Records pertaining to
& wife
Page created by Sadie Greening Sparks
copyright October 18, 2000
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Rufus William Greening was the son of John Greening & Mary Whitehead, of Sumter, South Carolina. He was born About 1806 in Sumter.. He married Miss Only A. Outlaw, about 1833/4 in Alabama, Dtr of Alexander S. Outlaw, Jr. & wife, Jane Tucker Woodson of North Carolina, who were early settlers of Cahaba, Dallas Co, Alabama.
Rufus W. Greening was an Attorney in Mobile. He died in Alabama in 1837, and John J. Greening, his brother, was the Adm. of his Estate. He & wife had one son, Rufus John, Born about 1835 in Alabama, who came to Louisiana after 1860, where he enlisted in Co. D, 2nd Louisiana Infantry, with some of his relatives. He died in May 28, 1862 in the Civil War. He did not marry.
1860 Wilcox Co Ala, P 1129
Rufus J, 23 M Ala farming $1680/1364.(sh. be age 25)
Greening, Only A. 50 F Tenn.
Outlaw, Eliza 32 F Tenn.
Louisiana Confederate Soldiers, Etc (Booth) Vol 2, P 95
Greening, R. J.,Pvt. Co. D, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans. Rolls from
May to Aug.,1861, Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent in Hospl. at Williamsburg. Rolls
from Nov.,1861, to April, 1862, Present. Roll for May and June, 1862, Died in Danville, May 28.
Dallas County Alabama, Probate Court Minutes, Bk D, P 106, March
Term, 1837
In The Matter of the Estate of RUFUS W. GREENING, Deceased
This day came JOHN J. GREENING and applied to be appointed administrator of the estate of his
brother, RUFUS W. GREENING; and he having entered into bond in the
sum. of $30,000. with securities and taken the oath prescribed by law, ordered that he be appointed administrator of said estate and that letters of administration issue to him accordingly.
P . 13 3 , JUL Y TERM; 1838
Petition to sell real estate-This day came the administrator of said estate and filed his petition for the sale of the lands belonging to said estate in words and figures following: Petitioner represents that there is no sufficient personal property of said estate to pay the debts of same: that said dec'd. died seized in his own right of the following tracts or parcels of land: Lots No. 1 and 2 in Block No. 13, containing one acre, also Lot No.2 in Block No.8 containing 1/4 of an acre in the plan of the town
of Lexington at the mouth of Bogue Chitto Creek in Dallas County: also the south end of the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 20, Tp. 16, Range 7, containing 39 acres, more or less: also SW 1/4 of
NW 1/4 of Section 21, Tp. 16, Range 7, SW 1/4 of Section 14, the E 1/2 of
NW 1/4, the W. 1/2 of NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 23, Tp. 15, Range 7, -all situated in Dallas
County Alabama: that said dec'd. died leaving a Widow, Only A. Greening,
now a Femme sole, and one male heir called John R. Greening, about the age of 3 years, of whom Joseph W. Outlaw is guardian, all of whom are residents of Dallas County except Outlaw who resides in Mobile County: prays that the usual writs of citation issue to all persons interested and that your Honor will decree a sale of said land according to law: it is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that a citation issue to Only A. Greening, widow of aforesaid, citing her to be
and appear before this court on the 2nd MONDAY in September next to answer said petition, further ordered that citation issue to Joseph W. Outlaw, guardian aforesaid, commanding him to appear before this court on the
Same day to answer and defend against said petition.
P. 241, AUGUST TERM, 1838:
Came the administrator and suggested to the court that since the filing of the petition
in this case Joseph W.. Outlaw had resigned his guardianship of Rufus John Greening:- minor
heir; it is therefore ordered that James D. Craig be appointed guardian ad litem to defend in this case, and that citation issue to him accordingly.
P. 242-Answer of James D. Craig, guardian ad litem to the petition of administrator herein filed denying the allegations set forth and requiring proof of same as the law directs.
P. 262-This day came the petitioner and dismissed his case and by leave of the court withdraws the petition in this
case; it is therefore ordered that said case be dismissed.
BOOK D, P. 262-This day came the administrator and filed his petition for a sale of the real estate of said dec'd. in
words and figures following: Representing that there are belonging to said estate 12 grown slaves and 4 small ones, and that there is not sufficient personal property to pay the debts against the estate of said dec'd. , and that said dec'd. died seized and possessed of the
following described tracts or parcels of land, to WIT; Lots one and TWO in Block
no. 13, containing one acre, Also, Lot No. 2, Block no. 8, containing 1/4 of an acre in the plan of the town of Lexington at the mouth of Bogue Chitto
Creek in Dallas County,; also, the South end of the E 1/2 of ne1/4 of Section 20, Tp. 16, Range 7,; also the
sw1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 21, Tp. 16, Range 7; also SW1/4 of Section 14, the E 1/2 of
NW1/4 and w 1/2 of NE 1/4 and the NW1/4 of NW1/4; all in Section 23, Tp. 15, Range 7, situated in Dallas County; and that the said Dec ' d. died leaving a
widow Only A. Greening, now a FEMME sole , and one male heir called John R. Greening,
now about the age of 3 years, all of whom reside in Dallas County; that the said estate is largely indebted and that a sale of said land is absolutely necessary; in consideration whereof your petitioner prays your Honor to order citations to all persons interested, and that your Honor will decree a sale of land accordingly.
James D. Craig, guardian ad litem for the said minor mentioned in the foregoing petition hereby answers said petition denying the allegations set forth and requiring proof of the same as the law directs.
Dated November 12th, 1838.
It is therefore ordered that James D. Craig be appointed guardian ad litem to John R. Greening, a minor named in the petition, and that citation issue to him to be and appear before this court on the 2nd Monday in January next to answer and defend herein; further ordered that citation issue to said widow requiring her to appear at the same time and answer said petition.
P. 276-This day came the parties by their attorney also the guardian ad litem to the minor heir named in said petition,
who filed his answer denying the allegations therein contained and requiring proof of same, waiving further notice, etc; it is therefore ordered on motion of plaintiff's attorney that the parties herein have leave to take testimony according to law and that said case be continued.
P. 323-JUNE TERM. 1839-This day came the parties by their attorneys and on the motion of the plaintiff the testimony in this case
was ordered to be opened and published subject to legal objections; and this case coming on to be heard on the petition, answers, and depositions in the case and the same having been seen and inspected by the court, it seems to the court that the proceedings herein are regular, and that there is not sufficient assets arising from the personal property belonging to said estate to pay the debts thereof; it is therefore ordered that the lands mentioned in said petition be sold (subject, however, to
widow's dower} to the highest bidder on the premises at public auction on a credit
VIZ;: one-half payable
1st January next and- one-half 12 months thereafter, said payments to be secured by taking notes
with good security payable to the administrator of said estate; 40 days' notice of the time and place of sale being first given by sticking up advertisements in three public places in the county, also by publication for three weeks in the Cahaba Democrat; and for the purpose of carrying the foregoing decree into effect, it is ordered that
Abner C. Mobley, Joseph P. Strother, and James Pegues be appointed commissioners and that they make report to this court their doings in the premises on the 2nd
MONDAY of September next
.P. 335-August Term, 1839-This day came petitioner by his attorney and on his motion the decree and order of sale heretofore granted in this case is set aside and leave given him to amend the petition; and thereupon came the said JOHN J. GREENING, Administrator, and filed his petition for the sale of the lands belonging to the decedent's estate in words and figures following: (Same Property, Land and Slaves, described) . that said Rufus W. Greening died leaving a widow, Only
A Greening, now a FEMME sole, and one male heir called John R. Greening, now about the age of 3 years; that the estate of said deceased is
largely indebted, and that a sale of said lands for the payment of debts is absolutely necessary; therefore prays your Honor to grant citations to all persons interested and that your Honor will decree a sale of said lands according to law; it is therefore ordered that citation issue to the said Only A. Greening,
widow, as aforesaid, to appear before this court the 2nd Monday in October next to answer said petition;
it is further ordered that James D. Craig be appointed guardian ad litem to the said minor heir, and that citation issue to him to appear before this court on the 2nd
MONDAY in October next to answer and defend against said petition.
P. 345-OCTOBER TERM 1839-Ordered that the parties have leave to take testimony and that WM. WHITTED and others herein
named be appointed commissioners to take the same and that this case be continued.
P. 352-NOVEMBER TERM 1839- This day came petitioner by their attorneys and on motion of the plaintiff the testimony in this case is ordered to be opened, and the case coming on to be heard on the petition, answers and depositions in the case, and the same having been seen and inspected by the court, it seems to the court that the proceedings herein are regular and that there is not sufficient assets arising from the sale of
personal property, rights and credits belonging to said estate to pay the debts thereof; it is therefore ordered and decreed by this court that the lands mentioned in said petition be sold (subject
however, to the widow's dower) , to the highest bidder at public auction on the premises on a credit as follows: 1/2 payable on the Ist January next, 1840; the other half on the first of January next thereafter;
that the payment of the purchase money be secured by notes with good security payable to the administrator; and for the purpose of carrying this decree into effect, ordered that Joseph
Strother, James Williams and A. C. Mobley be appointed commissioners, who are hereby required to make report to this court on the 2nd Monday in February, next, and that this case be continued.
P. 359-This day came the petitioner, Only A. Greening, by her attorney, and it appearing to the court that the
defendant had filed a waiver of notice in this case, it is ordered that a writ of dower issue to the Sheriff in this case.
P. 372-JANUARY 14, 1840: This day came the Sheriff of Dallas County and returned the writ of dower issued in this case,
also the report of the jury empanelled by him in this case, ,which is in words and figures
following - We, the undersigned commissioners , having been summoned,
empanelled and sworn by the Sheriff of said County, proceeded in conformity with a writ issued from the orphans' court of said county to
lay off by meters and bounds according to quantity and quality to ONLY A GREENING, widow of RUFUS W. GREENING, dec'd. one-third part of the lands and tenements of
which he died seized, which said land as laid out and set off by us , is situated and bounded and which we describe as
follows. to-wit: Lot No.2 in Block No. 13, containing one acre, also 1/3 of Lot No.2, in Block No.8, commencing at the corner between Lots numbers 1 and 2 and running 1/3 of the distance South across said lot and West across entire lot-all lying and being in the town of Lexington, Dallas County; we have also set off and laid out hereinafter described portion of the following lands described in said writ, to-wit: The SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Section 14, the
Sw 1/4 of Section 14, the E 1/2 of NW 1/4 and w 1/2 of NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 23, all of Tp. 15, Range 7, which said portion as set off by us of said described land is situated and bounded as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of the E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Section 23, Tp. 15, Range 7, and running South of the original line of survey across entire quarter section, thence East 134 poles, thence North to the original line of survey by which said quarter section is bounded on the North side, thence
west on said line to the beginning containing 134 acres, more or less, and running so as to include the dwelling house, outhouses and offices and as much of the improved land as practicable; and we have also set off by meters and bounds the following described land, to-wit: Beginning at the
SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, Tp. 16, Range 7, and running North along said entire quarter section, thence East 60 poles, thence South 80 poles, thence
west to beginning containing 30 acres, more or less.
Given under our hands and seals this 3rd day of January, 1840.
Attest: 0. N. CAMPBELL, Sheriff
It is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that said report be confirmed and the said sheriff put the said ONLY A.
GREENING in full possession of her said dower as laid off, which shall be and inure to her an estate for and during her natural life.
P. 385-MARCH TERM 1840: This day came the commissioners appointed at a former time of this court to sell the land named in the petition and made their report in words and figures following:
we, the undersigned commissioners, did in pursuance of said order advertise the lands of said deceased for sale at public auction by advertising in the Cahaba Democrat three several times and giving 40 days' notice by advertising in three public places in said county, we did dispose at public auction on the premises on the
1Oth January, last the following land: The South end of the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section
20 Tp. 16, Range 7, SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 21, Tp. 16, Range 7, except the
part assigned to the widow as her dower lying on the west side of said tract of land containing 49.17 1/2 acres, and that JANE BUTLER became the purchaser of said land at 12 dollars per acre. amounting to $590.10; that she executed her two notes for $295.05 each
with securities payable to the administrator of said estate, one on the I st day of June next, and the other on the
I st day of January next; we advertised as above stated that the balance of the real estate of said estate be sold on the premises on the
11th of January last the following lands: The W 1/2 of NE 1/4, the E 1/2 of
NW 1/4, the NW1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 23, Tp. 15, Range 7, and the SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section
number 14, Tp. 15, Range 7, and the balance of the SW 1/4 of Section 14 over and above the widow's dower in this tract, which was given her on the
west side of this quarter section, containing in all 262.12 1/2 acres, sold to JOHN J. GREENING at $8.10 1/2 per acre, amounting to $2124.52; also Lot No. 1 in Block
no 13 containing 1/2 acre in the plan of the town of Lexington, which lot was sold to JOHN J.
GREENING at $34.; this amount together with the amount for the above land sold the said Greening amounts to $2158.48, for which said Greening executed his notes payable to said Greening, administrator, one due January
I st, the other June
I st next, WITH securities thereon. we also sold on the same day the balance of Lot 2, of Block No.8, in the plan of the town of
Lexington over and above the widow's dower to JOSEPH W. OUTLAW for $5.00; the term of sale he did not comply
Dated this March 4th, 1840.
It is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that said report be confirmed; that said commissioners make to the several purchasers where the terms were complied with a fee simple title to said land by them purchased; that the notes so taken and returned remain in the custody of this court until the further order thereof.
BOOK E, P. 37-June 12, 1841: This day came the Administrator of said estate and applied for a final settlement of
same, it is therefore ordered by the court that a final settlement of said estate take place on the 4th Monday in August.
P. 118, DECEMBER TERM, 1841: This being the day set apart for the final settlement of the Administrator of said estate by
JOHN J. GREENING came the said Greening by his attorney, also Only A. Greening and Rufus J. Greening, who it appears to the satisfaction of the court are the sole distributors of said estate, and thereupon JOSEPH
W. OUTLAW is appointed by this court guardian ad litem for the minor to prosecute and defend herein for said infant, who accepts the same and appears herein, and it appearing to the court that at a former term of said court the administrator had presented his vouchers and accounts to this court, who had heard, examined and stated them, the
consideration of which is postponed until the first Monday in January, 1842, by
order of this court.
P. 128-JANUARY 3rd, 1842: This being the day set apart for concluding the final settlement of the estate of said deceased came the parties by their attorneys and the guardian ad litem, and it appearing
to the satisfaction of the court that the administrator has paid out and expended $5,007.50 over and above the amount of assets which have come into his hands; it is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that said administration stand finally settled, and that said administrator be hence discharged from the same, and that balance against said estate be satisfied out of any future assets if such should ever accrue.
Dallas County Alabama deeds
Dallas Co. Ala Probate Court Records
VOL. I, P. 167--Rufus W.. Greening and wife,
Only A. Greening, claim part of the estate of Alexander S.
Outlaw, Jr.(1832)
DB C, P 447, Dec. 22, 1832- Nelson B. Norris & wife N. G., to Rufus W. Greening & Wade H. Greening
Land Records- Sept, 16, 1833-Rufus W. Greening, Cahaba Land Office, Doc # 10977,
88 Acres, T/S 14N, Range 8E, sect. 23, Cash entry sale
D, P 394,395 Sept 1, 1835 Rufus W. Greening & wife Only
A., to John J Greening
Lots 1,3,3,4 Blk 5, Bogue chitto
DB E, P 104 Dec. 10, 1835 -O. A. Greening to Wm. Cochran
DB E, P 294, Feb, 18, 1835-Matthew Gayle & wife Acenith to Rufus W. Greening, quit-claim deed
DB E, P 295- Feb. 18, 1835 Jabez W. Heustes & wife Elizabeth S. to Rufus W. Greening
DB P 296-297 Aug 27, 1835 -John J. Greening & wife Sarah A Greening to Rufus W. Greening , all of Dallas, 88 Acres Dallas Co for $500.00-Recorded Dec. 28, 1836 by James D. Craig, Clk
DB E, P 685 Aug 10, 1835 James Williams to Rufus W. Greening
DB E P 515 Jan 10, 1836 H. B. Atwood to Rufus W.. Greening
DB E P 685 Aug 10, 1835 -Rufus W & O A Greening to William Jones, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Blk 8 Bogue Chitto
E, P. 686-687- Aug 10, 1835-R. W. GREENING And WIFE ONLY A. GREENING of Dallas Co. , Alabama, sold to Billups Gayle of Mobile City, three lots in
Town of Lexington in Dallas County,( Lots, 1,2 & 6, Blk 9). , formerly called Bogue Chitto, on the River.
Filed On November 25, 1837,
Billups Gayle and Anna A. , his wife, sold same to James
DB E, P 395 Sept 1, 1835 Rufus W. & wife Only A Greening, to John J. Greening , land in Dallas Co, T/S 14, Range 8, Part of Sect 22, 23, 14
Alabama Land Records-Sept. 12, 1835-Rufus W. Greening & Wade H. Greening-Doc # 12174-Cahaba Land Office, 44 Acres T/S 14N. Range 8E, Sect. 23
DB E P 296-Feb. 15, 1836 Douglas Puckett to Rufus W. Greening both of Dallas co ,118.19 Acres Dallas Co for $1600.00 -filed Dec. 27, 1836 A. C, Mobley, JP
DB E, P 308 -309 March 7, 1836 Rufus W & wife O. A. Greening to Asa Carey Lot 2, Blk 8, Bogue chitto and Lots 1,2, Blk 12.
DB E, P 309 March 14, 1836 Rufus W & Wife, O. A.. Greening to Caleb Etheridge Lots 1, 2, Blk 13, Bogue chitto
DB F, P 175 March 29, 1836 O. A. Greening to Benjamin Etheridge
.DB E P 521- June 8, 1836- A. D,. Carey of Dallas Co to Rufus W. Greening of Dallas Co, for $400.00-lots in town of Lexington-Recorded Jan. 19, 1837
DB E, P 297 June 11, 1836 Richard Alday & wife Rebecca to Rufus W. Greening, all of Dallas co, 44 acres for $75.00 Filed Dec. 5, 1836
DB E, P 521-522 Aug. 29, 1836 Thomas T. Guy & wife, Mary W. Guy to Rufus W. Greening, all of Dallas Co, 356.68 Acres in Dallas Co for $7,133.60 -T/S 15, Range 7, Sect. 14, 23-Filed June 15, 1837
DB E P 397 Jan 13, 1837 Rufus W. Greening & Wife, Only A. Greening to John J. Greening, all of Dallas Co, 640 Acres Dallas Co (698 Ac excl. 58 A Town of Lexington) for $6,400.00 -Only A. Greening reling. dower rights before T. G. Raines, JP-Filed 3.1.1837 Jas D. Craig, Clk
DB E P 367 2/13/1837-Rufus W Greening & wife, O A Greening to Woods, Middleton ,etal Lots 1-10, Blk 10, Bogue chitto
E, P 619 Aug 3, 1837 O. A. Greening to James S. McGuire & John D. McGuire
WILLIAM ENGLAND-Application for Pension for Services in Revolutionary War-Made October, 1832-From the Records of the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office,
WASHINGTON, , D. C.-The last payment of the pension of William England, Certificate No.29843, covering the period of March 4, 1835 to March 4, 1836
was made on May 3, 1836 at the Pension Agency, mobile, Alabama, to RUFUS
W. GREENING, as Attorney, for the Pensioner. William England certified on March 14,'1836, that he had been living in Dallas County, Alabama, for six months, and that he had previously lived in Perry County, Alabama.
Alabama Land Records-April 10, 1837-Rufus W.. Greening Doc #21505 Cahaba Land Office, 88 Acres, T/S 14 N, Range 8E, Sect. 23-Cash entry sale (Rufus W. Greening was deceased as of March, 1837-This Cert. had to be signed by someone other than Rufus W. Greening-or this is the Recording date of the Cert.)
DB H, P 257 Jan 11, 1840 Court Appt'd Commissioners for the Est of Rufus W. Greening to John J. Greening-deed
OCTOBER 16, 1841-ORPHANS COURT BOOK E, P. 82-Miss Eliza Outlaw filed the will of Mrs. Jane T. Outlaw. Citations ordered to be issued to Washington J. Outlaw, Joseph W. OUTLAW, ONLY A. GREENING, WILLIAM F.. MOORE, and Jane W. Moore, his wife, the next of kin.
H, P 652 Nov 1, 1841 Only A. Greening to John W. Rogers
DB Q, P 526- 4/3/1852 Only A. Greening to Thos. B. Jones
Q, P 504 Mar 17, 1855 Angus McRae to Only A. Greening
BOOK 25, Part I, P. 252-January term, 1858 HARRIS versus PLANT & CO.
Action brought by George F. Plant & Co. as partners against Mary w. Harris
as administratrix of Hartwell S. Harris, Dec'd. and Elijah Rigby. Hartwell S. Harris, Keeper of Public Ferry across Alabama below mouth of Bogue Chitto
being the same ferry established by RUFUS W. GREENING and JOHN DAVIS.
Thomas G. Rainer, Judge of Probate Court, Dallas County and Successor to
William M.. Lapsley, late Judge.
State of
County of Wilcox
DB M P 105-April 11, 1856
William F. Taylor & wife, Jane N. Taylor of Wilcox Co 39.84 acres land
in Wilcox for $200.00-to Rufus John Greening of Wilcox Co, Ala
DB M P 112 April 11, 1856
George W. Moore of Wilcox Co 39.86 acres in Wilcox Co to R. J. Greening of
Wilcox Co for $200.00
DB M P 173 George W, Moore of Wilcox, W. F. Moore & wife Jane of
Wilcox, & James Taylor & Wife Amanda N. of Wilcox, 40 acres for
$200. to R. J. Greening of Wilcox Co.- April 11 1856
DB N P 544- Dec. 10, 1859
James M. Taylor & wife Amanda N. Taylor of Wilcox 40 acres in Wilcox for
$200.00 to R. J. Greening of Wilcox Co-
Note-I found no record of sale on this land in Wilcox deed books-SGS