Descendants of Ichabod Scarborough

This complete file is from researcher Joyce Rape Harrison, a descendant

Generation No. 1

1.  ICHABOD SCARBOROUGH died Bet. 1830 - 1831 in Wilkinson County, GA.  He married SARAH WARREN Abt. 1803 in prob. Burke County, GA, daughter of  Capt JOSIAH WARRENand NANCY DOTY.  She was born 1787 in Prob. Onslow County, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1832 in Wilkinson County, Georgia.

Capt Josiah Warren was the son of HINCHEY WARREN & Rachael Anderson .

Their children: SCARBOROUGH

1. NOAH-More detailed information may be obtained from Joyce Rape Harrison, Author of this page

On file at the Georgia Archives in the Scarborough vertical file is a letter from Warren Grice of Grice & Grice, Attorneys at Law, Macon, GA., dated September 1, 1936 written to Miss Ruth Blair, Rhodes Memorial Hall, 1516 Peachtree St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga.
In this letter Warren Grice states that, "As to Pitt F. D. Scarborough, who never married, I have no dates. He was buried in Orange Hill Cemetary at Hawkinsville, and his tomb stone would probably carry the dates of his birth and death."
Pitt practiced law at Hawkinsville, Georgia (Pulaski County).  JRH

3. JAMES JACKSON SCARBOROUGH, b. July 06, 1806, Burke County, Georgia; d. December 07, 1875, St. Paul, Minnesota; m. ANN ELIZABETH BOYD, July 17, 1830, Telfair County, Georgia; b. December 10, 1811, Telfair County, Georgia; d. St. Paul, Minnesota.

James Jackson Scarborough was an attorney and evidently had a large practice in the middle Georgia area.  When his father, Ichabod, died , son Abraham Scarborough was made administrator of the estate.  Abraham died a year or so after his father so James Jackson Scarborough was named administrator "de bones non."  This is a legal term which means, ". . .an administrator who replaces the original administrator to settle that part of the estate not already settled.
See Notes Below

4. GEORGE W. SCARBOROUGH, b. April 10, 1810, Prob. Wilkinson County, Georgia; d. November 11, 1880, Houston County, Georgia; m. SUSANNAH MCLENDON, February 16, 1834, Houston County, Georgia; b. 1810; d. November 07, 1884, Georgiaa
See Notes Below

5. ABRAHAM MARSHALL SCARBOROUGH, b. Abt. 1811, Georgia; d. Bet. November 1834 - January 1835, Houston County, Georgia; m. EMILY CULPEPPER, July 20, 1831, Houston County, Georgia; b. September 11, 1816, Wilkinson County, Georgia; d. August 1888, Perry, Georgia, Houston County.
See Notes Below

 6. SILAS D. P. SCARBOROUGH, b. March 28, 1812, Prob. Wilkinson County, Georgia; d. September 16, 1865, Houston County, Georgia; m. MARTHA CAROLINE JACKSON, January 22, 1834, Perry , Georgia, Houston County; b. November 26, 1817, Georgia; d. 1900, Houston County, Georgia.
See Notes Below

7.  RABUN MONROE SCARBOROUGH, b. 1826, Houston County, Georgia; d. May 05, 1862, Florida - CSA; m. MARTHA LUCINDA DAVIS, 1847, Quincy, Florida; b. December 28, 1820, Laurens, South Carolina; d. May 04, 1914, Quincy, Florida.
Se Notes Below

8.   JASPER HALE TROUP SCARBOROUGH, b. July 02, 1827, Prob. Wilkinson County, Georgia; d. May 04, 1899, Near Blue Springs, Alabama; m. (1) MARGARET BEATY, December 20, 1853, Houston County, Georgia; m. (2) LYDIA MARGARET BAXLEY, October 26, 1865, Barbour County, Alabama; b. June 06, 1842, Barbour County, Alabama; d. July 06, 1928, Blue Springs, Alabama.
See Notes Below



The notes in this report are a result of my own research with some additional information from "cousins" who are also researching their Scarborough ancestry.  If any of my research is quoted by those with whom I share this report, I ask that the qualifications that I make, concerning a lack of documentation in certain instances, be included in any quote.  I have documented data whenever possible, but some conclusions are made based on circumstantial evidence and should be taken as such.  Joyce Rape Harrison, Macon, Georgia.

A number of Scarborough men were in Burke County, Georgia during the 1780's and 90's, listed as "grantees" in land grant records. They were Aaron, Allen, Arthur, Miles, Moses, Samuel, and Shadrack Scarborough from 1787 to 1792.  In the 1805 lottery, Addison, Daniel, Hardy, Ichabod and Jonathan Scarborough drew from Burke County. (See below for Ichabod's land grant.)

In 1788, the Bark Camp Baptist Church was constituted in Burke County and the first preacher was Miles Scarboro. The charter members included a Silas Scarboro and a Rachel Scarborough.

 [NOTE: One Scarborough researcher states that Miles married Rachel Vickers between 1758 and 1761. I have found an abstract of the will of Ralph Vickers, Parish of St. Mary's dated Aug. 11, 1761, which names, among others, a daughter, Rachel Scarborough. (ABSTRACTS OF WILLS, EDGECOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA  1733-1856, by Ruth S. Williams and Margaret G. Griffin, 1956, p. 340.)  I haven't tried to document a connection between this Rachel Scarborough and the Rachel mentioned in connection with Miles above.  JRH]

The Josiah Warren family was also in Burke County, Georgia during this time period when Josiah was listed in tax records, October 1, 1798, as a slave owner.  Josiah's daughter, Sarah Warren, married Ichabod Scarborough, probably in Burke County, about 1803. Josiah and Nancy Doty Warren (married in Onslow Co., NC in 1780) had another daughter, named Rachel who married Charles Culpepper.   Josiah Warren and his wife Nancy may have named their daughter Rachel for their friend Rachel Scarborough. However, Josiah's mother was Rachel Anderson so this was probably the source of Rachel Warren's name.

Ichabod Scarborough could have been the son of the Miles Scarborough and the brother of the Silas Scarborough of the Bark Camp Church membership, or perhaps Miles and Ichabod were both sons of Silas Scarborough and Silas D. P. Scarborough, my great-great grandfather, was named for his grandfather Silas.  So far, I have not found a son of Ichabod or of Silas D.P. named Miles.  Considering the multiple names given to most of Ichabod's sons and grandsons, surely "Miles" would have been one of those names had Miles been either Ichabod's father or his brother.

None of the other sons of Ichabod and Sarah Warren Scarborough had names the same as any of the other Burke County Scarboroughs. And, although I have not been able to find the parentage of Ichabod, it stands to reason that one of the above discussed men could have been his father and others his brothers, uncles or cousins-jrh

On record in the Georgia Archives is the following land grant

    "STATE OF GEORGIA  By his Excellency JOHN MILLEDGE Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof.    To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: Know ye, That in pursuance of the several acts passed by the General Assembly to make distribution of the lands, obtained from the Creek Nation of Indians by the United States Commissioners in a treaty entered into at or near Fort Wilkinson, on the sixteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and two; and by virtue of the powers in me vested, I have given and granted, and by these presents, in the name and behalf of the said state, DO give and grant unto ICHABUD SCARBOROUGH of the County of Burke, his heirs and assigns forever; all that tract, lot or parcel of land, containing two hundred two and an half acres, situate, lying and being in the fourth district, Wilkinson County, in the said State, and butting and bounding NorthEast by Lot No. 159: NorthWest by Lot No. 157: SouthWest by Lot No. 133: and SouthEast by District No. 3. which said tract or lot of land is known and distinguished in the plan of the said district by the number One hundred and fifty eight having such shape, form and marks as appear by a plat of the same hereunto annexed; . . . Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, this fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and six and in the thirty-fourth year of American Independence.   Signed by his Excellency the Governor, the 17th day of July 1806:  Jno.  Milledge.   J.P. Boseman  S.E.D.    Registered the 17th day of July 1806."

In order to receive a land grant or to earn one draw in the land lottery a man had to be 21 years of age and have been a resident of Georgia for at least one year and be a U.S. citizen.  To earn two draws he must have a wife and/or child (legitimate child/children) under 21 years of age, resident of Georgia at least a year and citizen of the U.S. A land grant was applied for, but during the land lotteries men who qualified were given the chance to draw one or two land lots. If a man was fortunate he won either one of both of his "draws" or he drew a "blank" on one or both draws.

Other Scarborough men from Burke County drew land in Wilkinson County.  One was Miles Scarborough who, along with Ichabod Scarborough, paid taxes on 452 1/2 acres in 1805.  There must have been a close connection of some kind between Miles and Ichabod to have been associated in the ownership of land.

The following tax records are found in SOME EARLY TAX DIGESTS OF GEORGIA, by Ruth Blair, 1926.

p. 103:  Montgomery County for 1806:  Listed as the person liable to pay Tax, Scarborough Icabod; County in which the lands lots or other property is situated, Wilkenson(sic); Grantees Name, Miles Scarborough & self; under Pine Land, 452 1/2 acres; Poll = 1; Amt. of Tax = 0.65 1/2.  (Note:  "& self" referred to Ichabod.

        In 1806 Ichabod (Icabod) Scarborough also paid taxes on land in District 50 of Montgomery County, Georgia.  (Note:  It was in Montgomery County where Hinche Warren, Ichabod's grandfather-in-law, died about 1803.

The 1805 and 1806 Montgomery County, Georgia Tax List records the following men:  Miles and Ichabod Scarborough; Josiah, Hinchy and Benejah Warren.  It seems reasonble to assume that Miles and Ichabod were perhaps brothers, the sons of the Silas Scarborough who was listed as a member of the Bark Camp Church; or father and son.  The three Warrens on the tax list were the sons of Hinchy and Rachel Anderson Warren.

Another Scarborough who drew land in Wilkinson County in 1807 was Addison Scarborough (L.L. #304, District #17 in Spain's Militia District.)  One Addison Scarborough was an heir of David Scarborough of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, named in his will which was probated in 1774. In the book SOUTHERN KITH AND KIN, page 50, is a list of the heirs of David Scarborough which included Addison, Samuel and Shadrack, of whom it is stated that they had removed to Burke County, Georgia.

The family of Ichabod Scarborough and Sarah Warren probably consisted of more children than are listed on the family page, but I have not been able to find any records which name them all. Some of the information that I have on Ichabod was given to me by my cousin, Erma Stembridge Scarborough, the wife of Gordon Scarborough.  Gordon is a great-great grandson of Ichabod and Sarah Warren Scarborough.  Through the information given to me by Erma, I was able to track the Warren/Doty family back to Northampton County, North Carolina and Onslow County, North Carolina.  Nancy Doty, wife of Josiah Warren can be traced directly back to two passengers on the Mayflower on it first voyage to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. One was Edward Doty, ancestor of Benejah and Nancy.  The other was Edward Fuller whose descendant Phoebe Slater was Benejah's mother, married to Benejah's father James Doty.

The few records that I have found concerning Ichabod Scarborough place him in Burke County, Georgia in 1803 as a member of the Burke County Militia.  He was in  Montgomery County, Georgia in 1804 when he witnessed a deed involving the estate of Hinche Warren at the time of Hinche's death.  (Hinche was the grandfather of Sarah Warren, Ichabod's wife.) And he paid taxes in 1805 and 1806 in Montgomery county. The next records place Ichabod in Wilkinson County, Georgia by 1810 when he was commissioned a Justice of the Peace. (see below) But, he was granted land in Wilkinson County in 1806 so he probably moved his family to Wilkinson County shortly after that.

Information from Dee Hood Bucha, another Scarborough researcher:  "Ichabod is also listed in the Militia Records in the GA State Archives from Burke Co, GA: '...Ichabod Scarborough, Lt., Burke Co Militia, Sept 5, 1803.' "  I found this record at the Archives as well as the following:  "Scarborough, Ichabod.  Lt. 330 Dist. Wilkinson Co. G.M. July 20, 1810-1813 (MC 1809-1812, p. 202 Em Jan 6 & Nov 6.)    m. Sarah Warren."

Ichabod and his family were probably living in Wilkinson County shortly after the 1805 land lottery.  On 21 July 1810, Ichabod Scarborough was appointed as a Justice of the Peace in Wilkinson County, Georgia.  (found at the GA Archives.)  There were other appointments dated March 6, 1813 and February 26, 1817.

The 1820 Wilkinson County, Georgia P 360
Ichabud Scarborough:  3 males to 10; 2 males 10 to 16; 1 male 16 to 26; 1 male 26 to 45.  1 female to 10; 1 female 26 to 45.  This record would indicate that Ichabod and Sarah Warren Scarborough had five sons and one daughter by 1820.

On Microfilm #6930 at the Washington Library in Macon, Georgia, p. 91, is a document which reads, "A Statement of Ichabod Scarborough one of the admrs. of Sampson Smith dec'sd."  This is a statement of returns dated 14th Jany 1823 and signed: Ichabod Scarborah, Adm'r.

P. 138, ditto:  Dated for the year 1823, "A Statement of the Proceedings of Ichabod Scarborough, William Lord and Sophia Adkinson, administrators on the Estate of Sampson Smith, Dec'd for the year 1823."  There follows a record of expenditures, signed by Ichabod Scarborough and sworn to before Wiley Sheppard, C.C.O "this 27th 1824" [no month was written] and Recorded "this 1st Nov'r 1824.

There is an 1825 record of Ichabod buying on credit at the Beall and Patterson Store in Wilkinson County (see page 15 of WILKINSON COUNTY, GEORGIA HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, by Joseph T. Maddox, c. 1973.)

Ichabod was still in Wilkinson County in 1827 when he bought lot #101 in the 5th District of Houston County, Georgia and in 1829 when he sold the same lot for $170.00, making a profit of $20.00.

The 1830 Wilkinson County, Georgia Census P 351
I. Scarboro: 2 males under five; 1 male 5 to 10; 1 male 20 to 30; 1 male 40 to 50.  2 females under 5; 1 female 5 to 10; 1 female 10 to 15; 1 female 20 to 30; 1 female 40 to 50.  Evidently the two older people are Ichabod and Sarah.  If all the others are their children, they had at least nine  -  4 sons and 5 daughters - living at home in 1830.  Ichabod and Sarah were married by 1803-5 and they could have had children old enough in 1830 to have married.  As stated above, I have not been able to find any records of the Scarborough daughters, however there are Wilkinson County records of Scarborough women who were members of churches in the county, who may have been daughters, or wives of the Scarborough sons.

In WILKINSON COUNTY GEORGIA HERITAGE COLLECTIONS by Joe Maddox, 1999 edition, page 41, is an account of the organization in 1832 of the Pleasant Plains Primitive Baptist Church.  Named as organizers are Elijah Jordain Baker, Ichabod Scarborough and David Smith.  Mr. Smith served as the first minister of the church. The church was built in 1831 on the present site.  From 1831 until 1836 it was a Missionary Baptist Church and then came under the jurisdiction of the Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Association.

There are Minutes of the Ebeneezer Baptist Church Association which record that Ichabod Scarborough was a messenger from Mrytle Springs Church in Wilkinson County for the years 1827, 1828, and 1830.  The 1830 statistics refer to him as "Rev. I. Scarborough."   There is also a record of New Providence Baptist Church which included I. Scarborough in a list of pastors of that church. (The above records found at Mercer Univ. Archives by Patti Peel who shared them with me.)  Myrtle Springs church was organized in 1812 by Charles Culpepper who was the husband of Rachel Warren, sister of Sarah Warren Scarborough.  It was Charles and Rachel Culpepper who raised the youngest sons and daughters of Josiah and Nancy Doty Warren after their deaths in 1809 (or earlier-some records show Josiah Warren died in 1804; Inventory of his estate was made in Montgomery Co, Ga, June & Sept., 1808-sgs)

(Note:  There are a number of Scarboroughs buried in the Poplar Springs Baptist Church Cemetery.  Poplar Springs was constituted in 1807 in Wilkinson County.

I have added the names of Noah and Pitt F. D. Scarborough as sons of Ichabod and Sarah Warren Scarborough based on information from other Scarborough family researchers. None of the daughters' names have been found.  It is possible (but not proved) that Noah may have been the H.N. Scarborough of Crawford County, Georgia census records.  For more information on Pitt Scarborough see the notes.

The last references to Ichabod involve his death about 1832 in Wilkinson County.  On page 300 of the HISTORY OF WILKINSON COUNTY, by Davidson is the following, taken from Records of Wills and Estates of Wilkinson County, 1820-1828:

          "ICHABOD SCARBOROUGH, A.M., Sarah, James J., Aaron Searcy, c. John."

In the above very brief abstract, the A.M. is son Abraham Marshall; Sarah is no doubt wife Sarah Warren Scarborough; James J. is son James Jackson;  identity of Aaron Searcy and c. John, not known.  Aaron Searcy may have been a son-in-law or a friend or neighbor (see NOTE below). The c. John was probably clerk of the court.

NOTE:  In his 1973 book on Wilkinson County History, p. 383, Joseph Maddox records the following: "Searcy, 1820; Elizabeth Searcy, not shown on census, 1830. Aaron Searcy not shown, d. 1833."    In the 1980 revised edition of his book on page 340, Maddox writes  "In 1830 Aaron Searcy was shown and he died 1833 and owned land in Randolph County, Georgia."   (It is possible that Elizabeth was Aaron's wife and was one of the daughters of Ichabod and Sarah Warren Scarborough.  However, on pages 174-175 of his 1980 book, Maddox gives an account of the Bulloch family and states that James Bulloch of the 1820 census married as his second wife Elizabeth Searcy who was born in 1770, so if this Elizabeth was the widow of Aaron Searcy who died in 1833, then she couldn't have been Ichabod's daughter - Ichabod's wife, Sarah Warren Scarborough wasn't born until after 1780 when her mother and father married.)  JRH

On page 88 of BALDWIN COUNTY, GEORGIA NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, 1830-1833, dated October 13, 1831 is a legal notice that Sarah Scarborough and Marshall Scarborough had applied for letters of administration of the estate of Ichabod Scarborough of Wilkinson County, deceased.  Sarah was the widow of Ichabod and Marshall (Abraham Marshall) Scarborough was a son.  So, evidently Ichabod died between the 1830 census and October 13, 1831.

On April 1, 1834, in Issue No. 8 of the GEORGIA JOURNAL, published weekly at Milledgeville, is the following legal notice:  "Wilkinson Co:  A. M. Scarborough, Admr of Ichabod Scarborough, dec'd.  Applies for leave to sell land and slaves of dec'd.  Oct. 8, 1834."

Two other legal notices concerning the estate of Ichabod Scarborough are recorded in MACON, GEORGIA NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS (MESSENGER), VOL. II, 1831-1837, pp. 171 and 177.

"p. 171 - Georgia, Washington County:  Will be sold before the Court House door in said county on the first Tuesday in February, next, between the legal hours of sale, all the property belonging to the estate of Ichabod Scarborough, late of said county, deceased.  Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. (Signed) A. M. Scarborough, Adm."   Newspaper issue dated Thursday, October 9, 1834. 

"p. 177 - Georgia, Bibb County:  Will be sold before the Court House door in said county on the first Tuesday in December, next, between the legal hours of sale, all the property belonging to the estate of Ichabod Scarborough, late of Wilkinson County, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. (Signed) A. M. Scarborough, Adm"  Newspaper issue dated Thursday, November 12, 1834

Note the reference to three different counties, Washington, Wilkinson and Bibb, referred to as being the county of residence of Ichabod Scarborough.  Evidently, Ichabod owned property in several different counties but I have found no evidence that he lived in Washington or Bibb counties.

A. M. Scarborough, Ichabod's son, died in 1834 and another son, James Jackson Scarborough was appointed as administrator "De bonis non" of his father's estate. No further mention has been found of Ichabod's widow, Sarah, but according to other family researchers, she also died by the time Jasper, the youngest child, was four years old.  Jasper has been given a birth date of July 2, 1827, so in 1831 would have been four years old.

Other references involving Ichabod's estate are found in MISCELLANEOUS ESTATE RECORDS, CRAWFORD COUNTY, GEORGIA, V2. pp 83 and129.  On page 83 are three entries for the years 1843 and 1844 in which Silas D. P. Scarborough is identified as the "Guardian for JASPER H. T. SCARBOROUGH, minor of the deceased....", the deceased being Ichabod Scarborough, the father of both Silas D.P. and Jasper H.T. Scarborough.  On page 129 is another similar entry for the year 1848.  These are records of vouchers submitted on Ichabod Scarborough's estate for the education and upkeep of Jasper while under the guardianship of Silas D.P. Scarborough.  Jasper would have been about 4-5 years old when his father died.  Since it was not until 11 years later that records show Silas as Jasper's guardian, it is possible that Sara Warren Scarborough, their mother, lived until that time. However, according to family members, "Jasper's mother and father both died before he was 4 years old.  Jasper lived with brother George W. Scarborough until he was 17 at which time he lived with another brother, Silas D.P. Scarborough, for two years while he went to school part-time.."

March 24, 2001:  Research at the Washington Library, Macon, Georgia.

Microfilm,Roll #6929, page 10, has three items of interest.  At July Term of Court 1835:

(1).  Lott Warren guardian for James M. Warren makes his return up to the year 1835.  [Lott Warren was one of the sons of Josiah Warren and Nancy Doty who was raised by his older sister Rachel Warren and her husband Charles Culpepper.]

(2).  Ordered that James J. Scarborough have letters of Administration "debonis non" on the estate of Ichabod Scarborough dec'd on his giving bond and security in the sum of Five thousand dollars with Lott Warren and George Herndon as his security.

 (NOTE: The latin term "debonis non" means "to administer that part of an estate that has not been settled by the previous administrator.")

(3). Ordered that James J. Scarborough adm'r debonis non on the estate of Ichabod Scarborough dec'd have leave to sell the land & the negroes belonging to said dec'd it appearing that A. M. Scarborough adm'r in his life time & before his dec'd gave the four months notice of his intentioned application. (Abraham had applied to the court and given four months notice of the sale of Ichabod's land and negroes, but evidently died before the sale.  His brother, James Jackson Scarborough, was appointed administrator in place of Abraham.)

On page 17 of the above film:  at July Term of Court 1835:

(1) James J. Scarboro adm'r debonis non on the estate Ichabod Scarboro dec'd having made his return of sale of said Estate to the clk. in term - It is ordered that the same be received and admitted to record.

Page 40 of the same film:  at Irwinton, 8th November 1836 - Inferior Court:

(1) It is ordered and adjudged that George W. Scarborough be & he is hereby appointed Guardian for Rabun M. Scarborough orphan & minor of Ichabod Scarboro dec'd - upon his giving bona and security in the sum of One thousand Dollars - & that Joseph Hill be received and admitted as his security.

NOTE:  I could find no court order which appointed George W. as the guardian of Jasper H.T. Scarborough, the youngest child, but other Scarborough researchers who descend from Jasper have reported that George was his guardian until Silas D.P. was appointed guardian when Jasper was ready for 'higher education' at the age of seventeen, which evidently was not available if he continued to live with George.

On filmstrip #6930, WILKINSON COUNTY, GEORGIA ESTATE RECORDS: RETURNS - 1820-1853 & ESTATE ACCOUNTS - 1838-1741,  pages 152-153-154, are records of the appraisal, inventory and sale of the personal property of Ichabod Scarborough.  The first record is dated 5 July 1832 and is the appraisal and inventory certified by Daniel M. Hall, Ethelred Webb, George Herndon, app., Rich'd Whitaker and Joseph Hill.  This inventory includes stock, tools and equipment, kitchen ware, furniture, guns, saddles, books, geese, horse cart, 6600 pounds of seed cotton and five negroes.  Total appraisal = $1,445.87 1/2

Following the above record is the "Sale of the Perishable property belonging to the Estate of Ichabod Scarborough late of Wilkinson County deceased."  The sale took place on the 15th day February 1832 till 25th December 1832. Items sold included seed cotton, one Riffle Gun, one Bed and furniture.  Total = $182.12 1/4

The next entry:  Sold in Bibb County, January 1832:  Corn, to Mr. Mann amounting to $24.65;  Fodder, $5.50 and Rent of plantation in Bibb for 1832, $10.50.  Total = $198.13 1/4.  [I wonder who lived on that plantation! jrh}

Sworn to in Open Court, 1st July 1833.  Jereh. Beall, Clk.  Signed by A. M. Scarborough - adm'r.

On page 154: Return on the Estate of Ichabod Scarborough dec'd for the year 1832, dated 3rd Jan'y 1833, Jereh. Beall, Clk.  Signed by, A. M. Scarborough, Adm. and Sarah (X) Scarborough, Adm'x.

        This document represents dispersals of money from the estate to the following people:  William Bush; John Stevens; C & J Beall; Morrel Baker, Ar. F. Beal; George K. Holloway; Tax Receipt; SARAH SCARBORO; R. Wilburn; C & J. Beall; Tho's Holder; CHARLES CULPEPPER; Henry Eady; Morrel Baker; Clk's fees; paid Dr. Little; paid A. & J. Beall.  Total = $276.94

 (NOTE: The above document contains the last mention I have found of Sarah Warren Scarborough, so we know that she lived at least until 1832. No mention of her in the records of 1835 when her son James J. Scarborough replaced his deceased brother Abraham M. Scarborough as administrator of their father's estate. jrh)

Under "Credits" :  Received from M. Baker $50.22

Sold 1 1/2 lots of land on the 1st Tuesday in Jan'r. 1833 by order of court
12 months credit = $210.50
2 negroes, 12 months credit  = $336.00
Total = $546.72
Balance on Hand = $269.78

NOTE:  The total of $546.72 should have been $596.72 - the estate got shortchanged by $50.00, or I don't understand the arithmetic.  JRH

As you will see from Ichabod's family ,  I have listed no daughters for him and his wife Sarah Warren Scarborough.  That's because I have not been able to identify any in the records.  The census of 1820 shows 6 males (Ichabod and 5 sons) and 2 females (Sarah and 1 daughter).  By the 1830 census, just a year before Ichabod died, there were 5 males (Ichabod and 4 sons) and 6 females (Sarah and 5 daughters).  So, evidently, there were daughters born to the couple. 

The search for Ichabod's ancestors continues.  I am still trying to find that one document that will connect Ichabod to the David Scarborough family of North Carolina-jrh

Although I have been unable to find positive connections between Ichabod and the Scarborough family described in SOUTHERN KITH AND KIN, V. 2, pp 37-50,  I feel sure that this is the Scarborough family from which Ichabod descends.  The family of William Scarborough settled in Surry County, Virginia around 1650 and descendants of this family moved into Georgia about 1790. They were brothers, Samuel, Addison, James and Shadrack. Two brothers, Samuel and Shadrack Scarborough, are listed as grantees of land in Burke County, Georgia from 1787 through 1797.  (see THE FAMILIES OF BURKE COUNTY, GEORGIA, 1755-1855, a Census, by Robert Scott Davis, Jr. and Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr., 1981, p. 212.) Scarborough men present in Burke County during this time period are listed above.

A man named Shadrack would have no qualms about naming a son Ichabod! but there are no records connecting Ichabod and Shadrack.  Ichabod was in Burke County, Georgia (along with his wife Sarah Warren, Sarah's father Josiah Warren, and her grandfather Henchy Warren) in 1803.  I have yet to find any record, however, that names Ichabod as the son, brother, nephew or cousin of any of the above named Scarborough men.

Of interest is the origin of the name "Scarborough."  It is derived from a Viking warrior, named Skarit, who invaded Scotland and set up a holding on the eastern coast.  A village grew nearby and was called "Skaritboro" which eventually became "Scarborough."  It is this village that is sung about in the song "Scarborough Fair."   (This information was taken from a novel which I read. I haven't verified the story. JRH)



Sarah Warren Scarborough was the daughter of Josiah Warren (son of Hinche Warren and Rachel Anderson) and Nancy Doty (daughter of Benejah Doty, a descendant of Edward Doty and Edward Fuller, both Mayflower passengers to Plymouth, Mass. in 1620.)

Page 40 of WILKINSON COUNTY GEORGIA HERITAGE COLLECTIONS by Joe Maddox, 1999 edition, lists the early members of Myrtle Springs Primitive Baptist Church which was organized in 1812 by Charles Culpepper, Sarah Warren Scarborough's brother-in-law.  Sarah's name is on this list.   JRH



Results of research at Washington Library, Sept. 2001 follow.

THE BENCH AND BAR OF GEORGIA, by Stephen I. Miller, Vol I, 1858, p. 319:  James Jackson Scarborough applied to the bar at Wilkinson Superior Court at October Term, 1828, and was admitted

MARRIAGES AND OBITUARIES FROM EARLY GEROGIA NEWSPAPERS, abstracted by Judge Folks Huxford, 1989, p. 363:    "In Telfair County on the 6th inst. by Rev. William Stegall, James J. Scarborough, Esq., Atty-at-law, to Miss Ann E. Boyd, July 17, 1830."

Telfair County, probably the county of residence of Ann E. Boyd, is very near Montgomery County.  Laurens County is between Telfair and Wilkinson.  By the 1840 census, James J. Scarborough was living in Houston County, Georgia where he practiced law.

The 1840 census shows
James J. Scarborough:  Males:   1, under 5; 1, 30-4
  Females:   1, under 5; 1, 5-10; and 1, 20-30
Slaves, Females:  1, under 10; 1, 10-24; and 1, 24-30

The slaves may have been those who were part of Ichabod Scarborough's estate.  See below for sale/purchase of two Negro girls.

Other related families in Houston County on the 1840 census were James's brother George W. Scarborough; his uncle Eli Warren; his uncle Charles Culpepper who married his aunt Rachel Warren; Joseph Culpepper's father Sampson; and a younger Charles Culpepper.

Before the 1840 census, James J. Scarborough was appointed the administrator, de bonis non, of his father's estate after his brother Abraham M. Scarborough died in 1834.  See notes on Ichabod for more information concerning the administration of his estate.

LAND RECORDS OF HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, 1834-1836, VOL. IV, by William R. Henry, 1993, pub by Central Georgia Genealogical Society (CGGS), p. 167.


       James J. Scarborough, Adm. de bonis non of Ichabod Scarborough, obtained an order of leave to sell the Land & Negroes of Ichabod Scarborough, dec'd from the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson co., Ga. the following Negroes having been advertised for sale, sold before Courthouse door in BIBB CO., GA on 1st Tues. instant to Silas D. P. Scarborough for $1171.00

HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA             9-5-1835                 Deed Pg. 451

Grantor:         James J. Scarborough, Adm. of Ichabod Scarborough
Grantee:  Silas D. P. Scarborough
$1171.00 Amy, a girl about 10 & Hetty, a girl
Wit:                Charles H. Rice, J.P.               Signed: James J. Scarborough, Adm

Same book, page 168:
BIBB COUNTY, GEORGIA                       9-6-1835                 Deed Pg. 452
  Received of James J. Scarborough, $1171.12 1/2 in full consideration
for two (2) certain negro girls slaves Viz:  Amy & Hetty and I do for sum of $1171.12 1/2 sell to James J. Scarborough
Wit:                Lemuel Watson
Aaron Lessel, J.P.                   Signed: Silas D.P. Scarborough
Recorded:  September 19, 1835
These two little girls were probably the ones who were recorded on the 1840 census.  The older woman may have been their mother.

From the same Land Records book, p. 151:

HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA             6-11-1825               Deed Pg. 408
Grantor:         James E. Duncan                     Houston Co., GA
Grantee:         James J. Scarborough              Houston Co., Ga
$313.20          Lot Letter "H" No. 1                              Town of Perry, Houston Co., GA  1/21 
"being the place whereon the said James J. Scarborough now lives."
Wit:                Charles H. Rice, J.P
R. Smith, J.P.                          Signed:  James E. Duncan
Recorded:   June 22 1835
The above is probably a record of James J. buying rental property in Perry where he and his family had been living.

From the same record book there are several references to James J. Scarborough as either an adjoining property owner in Perry or a witness to a document during the years 1836, 1837, 1838 and 1839.  One of these that is of interest is the following on p. 270.

HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA             9-29-1838               Deed pg. 623
Grantor:         Edwin Mouger        Houston Co. Ga.
Grantees:       James M. Kelly &
  Charles H. Rice       Both of Houston Co., Ga
$800               "All that parcel, lying in the TOWN OF PERRY, being the North-East
corner of the block Letter "G" lying due East of the lot now occupied by Orren Huffman for MERCANTILE PURPOSES, and fronting on the opposite side of the street by Edward T. McGehee & by James J.Scarborough and running back to include 1/2 acre.
Wit:                James Holderness
Lewis J. Jordan, Clerk                            Signed:  Edwin Mounger
Wit:                J.A. Bryan, J.P.      4-23-1839
Recorded:                April 23, 1839

The property owned by James J. Scarborough was evidently "down town" in Perry and was probably his law offices.

On May 1, 1843, James J. Scarborough, along with William A. Baskin, Harvey Hargrove, Robert W. Baskin and Samson Culpepper, was appointed one of the commissioners to divide the Negroes, money, and lands belonging to the estate of Abram M. Scarborough (James's brother who died between November 1834 and January 1835.  The administration of Abraham's estate had been given to Samson Culpepper. The estate had probably been kept in tact and this sale was probably prompted by the married of Abraham's widow Emily to William Simpson Moore.)

FIRST ONE HUNDRED AND TEN YEARS OF HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA (1822-1932_ pub. by CGGS, Inc., 1983, pages 109, 139-140

p. 109: James J. Scarborough was a member of the General Assembly, a member from Thomas County in the Presidential Convention of 1839, a Judge of the Superior Court and a law partner with his uncle General Eli Warren. 

Pp. 139-140:  In a discussion of the politics in Houston County in the middle 1800s, Judge James J. Scarborough is classified as a Whig, along with General Eli Warren, Dr. Wm. A. Mathews, Major James W. Belvin and Honorable Hugh Lawson.

The last record which I found for James J. Scarborough comes from THOMAS COUNTY, GEORGIA NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, VOL. I, 1857-1875 abstracted by Tad Evans, 1995, p. 383:

Saturday, December 11, 1875 DIED Judge J. J. Scarborough died last week in St. Paul, Minn., at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Thompson.  He was well known in this section of the State, having been Judge of the Southern Circuit at one time. 

A search of Thomas County, Georgia records revealed the following in the book HISTORY OF THOMAS COUNTY, GEORGIA by Irwin MacIntyre, 1923, pp 8-9.  From Superior Court minutes of the May term of 1846: "At the May term 1846 it appears from the presentments that for some time before a secret organization of citizens on both sides of the Georgia-Florida line, known as the Regulators, had been active in enforcing what it pleased them to call law and order.  For awhile the organization served a very good purpose but it had gotten in disrepute and had recently executed two citizens.  Judge Scarborough instructed the grand jury to indict the guilty parties for murder but only a warning that they would be indicted next time was the result, the officers being called upon to dismiss the body which was no longer needed for the purpose for which it was organized."

In 1846, James J. Scarborough was 40 years old.  The next record that I was able to find is in the book HISTORY OF MACON COUNTY, GEORGIA by Louise Frederick Hays, 1933, pages 377-382, in an article written about Dr. John D. Wade by his son John Donald Wade.  Dr. John D. Wade, a graduate of the medical school in Charleston, SC, married Augusta Scarborough, the daughter of James J. and Ann Boyd Scarborough.  John and Augusta had a daughter, Annie.  In this article, John Wade writes, "The Scarboroughs had but recently come to Americus from the North.  At the outbreak of war they returned, not home, but to Saint Paul, Minnesota.  There they prospered, promptly, prodigiously and they kept writing for John and Augusta to join them; they would set John up, they said, in the best corner drug store in town."  But Dr. John chose to remain in Georgia and eventually became a surgeon in the Confederate States Army.

       Another comment about the Scarboroughs, "The Scarboroughs had Annie up for long visits endowing her, incidentally, many thought, with more expensive tastes than her income would ever warrant.  but Annie married before long (to) George Harris, and went to live with her competent prospering husband in Macon."

I have been unable to find an 1850 or later census record for James J. Scarborough.  It is possible that he moved his family away from Georgia before 1850 as is indicated in the above report. jrh



George W. Scarborough was ordained a Primitive Baptist minister in October 1861.  He was a member of Pleasant Hill Primitive Baptist Church near the old community of Wellston, Georgia (now Warner Robins).  The old, big wooden church of my childhood has been replaced with a smaller, more modern brick church, on the same location, in the town of Warner Robins.

George W. Scarborough is buried in the Garvin Cemetery, Centerville, Georgia. His tombstone is engraved: IN MEMORY OF MY GRANDFATHER  GEORGE W. SCARBOROUGH  Died Nov. 11, 1880  Aged 69 Years  A Primitive Baptist Preacher - Faith led in every relation of life - Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

NOTE:  I don't know who the grandchild was who placed the stones on the graves of George W. and Susannah Scarborough. jrh

The Garvin Cemetery is located off Wilson Drive at the end of the Manchester cul de sac.  To get to the cemetery it is necessary to walk across the yard of a residence which sits in front of the cemetery.  A section of the cemetery fence has been cut away to allow access.  However, down the right side of the cemetery the fence has been removed near the back.  The Scarborough graves are located in the back right corner of the cemetery.

1850 Houston County, Georgia Census, dated 28th day of September 1850, The Lower 5th District, records the following:

George W. Scarborough 39            Farmer     b. Georgia
Susannah   "                   39                            b. Georgia
Sarah          "                  14
Nancy                "          12
Frances      "                     9
James                 "            6
Warren               "            4
Mary                 "             1

1860 Houston County, Georgia Census, dated 21 day of July 1860, the Fifth District, records the following:
George W. Scarborough 49            Farmer     b. Geo.
Susana     do                   49                            b. Geo.
Nancy       do                 21
Kitrell W.  do                 13
Male, illegible                 17
Elisabeth F.  do                9

NOTE:  George, Susannah and Nancy's ages agree on both censuses.  Frances, age 9 on the 1850 census was probably married by the 1860 census.   James, age 6 on the 1850 census is probably the 17 year old male of the 1860 census. I couldn't not read the name. (Correspondence with a descendant of James gives his name as James Noah).  The Warren, age 4 on the 1850 census is no doubt the Kitrell W. age 13 of the 1860 census.  Mary age 1 on the 1850 census may have died before the 1860 census.  And Elizabeth F., age 9, on the 1860 census was born after the 1850 census.  Nancy was Nancy Doty Scarborough, named for her great grandmother.  Kittrell Warren Scarborough was no doubt named for his great uncle Kitrell Warren.  The names of these last two children lend strength to the connection between the Scarborough family and their Warren and Doty ancestors.

The 1860 census shows that George W. Scarborough and Sylus (Silas D. P.) Scarborough lived on adjoining farms.  Sylus was dwelling #735 and George was dwelling #737.  

Other data on George Washington Scarborough and his family come from several of his descendants.  I have not done much research on this family myself, so make no claims as to its accuracy other than that in the two census records above. JRH

The following information was given to me by Erma (Mrs. Gordon) Scarborough of Centerville, Georgia.  Her information came from Dr. Jack A. Davis, a retired Methodist Minister, who is the g.grandson of George Washington and Susannah McClendon Scarborough.

Sarah Green Scarborough  b. 8-29-1836, d. 13 Dec. 1916

child of Geo. W. Scarborough, b. 4-7-1810, d. 11-11-1880

child of Sarah Warren, b. 1781 - m. Ichabod Scarborough

child of Nancy Doty, b. 1763, d. 1809  (m. Josiah Warren in 1780)

child of Benajah Doty, b. 1723  (d. 1780 in Onslow Co., NC)

child of James Doty, b. 9-17-1686 (m. Phoebe Slater also of Mayflower descent)

child of Samuel Doty, b. abt. 1643 (m. 11-15-1678 to Jane Harmon)

child of Edward Doty, b.  ?    d. 8-23-1655 in Plymouth, MA  (m. Faith Clarke)

NOTE:  data in parentheses added by me, Joyce Rape Harrison

Erma says, "This information by Dr. Jack A. Davis.  His sister, Mrs. George E. Lewis, Tallahassee, Fl. employed a genealogist to work on her ancestry to Edward Doty who came over on the MayFlower.  E.S.S."

Erma wrote, "Copied June 8, 1981 from old church book - Pleasant Hill Primitive Baptist Church records.  List of deceased Members. E.S.S."

"Elder G.W. Scarborough departed this life November 11, 1880  Age 69 yrs. 4 mos. 28 days - He was ordained Minister of Gospel in Oct. 1861.

"Sister Susannah Scarborough, wife of Elder G. W. Scarborough departed this life in Nov. 7, 1884.  Age 73 yrs - 11 mos. - and 3 days.  She lived an Exemplarary Christian life and was esteemed by all who knew her.  To know her was to admire her. A good woman passed away.

"Sister Nancy Doty Scarborough, daughter of Elder Geo. W. Scarborough departed this life on the 3rd day of January 1875, aged 36 yrs. 1 mo. and 13 days.  She was an Orniment (sic) to her parents an ordily (sic) member of her church.  While we regret her loss, we feel assured that our loss is her eternal gain and as her seat is vacant here we feel that she fills one where the just are made perfect.   E.S.S."

NOTE:  Nancy Doty Scarborough's grave is at the foot of her mother's grave in the Garvin Cemetery described above.  jrh

Notes for SUSANNAH MCLENDON: (w/o George W. Scarborough)

Susannah's grave is located next to that of her husband's.  The engraving reads: IN MEMORY OF MY GRANDMOTHER   SUSANNAH SCARBOROUGH   Died Nov. 7, 1884  Aged 74 Years.  A Good Wife - A Revered Mother  (there is more engraving but the stone is broken off it's base.)  jrh



Abraham (Abram) Marshall Scarborough was the son of Ichabod Scarborough and Sarah Warren.  At the death of his father, in 1831,  A. M. Scarborough was appointed administrator of his father's estate. Abraham himself died two years later.

The marriage license and certificate of Abraham M. Scarborough and Emily Culpepper are recorded in Houston County, Georgia Marriage Book A.  The license is dated July 13, 1831 and signed by C. U. Rice, C.C.O.  U.C.  The marriage was performed on July 20, 1831 by Allanson Culpepper, M. G

JRH - Research at the courthouse in Perry, GA.  Aug. 28, 2000.

Houston County, Georgia, Appraisements and Sales Book, A-1, 1834-1850.

Page 9:    A. M. Scarborough's estate was appraised 3 March 1835. 

Page 222: June 26, 1843, a reference to Emily Fife, widow of Abm. M. Scarborough.

Page 357:  13 Feb. 1847, a reference to Ann Emily Hargrove and Sarah Marshall Scarborough, minors of A. M. Scarborough.  Their interests were represented by William G. Moore, guardian.

NOTE:  Emily had evidently married but was still considered a minor.  jrh

From MACON, GEORGIA NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS (MESSENGER) VOL. II 1831-1837, page 186, from the issue dated Thursday, January 22, 1835, under the heading LEGAL NOTICES:  "Georgia, Houston County:  Will be sold before the Court House door in said county on the first Tuesday in March, next, between the legal hours of sale, all the property belonging to the estate of Abraham M. Scarborough, late of said county, deceased.  Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate.  (Signed) Joseph Culpepper, Adm."

Abraham was named in the will of his aunt, Rachel Warren Culpepper, widow of Charles Culpepper.  The following comes from GEORGIA COURT HOUSE RECORDS, HOUSTON COUNTY, WILL BOOK A, 1827-1855

Page 2114:  Will of Rachel (Warren) Culpepper, dated August 16, 1832; probated September 10, 1832; no recording date.  "I, Rachel Culpepper, widow, give to my brother-in-law Joseph Hill of the County of Wilkinson......brothers Lott Warren of Twiggs County, Eli Warren of Laurens County and Kittrell Warren......to sister Sally Scarborough (this is Sarah Warren who married Ichabod Scarborough - JRH)......cousin Elizabeth Gilbert......brother-in-law Joseph Hill......nephew Abraham M. Scarborough, 'my pied horse called Ned'  ......brother Joseph Culpepper......sisters Sally Scarborough, Polly Hill and Patsy Warren and brother Sampson Culpepper. "  Rachel's brother Eli Warren was the executor.  Witnesses were James L. Baskin, Charles H. Patillo and John Smith, J.P.

See notes for Charles Culpepper for more information on Rachel Warren and Charles Culpepper.

From WILLS OF HOUSTON COUNTY:  Vol. I, p. 72, (Washington Library, Macon, GA.) is the following information concerning Emily Culpepper Scarborough who married again, after Abraham's death, to a Mr. Fife. 

From Will Book A, p. 93, dated 5 December 1842:  "Emily Fife appointed guardian of the person and property of her children Ann Emilia Scarborough and Sarah M. Scarborough, orphans of Abraham M. Scarborough, dec."  Bond was set at $3200 with Sampson Culpepper as security.

From the same book, p. 102, dated 1 May 1843:  W. A. Baskin, Harvey Hargrove, Robert Baskin, Sampson Culpepper and James J. Scarborough were appointed commissioners to divide the negroes, money and lands belonging to the estate of Abram M. Scarborough, dec., between the widow and two children and report their "doings" in their presence to the next term of this court. (Houston Co. Inferior Court Book B - 1836-1852.)

NOTE: James Jackson Scarborough was the brother of Abraham Marshall Scarborough and after 'Abram's' death, James J. took over the duties of administrator of their father's estate.  Their father was Ichabod Scarborough and their mother was Sarah Warren Scarborough, the daughter of Josiah Warren and Nancy Doty Warren.  Nancy Doty was a descendant of Edward Doty a passenger on the Mayflower on her 1620 voyage to Plymouth Colony.

Evidently Mr. Fife died by 1844 because Emily married again to William S. Moore who was appointed guardian of person and property of Ann Amelia and Sarah M. Scarborough, page 126, of Book A, dated 1 July 1844  (p. 80 of Vol. I of the above named book).  Bond as guardian was $2000 with Ruben M. Hargrove as security.    jrh

Notes for EMILY CULPEPPER (w/o Abraham Marshall Scarborough)

The following is the address of Warren Culpepper, descendant of Emily Culpepper's line, who has a Culpepper Home Page on the internet which gives the Culpepper family genealogy and more:

Warren Culpepper
2420 Ridgeview Dr.
Big Canoe, GA 30143
ph: 706-268-3774 email:  warren@culpepper.com



At the Georgia Archives there is a record of a Silas Scarborough serving as 1st Lt. in Emanuel County (Georgia Militia) from November 23, 1830- Jan 18, 1832 (M.R., 1829-1841, p. 17).  Also as Capt. (Emanuel Co.) Dec. 11, 1835  (M.R. 1829-1841 p. 86) (MC 1835-36, p. 144).  It may be that this Silas was Silas D.P. Scarborough, son of Ichabod.  He would have been of an age to be in the militia during the years 1830 to 1835.  However, there is on record in Houston County, Georgia the marriage license and certificate of Silas D. P. Scarborough and Martha Caroline Jackson.  The license is dated llth day of January 1834, signed by C. U. Rice, C.C.O., his seal.  The marriage certificate is dated 22d day of January 1834. The ceremony was performed by Stephen Castillaw O. M. G.

So if Silas D. P. was in Houston County in 1834, perhaps the Emanuel County Silas Scarborough was a relative - maybe the son of Miles Scarborough. Miles and Ichabod Scarborough were listed together on the 1805 Wilkinson County Tax List when they paid taxes on 452 1/2 acres of land.  Miles was named as the 'grantee' of the land and Ichabod was named as 'person to pay taxes' on the land.  I have not yet been able to determine the relationship between Ichabod and Miles. They may have been father and son, or brothers.

A list of members of Union Church of Crawford County, Georgia includes, in 1847, Silas D. P. Scarbran, obviously my Silas D. P. Scarborough.

The 1850 census of Houston County, Georgia records Silas D.P. Scarborough as head of household, age 38, his wife Martha age 33, and Jasper, his brother, age 23.  Silas's worth is listed as $500.00. Jasper had his own estate valued at $500.00 also.

Jasper was the youngest child of Ichabod Scarborough and would have been about five years old at the time of his father's death.  Silas was made guardian of his brother Jasper when Jasper was about 17. Silas's brother Abram/Abraham Marshall Scarborough had been made the administrator of their father's estate when Ichabod died and may have been Jasper's guardian. Later information concerning Jasper indicates that he was under the guardianship of his brother George W. Scarborough after Ichabod's death and upon reaching the age of 17 he went to live with Silas in order to continue his schooling.  JRH

In the 1860 Houston County Scarborough household were: Sylus age 43 (should have been 48); Martha C. age 43; Josephine age 22; Ichabod (Nimrod) age 19; Sarah J. age 14; J. S. Warren age 13; James B. T. age 12; Pinkney W. age 9; Franklin age 6; and Sarah F. age 4.  (The son Pinkney W. conflicts with other information given to me by Mrs. Gordon Scarborough.  According to the 1850 census, Pinkney W. was born in 1851.  The son born in 1851 in Mrs. Scarborough's records was listed as James Benjamin Troup Scarborough with no mention of a son named Pinkney W.)  The Sarah F. age 4 on the 1860 census should have been Laura F(rances) who was 4 years old in 1860. Another Sarah was listed on the 1860 census as age 14.   (NOTE:  One Scarborough researcher says that the Pinkney W. on this census was either a grandson or a nephew of Silas and Martha Caroline Scarborough. jrh)

The oldest son of Silas D.P. and Martha Jackson Scarborough was named for both of his grandfathers, Nimrod Jackson and Ichabod Scarborough, thus was burdened with the name Ichabod Nimrod (I.N.) Scarborough. I.N. joined Company C of the 6th Georgia Regiment and fought with the Beauregard Volunteers during the War Between the States.  He gave his life for the Southern Cause.

The daughter listed as Sarah F. on the 1860 census was in fact Laura Frances Adeline Rebecca Scarborough, a 6th great granddaughter of Edward Doty, the Mayflower immigrant. She married Peter Henry Rape and became my connection to a Mayflower Pilgrim.

There are church records of Crawford County which list Silas D. P. and his wife Martha Caroline Scarborough as members of Elam Primitive Baptist Church.  Elam was located in western Crawford County.

In conversation with Judy Lubas of Forestville, California, July 16, 1999:  Judy claims that the S.D.P. of Silas Scarborough's name stand for Silas Daniel Pinkney.  I have not seen the entire name in records anywhere.  Judy is a descendant of S.D.P.'s son Jasper Franklin Scarborough.  JRH

Silas D. P. Scarborough is buried in Houston County on what is called the "Dunbar Farm" off Dunbar Road in the northern section of the county.  The cemetery is fenced, but is not kept cleared and is very overgrown with bushes and briars.  A large tree has fallen across several graves.  It is likely that Martha Jackson Scarborough is also buried there but her grave is not marked. Silas D.P.'s dates of birth and death come from the headstone which is erected at the head of his grave. jrh

The will of S.D.P. Scarborough is recorded in "Houston County Wills Book B - 1855-1896".

State of Georgia ) 
Houston County) 
In the name of God Amen.  I Silas D. P. Scarborough of said
State and County being of advanced age and knowing that I must shortly depart this life deem it right and proper both as respects my family and myself that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind Providence has blessed me, do therefore make this my last Will & Testament - hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me.

1st  I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition in life.  My soul I trust shall return to rest with God who gave it as I hope for eternal salvation through the atonement and merits of the blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ whose religion I have professed and as I humbly trust enjoyed for nineteen years.

2nd  I desire and direct that my beloved wife Martha C. Scarborough do take control of my affairs and manage, &c, and act as I should myself, it being paying all my just debts.  That she is to bargain, sell and trade and do other acts which she may consider beneficial to herself and family.  No Court of Ordinary or other authorities to have control or powers over her and her acts more than granting her letters of permission to act (----) herself.

3rd   I desire and will that in case my wife marry she is to have a child's part and after her death this part to revert back to my children to be equally distributed among them and in like manner at her death all the effects which may be on hand to be likewise distributed.

                       Signed, Sealed and published by Silas D. P. Scarborough as his last will and testament in presence of us as witnesses, this Sept 11, 1865

                                                       Silas D. P. Scarborough (L.S.)

Bolin P. Leaptrot
P. J. Bateman
Joel Mizles

The within last Will & Testament of Silas D. P. Scarborough late of this County deceased having been presented to this Court for probate by Mrs. Martha C. Scarborough the Executrix named therein and having been duly proven in common form by Bolin T. Leaptrot, & Joel Mizles two of the Subscribing witnesses thereto it is ordered that the same be and is hereby admitted to record in this Court and Mrs. Martha c. Scarborough the Executrix herein appointed having duly taken the oath prescribed by law to execute Said Will it is ordered that letters Testamentary do issue to her accordingly.  And the will dispensing with the duty of appraising the Estate of deceased or making Annual Returns, no appraisers are therefore appointed nor is Said Executrix required to make annual Returns.

                                                       (signed) W. T. Swift - O.H.C

Recorded April 1866.

NOTE:  The above will is copied from the court transcript and is not the original will. jrh

Notes for MARTHA CAROLINE JACKSON (w/o Silas D P Scarborough)

Martha Caroline Jackson was the daughter of Nimrod Jackson and Elizabeth Busbee who were married in 1814 in Orange County, South Carolina by Elkanah Sawyer, J.P.  Nimrod served during the War of 1812.  The family settled in what is now Peach County near the town of Byron, Georgia.  However, at the time Nimrod and Elizabeth lived there it was Houston County, then Crawford County and not until 1824 was Peach County created.  See notes about Nimrod for more information. jrh

In a very poor copy of a picture of Silas D. P. Scarborough and Martha Caroline Jackson Scarborough, she appears to be in her seventies.  She was dressed in a striped, long-sleeved, shirtwaist, floor length dress holding a white handkerchief in her hands.  Her hair appears to have been gray and braided across her head.  They were standing by the side of a house.



Wilkinson County, September 1844: George Washington Scarborough, brother and guardian of Rabun Scarborough, paid to Rabun M. Scarborough, $420.57 "in full of all demands."  This was probably the balance of Rabun's part of his father's estate left after George deducted the cost of living from 1832 until 1844 when Rabun reached the age of 18 and was considered no longer a minor.

Rabun M. Scarborough was a 2nd Lt. in the 769th District (Houston County) of the Georgia Militia on October 15, 1842.  (MC 1842-46, p. 31 at the GA Archives.) 

NOTE: The following information on Rabun Monroe Scarborough and his descendants came from Sarah Scarborough Kestner, one of those descendants.  Sarah emailed me after finding my Scarborough data on my Family Tree Maker User's Home Page website.  Her email address:   <Kestnerj@aol.com>

Rabun moved to Gadsden County, Florida around 1845 to help manage the plantation of a widow, Martha Lucinda Davis Smith.  He married her one year later in 1847. 

Rabun was commissioned as captain of a volunteer company of state troops June 29, 1861 and was stationed in Apalachicola.  He returned home on furlough one year later because he was wounded by shells and contracted an illness.  He died at home at age 36, on May 5, 1862, as a result of that illness.  Rabun's civil war sword was passed down to his grandson, Edgar Warren Scarborough, who in turn passed it to Clay Scarborough's son, Bryan, the only male descendant of Rabun who can carry on the Scarborough name.

A collection of letters that Rabun wrote to his family while serving in the army has been published.   JRH




Jasper Hale Troup was the son of Ichabod Scarborough and Sarah Warren.  The ancestry of Sarah Warren can be traced back to two Mayflower passengers in 1620 to Plymouth, Massachusetts.  They were Edward Doty and Edward Fuller.  Sarah Warren's mother was Nancy Doty, daughter of Benejah Doty who was born in Piscataway, New Jersey.  His wife's name, mother of Nancy, is not known.  Benejah's parents were James Doty and Phoebe Slater.  James's parents were Samuel Doty and Jane Harmon.  Samuel was the son of the Mayflower passenger Edward Doty and Faith Clarke, daughter of Thirston Clarke. Phoebe Slater was the daughter of Edward Slater and Elizabeth Bonham.  Elizabeth was the daughter of Nicholas Bonham and Hannah Fuller.  Hannah was the daughter of Samuel Fuller and Jane Lathrop.  Samuel was the son of Edward Fuller, the Mayflower passenger, wife unknown.  Edward's brother Samuel was also a passenger on the Mayflower.  Back to Sarah Warren. Her father was Josiah Warren, son of Henchey Warren and Rachel Anderson.  Henchey's father was Robert Warren of Northampton County, NC, wife unknown. And Rachel was the daughter of Carolus Anderson, Northampton Co., NC, wife thought to be Susan?   JRH

11/23/98:  In conversation today with my cousin Juanita Rape Jackson, I learned that a descendant of the Scarboroughs, Patricia Peel, had found a record of Jasper Hale Troup Scarborough living with his brother George Washington Scarborough after the death of their father Ichabod.  This source recorded also that Jasper later moved to Houston County, Georgia where he lived with Silas D. P. Scarborough, also his brother. Crawford County (formerly Houston County) court records show that Silas D. P. Scarborough was "guardian for Jasper H. T. Scarborough minor of the deceased" (the deceased being Ichabod Scarborough) as late as 7 Jul. 1844 at which time Silas made his estate return showing vouchers ($23.27) in payments to: Miller & Worsham; T. W. Brantley; George W. Pence; Strong & Wood; J. J. Bradford; J. M. Dennis; and Felder Jackson for Jasper's clothing, schooling and living expenses. Jasper would have been about 17 in 1844.

Jasper was still in the household of Silas D. P. Scarborough at the time of the 1850 Houston County, Georgia census.  Jasper was 23 years of age and had his own property valued at $500.00.  By the 1860 census Jasper was no longer living with Silas. He had married Margaret Beaty on December 20, 1853 at the age of 26. (I found the marriage license at the Houston County, Georgia court house.)

The following information about Jasper Hale Troup Scarborough was given to me by the above mentioned Patricia Peel.  The story of Jasper was told to Minnie Merle by her mother Naomi Scarborough Reeder who was the daughter of Jasper Hale Troup Scarborough.

"Jasper was the youngest of a large family.  Both of his parents died before he was four years old.  Jasper was born 1827 in Macon, Georgia, (this is questionable since I have found no evidence of Ichabod actually living in Bibb County - JRH), and died 1899 near Blue Springs, Alabama.  His mother's maiden name was Warren.  He lived with brother George Scarborough until he was 17 years old, then went to live with another brother for two years and went to school part time.

"Jasper spent several years as an overseer in different parts of Georgia.  After he married Margaret Beaty* they moved with the Beaty family to Alabama near the town of Texasville in Barbour County.  This was in the late 1850's.  He returned to Georgia and again worked as an overseer near Ft. Gaines until he entered the Confederate States Army at Eufaula, Alabama.  He served two years in the CSA and was sent home to make a crop due to poor eyesight.  However, he was recalled near the end of the war and served until Gen. Joseph F. Johnson surrendered.  He was discharged May 10, 1865 at Greensboro, North Carolina."

*The marriage license and certificate of Jasper H. T. Scarborough and Margaret Beaty are recorded in Houston County, Georgia Marriage Book B, 1852-1864, page 68.  Both the license and the certificate are dated December 20, 1853. John H. Pierce, Ordinary, signed the license and John L. Holstead, J.P. performed the marriage ceremony.  JRH

"Margaret Beaty Scarborough died while Jasper was in service.  In the fall of 1865 he married Margaret Baxley in Barbour County, Alabama and they had 8 children.  Six of those children lived to adulthood and reared families of their own."

Statistics on the family page of Jasper H.T. Scarborough were given to me by Patricia Peel who is a direct descendant of Jasper.  JRH