. Banks,
Henry Deberry, Peter Deberry, Charles Liles, William Davis, Wm. Boon, James
Weston, Henry Sowerby, Samuel Warren, Jonas Long, John Long,
*Carolus Judkins is a Nephew to Hinchey Warren, Sr, who is at this time living
in Georgia.-sgs
August Court, 1799- BENJAMIN CLIFTON Est by Jonas Wood, EXR- Money paid Joshua Warren, among others.
Sept. 3, 1799-Est of John Bridgers-Acct. Current from feb. 3, 1797-to
Sept 3, 1799 by Kathryn Bridgers, Admx. money was paid to: JOHN
WARREN among others
Northampton Co, NC
Ann Warren 1 M 16-26, 1 M Und 10/1 F 45+, 1 Fe 16-26
Joshua Warren 1 M 45+, 2 M Und 10/1 Fe 26-45, 2 Fe Und 10
Bk 10, P 544 April 3, 1801 Joshua Warren to Henry Sowerby 185 Acres N/H Co
June Court, 1803 John Long Est-The Adm VS Samuel Warren
Will # 555-Henry Sowerby (son of John who died 1777) Will Sept. 9, 1803 Dec, 1805 to wife, Salley, plantation I bought of Joshua Warren,
after her death to my Neph. Zach. Melone Son: James Henry Sowerby, und 21
Bro-in-law:Hardy Ireland
Sis-in-law Patsy Sowerby
Sis-in-law Mary Finney
EXRS Friends Jeremiah Daughtrey, Miles Daughtrey, James Finney
Wits: Etheldred Thompson, Jere, Daughtrey
Dec. Court, 1804 & Sept. Crt, 1805-JOHN HART Est.- VS Joshua Warren, for debts
June Crt, 1805 & Sept Crt, 1805-(Thomas Liles Estate) Robert Warren, ETAL Pet. Crt for settlement; Martha Cobb, Hudson Thompson, Admrs.
March Crt, 1809-Arthur Williams est- The Adm. of Dec'd VS Exr. of Joshua Warren, Dec'd. for debts Dec ct, 1809, The Adm, vs the heirs of the dec'd.
1810 Northampton-P 081
Robert Warren 1M 26-45 1 M 16-26, 1 M 10-16 1 M Und 10- NO females
Samuel Warren, 1 M 26-45, 2 M Und 10/ 1 F 26-45 1 Fe Und 10
Michael Warren 1 M over 45/1 Fe over 45, 1 F 16-26 (left will 1817)-SEE
Below-He is from Southampton Co, Va., s/o Joseph & Faith Warren
P 064
Allen Deberry 2 M (16-26) No Fem
Matthias Deberry 1 M 16-26 1 FEM OVER 45* (His mother, Susannah Warren DeBerry)
She (M) #2 Murrell and went to Madison Co, Tenn with sons Allen & Mathias
DeBerry, where she died Nov, 1831.
Thomas Deberry 1 M 16-26 No Fe
Sept, Crt, 1811 John Boon Est- William Grant, Adm of Sally Boon, William Boon & Tabitha, his wife, Samuel Warren and his wife (Ailsey), Jesse Boon, Richard Boon, Jesse Warren and wife Rebecca, and Thomas Boon & Patsy Boon-(the last two with William Grant, their Gdn.)
War of 1812 Muster Rolls
Third Regt, Third Co, Detached from The Northampton Regiment
Jas. C. Harrison, Capt. Sterling Milton, Lt. Whitmel Rutland, Ens.
Incl-Robert Warren, Priv
First Regiment, Northampton Co-Incl: Samuel Warren, Pri.
March Crt, 1813-William Boon Est- Settlement of Accts with Samuel Warren, Adm. Mar Crt, 1813, Acct. of Sale (s.o John Boon)
June Crt, 1813-John Boon Est- Pet. by the heirs of deceased for division of 200 Acres land,-Among Jesse Warren in right of his wife, Samuel Warren in right of his wife, Jesse Boon, Richard Boon, Martha Boon and William Boon, in right of his wife Bitha (Tabitha) Boon. Jesse Warren had bought the shares belonging to William Boon and his wife Bitha Boon. Negroes ordered divided Dec, Crt, 1816
Sept Crt, 1813 William Boon Est- Adm. Granted William Grant- Year's Provisions allotted Widow Mary Boon and her family
Dec, Crt- 1813- William Boon Est- Year's provisions allotted widow Mary Boon & family
March Crt, 1814 William Boon Est.-Inventory & acct of sales by Admr,
Mar.Crt, 1815-Allen DeBerry filed Gdn acct for Allen DeBerry
December Crt, 1815-JOSHUA WARREN EST- Jacob Liles, was ordered to settle his Gdn. Accts with Eliza, Benjamin & Rebecca Warren, orphans of the dec'd.
March Crt, 1816 & June Court, 1816-SAMUEL WARREN ESTATE-Adm., grtd Jesse Warren-(Bro) Ailsey Warren pet. Admr. of Est for her year's provisions
Sept Crt 1816-William Boon Est. ordered settled with the ADMR
Ref:- Northampton Co, NC Records of Estates- 1781-1801-David B. Gammon
Northampton Co Estates, (found in court records) 1792-1816-David B. Gammon
Jane Warren (M) Thomas Turner Oct 9,. 1817 N/H Co, NC-I do not know whose dtr or widow Jane is-sgs.
1820 N/H Co, NC
P 268 Elsey (Ailsey Boon) Warren (Widow of Samuel, s/o Jesse & Eliz.) 2 M 10-16/1 F 26-45, 1 F 16-26,
1 F 10-16, 1 F Und 10- (Samuel, s/o Jesse & Eliz.)
Jesse Warren (JR)- 1 M 26-45/1 F 26-45, 3 F Und 10 (s/o Jesse Warren & Eliz
Liles) (M) Rebecca Boon
1830 N/H Co, NC P 125
Rebecca Warren (Wid of Jesse (Jr) Warren & Dtr of John Boon) Jesse Jr s/o
Jesse/Elizabeth Liles Warren
1 M Und 5, 1 M 5-10, 1 M 15-20/ 1 Fe 30-40, 1 Fe 15-20
Alice (Ailsey) Warren (Wid of Samuel Warren & Dtr of John Boon & Samuel
Warren is s/o Jesse & Elizabeth
Liles Warren)
1 Male 20-30/1 Fe 40-50, 1 Fe 20-30, 1 Fe 15-20
1840 N/H Co, NC
P 113 Jeptha Warren 1 M 40-50, 1 M 15-20, 1 M 10-15/1 Fe 40-50, 1 Fe 10-15, 1 Fe
Und 5
P 114 Ailsey (Boon) Warren (Wid of Samuel Warren) 1 M 20-30/1 Fe 50-60, 1 Fe 20-30
P 121 Henry Warren 1 M 20-30, 2 M Und 5/1 Fe 20-30
P 125 Rebecca (Boon) Warren (Wid of Jesse Warren JR) NO Males/1 Fe 40-50, 1 Fe 20-30
1850 Northampton Co, NC Census
P 29A Auilsey Warren 66 WF NC (born CA 1784)-
(Ailsey/Alice Boon Warren, Wid. of Samuel Warren who died 1816
Samuel A. Warren, 38 WM NC Constable (born Ca 1812)
Sarah Warren 34 WF NC
2 Domestic Servants
P 49B HH 811-811
Jeptha Warren 51 WM NC Farmer (Born Ca 1799)
Elizabeth 59 WF NC Ca 1791
Anna 20 WF NC
Kittura 16 WF NC
Peter Jones 12 WM NC
Jesse Warren 21 WM NC Student
1850 Slave Schedule, Northampton Co, NC-Ailsey Warren, 6 slaves
1860 District 12, Green Plains, Northampton Co, NC-Samuel A. Warren 45M NC; Ailsey Warren 77 F NC, Sarah Woodard 33F NC, Alexander Woodard 6M NC, & 2 mulatto farm hands
1860 slave schedule, Northampton Co, NC
Ailsey Warren-3 slaves; S A (Samuel) Warren 2 slaves
1870 Northampton Co, NC P 557a Kirby T/S Potecasi
Samuuel Warren 56 WM NC Farmer
Martha " 25 WF NC
& 3, children, ages 4,3,1, un-named
Alsa Warren 88 WF NC (Samuel's mother, Ailsey Boon Warren, Wid. of Samuel, SR)
Northampton Co NC Deed Index-grantor fr film
Bk ll, (1793-1802) P 140-Warren to Lowery, Lease
Bk 12, (1801-1804) P 374 Warren to Edwards
Bk 13 (1804-1809)
P 38 Warren to Warren
P 109 Warren to Rolls
P 303 Warren to Mabry
Bk 16 (1812-1814) Warren to Wade
Bk 17 ( 1814-1816) Warren to Edwards
Bk 18 (1816-1817)
P 9 Warren to Wade
P 106 Warren to Buffoon
Northampton Co., NC Marriage Bonds
Jane Warren (M) Thos. Turner, Oct. 9, 1817, Sec: Exum Holleman
Northampton Co, NC Court Records of Absolum DeBerry Estate:
13 Nov. 1801 [Report showing the following in this order as
the heirs of
Absalom Deberry who received Negroes from the division of his father
Peter Deberry's estate]
Susanna Deberry, widow . . .
Henry Jenkins
[presumably married to a daughter] . .(Jane DeBerry) .
Alexander Powell [presumably
married to a daughter[ (Dorcas DeBerry). . .
Allen Deberry . . .
Betsey L.(Elizabeth) Deberry.b. ab 1795-after father'w Will date (M) Henry Lewis DeLoney She died 1832 Madison Co, Ala & Henry Deloney died 1848 Madison Co, Ala
Susannah Deberry b abt 1785 died 1840 Northampton Co, NC (M) James H Wood
1804 Orphan's Account by William E. William, Guardian. Northamopton Co, NC
Thomas Deberry - lived with Exum Hollamon. Mark Murrell made his
clothes. Edmund Turner was his teacher.
Susanna Deberry - Mark Murrell and Cordall Bynam were paid for her
Jesse Cook was paid for "keeping negroes."
Elizabeth Deberry - Same people paid as for Susanna, but not as many
expenses for fabrics, etc. [probably indicating she was the youngest]
18 April 1806 - Receipt of Drury Phillips. "Rec'd of Exum Hollamon,
Guardian," for schooling in 1805 for Thos. Deberry, Susanna Deberry,
Elizabeth Deberry, orphans of Absalom Deberry, dec'd.....
Elizabeth may have been born after her father's death, which is why she
was not mentioned by name, but was included in "all my children."
Therefore, until more definite data is found, her year of birth will be
noted as 1795. She was still unmarried in 1815 when her brother Thomas
Alchyny Turner Delony said his father Lewis Henry Delony, Sr. died in
1836 at age 48. And his mother (Elizabeth L. DeBerry) died in 1832 at
the age of 33 (see notes under Elizabeth). The four children went to
Madison Co., AL to live with their grandmother Ann (Turner) Delony. The
children did not get along with their grandmother and the oldest two,
Lewis, Jr. and Manumus left home as soon as they were old enough. Lewis,
Jr. at age 18 joined a volunteer group and went to Texas to fight the
Mexicans. In San Antonio, Lewis joined Jack Hays' Texas Rangers and
began fighting Indians who were on the warpath. He later settled in
DeWitt Co., Texas.
Manumus went to Louisiana with the James E. Walker family before 1850.
Elizabeth Married about 1848 and moved to Madison Co., Mississippi.
About 1855 she and her husband followed her brother Manumus to
Louisiana. Manumus was always very protective of Elizabeth, taking the
place of the father they lost when so young.
Louis H Deloney appears in HH of James Smith, age 70 b. NC in 1860 DeWitt Co. Tx.
He (M) Smiths dtr, Sarah C. Smith and had 3 children, Lewis
Smith Deloney b. abt 1857 Tx, Elizabeth Deloney b. abt 1859 Tx and William W
Deloney b. abt 1868 Tx. Sarah
Smith Deloney is deceased pr to 1860, as Louis H Deloney appears in HH of Sarah
Slaughter, age 61 b. Va in 1870 Dewitt Co. Tx. Dtr Elizabeth does not appear in
the 1870 census, but her father and her 2 brothers appear in her HH in 1880
DeWitt Texas. She is (M) E Brent Peavy, b. abt 1860 Tx. Brent Peavy is
farming, as are his father in law and 2 bros. in law.
Madison Co, Tenn Records:-DeBerry
Will of MATHIAS DEBERRY, Madison Co., Tenn. The use of the place he bought from
Joseph Cock to DAVID MERIWETHER and wife for 4 years and the advancements he
had already made to them. Wife, a dower and negroes Hasty and Dave and equal "proportion of the residue of my negroes with my children who have not
theretofore received a legacy. "Land to be divided equally among his sons as they reached age 21. Balance of estate to wife for life and then to his
DEBERRY, MATHIAS DEBERRY and ALLEN DEBERRY. The tract he bought from "Wilson" and negroes Lucy and Austen to JAMES HAYLEY's children. Execs
Deberry, brother; Absalom Deberry, son. Jan. 13, 1839. Wits James
Thomas W. Randle.
53-55. Inventory of Deberry's personalty, registered June 1, 1839.
(Page 24)
351-358. Settlement, sales and accounts, February 27, 1841.
385-386. Division of slaves, April 5, 1841. Division of land yet to be made.
690-691. Sale of property sold Nov. 21, 1840, purchased for Mrs. E.
Deberry,"Mathias Deberry and Allen Deberry, Jr. "to be held by them share & share
MCCM 4, page 572. Deberry will probated February 4, 1839.
29-30. ELIZABETH DEBERRY, Madison Co., Tenn. All negroes except Lucinda to be divided into 4 equal shares; one share to children of her dau ELIZA JANE
MERIWETHER, another share to children of dau SUSAN ALLEN HURT; son-in-law DAVID MERIWETHER to receive and manage share to children of E. J.
MERIWETHER. Son-in-law ROBERT B. HURT to receive and manage Susan's share. Son AB DEBERRY have the other 2 shares in trust for benefit of her sons MATHIAS and ALLEN, JR. after reaching the age 21. If they died before receiving their legacy, the shares would go to the hrs of her late husband MATHIAS
DEBERRY. Son MATHIAS her watch, furniture. Carriage and horses to dau SUSAN A. HURT. Remainder of estate to son ABSOLEM in trust for MATHIAS and ALLEN. Dau R. F. TAYLOR negro Lucinda. Hazle
Hewett, Allen Deberry, Martin Cartmell, Kenneth Garrett, Samuel Lancaster, Absolem Deberry or any two of them to divide her negroes among her children. Sons JAMES W.
HAYLEY, AB DEBERRY and dau MARTHA SMITH each $1. Exec Ab Deberry, son. Wits Jas. Thompson, N. H. Whitlow. Jan. 24, 1846.
MCCM 5, page 503. Will probated July 6, 1846.
Madison Co, Tenn County Court Minutes Book One
page 197. June 19, 1823. Ordered that MATHIAS DEBERRY who was this day appointed guardian of JAMES W. HALEY and WILLIAM P. HALEY minor orphans and to enter bond posted for $5000 "for the discharge of the duties as guardian towards said orphans."
Pg. 507--May Term 1825
Ordered that William Birdsong, Micajah Midyett, And Mathias Deberry be appointed to let the building of a bridge across the north fork of Forked Deer River where the main road leading from this place to Gibson Port crosses the same and that the sum of $200.00 be appropriated toward the completion of the bridge to be paid out of any monies in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated so soon as the same is completed provided the same cannot be done for less.
page 253. May 14, 1827. FRANCIS C. EDWARDS was appointed guardian to MARY ELIZABETH and NICHOLAS PRESSON orphan children of SAMUEL PRESSON dec. Posted bond for $500. Securities: Allen Deberry and Mathias Deberry.
page 246. February 7, 1831. JOHN FLY was appointed guardian of JAMES L. TYSON and SARAH ANN TYSON minor hrs of JACOB TYSON, dec. Posted bond of $1500. Security: M. Deberry.
212-214. November 5, 1850. ROBERT B. HURT, administrator of MATTHIAS DEBERRY, Junior; ANN DEBERRY, widow; ELIZABETH D. DEBERRY and ANN M. DEBERRY, daughters of the deceased, petitioned court by their daughters' guardian Martin Cartmell that MATTHIAS DEBERRY, Junior had died in Madison County in April 1850 leaving these dependents; leaving also 607 acres of land known as the Cross tract on the road from Jackson to Denmark, being about two miles from Denmark. Dr. John Ingram, James B. Neely and Philip Alston deposed that the whole tract should be sold and one third of proceeds go to widow or one third of land purchased with money in the sale. Absalem Deberry was appointed to sell the land at public sale on the premises.
224. December 2, 1850. ABSALEM DEBERRY appointed guardian of Mrs. ANN DEBERRY, minor, wife of late MATTHIAS DEBERRY, Junior and her two minor children ELIZABETH and ANN M. DEBERRY. Posted bond for $30,000. Securities: Robert B. Hurt, Martin Cartmell.
304-305. March 4, 1851. ABSALEM DEBERRY sold this land to JAMES W. WOMACK, Dec. 14, 1850 for $11.50 an acre but the court allowed two larger bidders, W. B. MANLEY and J. L. TAYLOR to have the land. The widow, ANN DEBERRY declared she would be willing to take the interest on 1/2 of the purchase money for life in lieu of a dower.
Index to Chancery Court Records, Carroll Co, Tenn
Yr, Plaintiff-Defendant
1822 HAYS L. D.- DEBERRY Mathias -
1825 DEBERRY Mathias -KING Austin A. -
1832 DEBERRY Mathias HARKINS etals - Daniel Harkins, Sr., Daniel estate
Index to Estate Records, Carroll Co, Tenn
Harkins, Sr., Daniel estate , DEBERRY Mathias HARKINS etals Daniel 1832
1830 Madison Co, Tenn P 68
Mathias DeBerry 1 M 40-50, 2 M 20-30, 2 M 15-20, 1 M 5-10, 2 M Und 5
1 Fe 40-50, 1 Fe 20-30, 1 Fe 15-20, 1 Fe 10-15, 1 Fe Und 5
P 73 Allen DeBerry 1 M 40-50, 1 M 30-40, 1 M 10-15, 1 M 5-10, 2 M Und 5; 1 Fe 30-40, 1 Fe Und 5
TENNESSEE STATE LIBRARY & ARCHIVES State Records>Acts of Tennessee, 1831-1850> D (Part 2):
Deberry | Allen | 1833 | 38 | 26.1 | Western Railroad Company |
Deberry | Allen | 1837 | 43 | 223.3 | Madison Co. - Ashport Turnpike Company |
Deberry | Mathias | 1837 | 43 | 224.1 | Madison Co. - TN and Jackson Central Railroad Company |
Debery | Matthias | 1833 | 39 Private | 255.2 | Madison Co. Commissioner. |
1840 Madison Co, Tn P 71
Allen DeBerry 1 M 40-50, 1 F 30-40
Absalom DeBerry 1 M 20-30, 1 Fe 20-30
Elizabeth DeBerry 1 M 20-30, 1 M 10-15, 1M 5-10
1 Fe 50-60, 3 Fe 10-30, 2 Fe Und 5
We regret to learn that Mr.Allen DeBerry is seriously ill.He has been down for ten days and at this writing, there is no change for the better in his condition.
DIED--In this city,Saturday,July 14th at 2 p.m.of malarial fever, Allen DEBERRY.More notice next week.
TRIBUNE & SUN VOL.1 NO.4 JULY 20,1877 JACKSON,TN-IN MEMORIAM--Allen DEBERRY, son of Mathias & Elizabeth DEBERRY,was born in Madison County ,four miles east of Jackson, July 10th,1831,and died at his residence in this city Saturday,July 14th, (1877) aged 46 years and 4 days.
TRIBUNE & SUN VOL.1 NO.16 OCTOBER 12,1877 JACKSON, TN-DIED--Near Carrolltown, MS on Tuesday morning, October 9th,1877, Allen DEBERRY, infant son of Alfred H.& Fannie Traver GEORGE, aged five months and five days.
The following is the family of Jesse Warren, Jr & wife Rebecca Boon;
1850 Madison Co., Tn Dist 6, HH 653-653-Rebecca Warren 60 F NC $800. (Lives alone) Rebecca Boon, Wid. of Jesse Warren, Jr. of N/H Co, NC
HH 651-651 J. W. (James W.) Warren 29 M NC farmer, Arenella Warren 17F NC , Wm. N. Deckard 27M NC Painter (James W. Warren (M) Arenella "Ella" Futrelll-Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas
1860 Searcy, Poinsett Co., Ark Coldwater PO HH 92-92 James W. Warren 38 M NC $15,000/20,000 , Ariella Warren 27 F NC, Joseph Warren 8M Tenn, Cassa? Warren 4F, Ark, Sarah Warren 2 F Ark, Rebecca Warren 68F NC, Wiley Stephens 24M Ga, Eliza Stephens 18F Va
1870 Cross Co, Arkansas HH 109-186 Wittsburg PO-A. E. Warren (Wid of James W. ) 37WF NC $800/400), J. (Joseph) Warren 18WM TN, O.(Sarah O.) Warren 12WF Ark., J.(James) Warren 7WM Ark., C. Warren 3 WF Ark
1880 Searcy T/S, Cross Co., Ark ED62 SD1 June 18th HH 82-82 Ara Warren 47WF Wid. NC NC NC Keeping House; Jimmie (James) Warren, son, 17WM Ark NC NC working on farm, ; John Gardner 16WM Ark NC __farm worker
1880 Cross Co., Ark-Perry A Warren 33 M NC NC NC farmer; Olivia " 22 Ark NC NC; Derwood A. " 2 M Tn NC Ark; Helen O. " 5 mos F Ark NC Ark
1900 Searcy T/S, Cross Co, Ark ED25 Sh 21B James W. Warren 37WM (Nov, 1862) Ark NC NC Timber Cutter; Julia Warren 26WF July, 1873 Wife Had 1 ch-1 living Ark TN TN, Claude Damron 7WM Dec, 1892 Step-son Ark TN TN
1910 Wd 5, Little Rock, Big Rock T/S, Pulaski Co., Arkansas ED122, SD5, Sh 10B-James Warren 48WM Ark NC TN Marr#1-10 yrs Lab., Stair Factory; Julia Warren 36WF Ark TN Ark wife; Florine Warren 8WF Ark Ark Ark, Dtr; Lettie Warren 7WF Ark Ark Ark Dtr, Felix Warren 3WM Ark Ark Ark Son
1920 Benton City, Saline Co, Ark ED189 SD6 S13B & 14A-H 246-282, 703 South Market St-James M. Warren 58WM Ark NC TN Timber Buyer, Mill; Julia Warren 46WF wife Ark Ark Ark, Operates Boarding House; Florine Warren 18 WF Ark Ark Ark Dtr; Lettie Warren 16WF Ark Ark Ark Dtr; Felix Warren 12WM Ark Ark Ark Son; Claude Damron 27WM Stepson, Married, Ark TN Ark Jointer-Mill; & 6 Boarders
1930 Shreveport, Caddo, Louisiana ED9-43, SD1, Sh5A HH 79092, 711 Robinson St-James Warren 67WM Ark NC TN Timberman; Julia Warren 56WF Wife Ark TN Ark; Feliz Warren 22WM Single Son Ark Ark Ark Electrical Engineer; Florene Sipes 27WF Married Dtr Ark Ark Ark Miliner, Dept Store; Virgil Sipes 34WM Son-in-law Married Ind Ind Ind Dispatcher, Gas Co.
Louisiana Death Records Index 1900-1943-James M Warren Died June 23, 1937 , age 74 yrs, Caddo Par., La Cert 248 Vol 1
Vanndale Cemetery, Cross Co., Arkansas-James M Warren Died Jan. 23, 1937, aged 74 yrs (Should read June instead of Jan.-Prob. Transcription error in Cemetery Records-sgs
Southampton Co. VA-DB 2-Pages 129-130: NOTTOWAY INDIANS to JOSEPH WARREN JR dated 11 Jan 1757
? acres Not given
DB2, Pages 239-240: WILLIAM BARNES* of Orange County, North Carolina to JOSEPH WARREN JR dated 22 Jul 1758-170 acres on the south side of the Nottoway River adj. the southward side of Blunts Swamp and NOTTOWAY INDIANS, S: WILLIAM (W) BARNES, W: HOWELL (signed) EDMUNDS, HENRY (signed) VAUGHAN, and JACOB (signed) JOHNSON
*See NC Records
Will of Joseph Warren, Southampton Co, Va (s/o Thomas Jr &
Elizabeth Plaw Warren of Surry, Va.)
dated Aug 15, 1775-Pro. Feb. 12, 1778
Wife: Faith
Son Michael Warren
(M) Jane Powell Aug 13, 1788 Southampton Co, Va
Died Northampton Co, NC (Will, 1817-Below)
The following children have already rec'd their part of my estate:
Henry Warren, Joseph Warren, Sarah Smith, Faith Duprey, Mary Day;
Dtr-Elizabeth Duprey, grand/son Hill Day, son of Thomas Day, Jr
EXRX Wife Faith & son Michael Warren
Wit: John Barrow, Richard Foster, Edith Kinnebrew
MY Note-Henry Warren, Hatter, from Southampton Co, Va went to
Northampton co, NC)
Gookin shows Henry married Sally Phillips Nov 29, 1792 (Surry Co, Va Marriage)
(Different Henry Warren-sgs)-See his
Est below
Jan 13, 1781 Will of Faith Warren, (Wid of Joseph, who died
1778) Pro Sept 13, 1781 (Par. of St Luke-Southampton Co, Va_)
Leg: Dtr: Elizabeth Dupree, gr/son Henry Warren, s/o Michael Warren
EXRS friend: Henry Bittle, and son Michael Warren
Wits: Joel Harris, John Barrow, Sarah Barrow
Michael later went to Northampton Co, NC where he left will 1817
Index to Chancery Court Suits-Southampton Co., Va-Not filmed
(Involve WARREN)
JOSEPH SCOTT VS JOSEPH WARREN 1767-008-Surnames: Scott, Warren
and others there, also
Involve DUPREE
Involve DAY
Henry Warren of Southampton Co, Va & Northampton Co, NC-son of Joseph
Warren & wife Faith of S/H Co, Va
Northampton Co, NC deeds-Mar 30, 1749 John Wade of Granv. Co, NC to Henry
Warren of S/H Co, Va, hatter, 40 pds current money of Va. 250 AC on Occoneeche
Swp, jois James Turner, Little Cypress Swp, and pat. to Wm. Baldwin, 1727. Wts:
Osborn Jeffries, Green Hill.
DB3, P 403 (235) Granville Grants, Nov 9, 1752 Henry Warren 90 AC in Northampton Co, NC, joins Occoneechy Swp. Thos, Parmer, Austin Moore.
DB3, P 123 (76) Sept 22, 1760 Henry Warren & his wife Sarah of
N/H Co., NC, to Thomas Low of same, 100lbs., Va. Curr. 2 tracts totaling 340
AC; 1 tract joing Occoneechee Swamp; 1 tract joing Parker (formerly James
Turner) Little Cypress Swamp, Occoneechee Swamp, which was part of patent to
William Baldwin, Dec 1, 1727, who conveyed it to Augustin Moore Feb. 7,
1732, & sd. Moore conv. it to John Wade Oct. 28, 1748, who conv. it to sd.
Henry Warren Mar. 13, 1749, all of which deeds were recorded in Bertie &
Northampton Counties, tract 2 above had been a Granville Grant to sd. Henry
Warren Nov 9, 1752. Sig: Henry Warren, Sarah Warren Wts: Saml. Tarver,
John Webb, Jos. Delk Nov. Crt, 1760
Some researchers claim Henry (M) Sally Phillips -this marriage was dated Nov 26,
1792 Surry Co, Va
DB4, P 717 (43) Feb. 5, 1767 Willie Jones of N/H Co, NC to Harwood Jones of same, 100 lbs. Va. money, 259 AC join. Edmond Griffin, Occoneechee Swamp, his own line, said Jones, sd. Harwood Jones, Williams, Cypress Swamp, Henry Warren, Willie Jones. Wts: Blake Baker, J. Haynes Feb. Crt, 1767
DB5, P 965 (12) Aug. 8, 1769 James Mashborne of Orange Co, NC to Thomas Futrall, of N/H Co., 35 pds. procl. -200 AC which was prt of the deed to sd. Wooldridge (not prev. ment'd) Feb. 20, 1755 join. Parker, Colo. Edwards. Wts: John Futrall, Matthew Mashborn, Henry Warren Mch Crt, 1770
DB5, P 1207 (285) Feb. 1, 1774 Thomas Low & wife Ann of N/H Co., to Harwood Jones of same, 200 pds Va. money; 2 tracts totaling 340 AC -1 tract which was part of Pat. to William Baldwin Dec. 1, 1727, & conv. by him to Augustin Moore Feb. 7, 1732, and sd. Moore conv. it to John Wade Oct 28, 1748, & sd. Wade conv.. it to Henry Warren Mar. 13, 1749., sd. deeds in Bertie & N/H Co.,joining Occoneechy Swamp, Parker, ( formerly James Turner's line) a little Cypress Swamp, John Williams,; 1 tract which had been a Granville Grant to Henry Warren Nov, 9, 1752, join. Occoneechy Swamp, Thomas Parker, Austin Moses?.. Wts: Thomas Martin, Jesse Webb, Elisha Webb June Crt, 1774
DB6, P 50 (76) Nov 21, 1775 Jno. Edwards of Onslow Co., NC to Nicholas Judkins of N/H Co., NC, 20s; 50 AC which had been willed to Sarah Anderson, Dtr. of Carlise Anderson & deeded to sd. Judkins by Wm. Edwards, July 4, 1758, on south side Meherrin Riv., join. Greate Gutt, Carlise Anderson's former corner, his 2 daughters Mary & Sarah. Wts: George Warren, Hinchey Warren,* Henry (X) Warren Dec. Crt, 1775 Willie Jones, CC *Hinchey Warren of Onslow Co, was back in Northampton Co, to witness this deed; His relationship to George Warren & Henry Warren, the two other witnesses has not been determined.-sgs
Oct 3, 1783 DB7, P 711 (250) Alexander Martin (a state grant) to James Dandy 144 AC join. Cypress Swamp, John Webb, Richard Parker, sd. Dancy, Henry Warren. Wts: J. Glasgow
Jan 4, 1785 DB7, P 884 (381) Absalom (X) Mann of N/H Co, NC to Jethro Marshborne of Hertford Co., NC, for 10 Pd specie-50 AC bet. Pattys Delight Swamp & Great Meadow, join. William Mann, Johnston, Martin's Path. Also signed by John Pryor. Wts: Benjamin Ezell, Jiles (X) Revel, Henry Warren, Thomas Mann, Mar. Crt, 1786
Oct. 30, 1785 DB7, P P 839 (349) James Dancy to Harwood Jones, Jr., 114 AC which was part of a patent to James Dancy Oct. 9, 1783, join.. Henry Warren, Cypress Swamp, etal
Dec 5, 1785 DB7, P 850(358) Absalom (X) Mann & Priscilla (X) Mann, of N/H Co., NC to Henry Warren of Hertford Co., NC-for 133 pds, 6 sh, 8 pence NC money-290 AC join. Pattys Delight. Wts Omitted Dec Crt., 1785 Ea. Haynes, DCC
DB7, P 914 (398) May 8, 1786 William Mann & w/Sarah, of N/H Co., NC to Harry Warren of same- fom Mann & w/Sarah, of N/H Co., NC to Harry Warren of same- for 25 pd. speciee- 50 AC joining Patays Delight, Pitte Marsh Wts: Joseph X Bridgers, John X Bridgers Dec Ct, 1786 Ea. Haynes, DCC
1784-87 Census of Northampton Co, NC-Henry Warren, 1 Male and 3 Fe
Northampton Co, NC Estates-1791-1891-(David B. Gammon)
Sept Court, 1799 Henry Warren Estate-by Jehu Futrill, ADMR-Buyers, John Bridgers,
Ann Warren, &
Thos Futral.
Sept Crt-1799-Inventory of Henry Warren by Jehu Futrell, Admr.
Michael Warren appears in census of 1810 Northampton Co, NC-
Jan 22, 1816- Prov. June 1817-Michael Warren will: WB3, P 193) N/H
Co, NC (Son of Joseph Warren & wife Faith of Southampton Co, Va)
Had plantation known as "Hay's Place"
Names: wife Jane (Powell) Married Aug 13, 1788 S/H Co, Va
Nephew Henry Dupree
Grandchildren of Brother Henry Warren
Brother Joseph Warren