Some Descendants of
JOHN MANGUM, Sr.of Surry Co., Va.
& wife Frances Bennett of Isle of Wight Co., Va
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COMMENTS, questions, etc
John Mangum, Sr. was born CA 1670
Lawnes Creek, Surry Co, Virginia
(Parentage is Unknown by me) and died 1737 in Isle of Wight, Va. ADMX-Frances
Appraisal by John Davis, Edward Brantley, Joseph Ward (Ordered 9/26/1737,
Recorded Nov. 28, 1737 -Signed: Frances Mangum )
He married Frances Bennett
of Isle of Wight Co, VA
, Dtr of
Richard Bennett, JR of Isle of Wight Co., Va.
& wife (Name Unk)
Frances was born CA 1674, IOW Co, Va.
See also Surry Deed from Richard Bennett, SR to John Mingham (Mangham) May
(1) John, Jr Born Alb. Par, Surry, Va CA 1694, Died: Abt
1744 (Inventory) Surry Co., Va.
(M) Olive Savage (Admx of his Est)
(2) William Born Alb. Par, Surry Co, Va CA 1697 Died 1744
Orange Co, NC
(M) Mary Person
(3) Joseph Born Alb Par, Surry Co, Va CA 1699 Died abt 1762
I-O-W Co, Va (will)
(M) Lucy
(4) Nicholas Born Alb Par, Surry, Va CA 1702 Died: 1757
Inventory Surry Co, Va
(M) Martha 1761 Will
(5) James Born Alb Par, Surry, Va CA 1704 Died: abt 1783-4
Sussex Co, Va (will)
(M) Mary
(6) Henry Born Alb Par, Surry, Va CA 1706 Died: 1795 I-O-W Co,
Va (will)
(M) Constance
(7) Samuel Born Alb Par, Surry, Va CA 1708 Died: 1777
Granville Co, NC (Intestate Rec)
Bk 1, P 136- Granville Co, NC (1777)- Acctg. of Est. of Samuel
Mangum, Dec'd, by Commissioners, John Oliver, James Langston, Littleton
(1/3 to Widow, Unnamed and 2/3 to children, Unnamed)
May, 1779 Acctg of Est by Daniel Meadows
May 4, 1779 Acctg of Est by James Langston
May, 1796 Acctg of Est by James Langston & John Williams
Samuel Mangum lived in Bute Co, NC , as well as the Bennett
families, at the same time as his brother-in-law, John Langston
John Langston's son Samuel Langston, was named for his uncle Samuel Mangum.
(8) Frances Born Alb Par, Surry, Va CA 1710 -Named in will of gr/father Richard Bennet, Jr.1720 I-O-W Co, Va
(9) Mary Born CA 1712 Alb Par., Surry, Va
Died prior to 1769, in North Carolina- Named in will of Sarah
Lancaster, -her step grt gr/mother- 1722)
(M) John Langston,
Sr (III) of Isle of Wight Co, Va CA 1730
(10) Sarah Born Alb Par, Surry, Va CA 1714
-Named in Will of Sarah Lancaster 1722
Surry Co, Va Tithe List, June 10, 1693 Lawnes Creeke pish
John Mangom 1 tithe
Ja Bennett 1 tithe
Wm Bennett 1 tithe-(M) Grace & moved to NC
June 9, 1694 Tithe list Lawnes Creeke pish
Jas Bennett 1 tithe
Wm Bennett 1 tithe (M) Grace & moved to NC
John Mangham 1 tithe
Isle of Wight Co deeds-(W L Hopkins)
Mar. 23, 1695 George Morrell of Surry Co to JOHN MANGUM of Surry. 90 AC
Upper Par, Isle of Wight Co, being pt of 1100 AC grtd to William Miles &
Wm Cookes late of Surry 9/29/1664, b/b Beaverdam Branch & John Persons
(1680-sold by Robert & w/Mary Lacy to Geo. Teacher, and he sold to Geo.
Morrell) . Wts: Richard Halleman & John X Atkinson
From Surry County, Virginia, Court Records, 1671-1700, Part 2, page 61:
Page 132, May 1695. JOHN MAUGHAM (Mangham) haveing been sumoned an Evidence on behalfe of Arthur Davis against Robt. Flake and attended two days It is Ordered that the said Davis pay him for the same according to Law with Costs als. Exon.
Surry Co, Va deeds & Court Orders (Hopkins) &
Surry Co Wills, (Eliza T Davis)
May 25, 1695-Richard Bennett, SR of the Upper Par, IOW Co, to John MINGHAM of
the Lower Par of Surry Co, 100 AC adj. George Murrell, being the land said
Bennett lives on. Wts: Phillip Shelley & Wm. Hunniford Rec: May 28, 1695 Sig:
Richard (X) Bennett
Mar. 23, 1695-John Manghan of Lawnes Creek, Surry Co to Gregory (George?) Morrell of same, 100 AC near John Painsonseo? , in IOW Co, -land bought from Richard Bennett Sig: John X Mangham Wts: Richard Holliman & John Atkinson Rec: Mar 7, 1698
From Surry County, Virginia, Court Records, 1671-1700, Part 2, page 61:
Page 132, May 1695. John Maugham haveing been sumoned an Evidence on behalfe of Arthur Davis against Robt. Flake and attended two days It is Ordered that the said Davis pay him for the same according to Law with Costs
als. Exon.
From Surry County, Virginia, Court Records, 1671-1700, Part 2, page 84:
Page 179, March 1696/97. John Mangham causeing Tho. Derham to be arrested to this Court in an accon of Debt, for the varience betweene ye accon and ye petition upon ye Defendts. request in Nonsuited, and It is ordered that he pay damage according to Law with costs
als. Exon.
From Surry County, Virginia, Court Records, 1671-1700, Part 2, page 86:
Page 184, May 1697. John Mangham haveing caused Tho. Derham to be arrested to this Court & not haveing Entred a Peticon the sute is therefore dismist.
From Surry County, Virginia, Court Records, 1671-1700, Part 2, page 102:
Page 215, 7 March 1698/99. Upon the request of George Morrell a certaine conveyance of one hundred acres of Land made to the said Morrell by
John Mangham dated the third day of March 1695/96 is admitted to record.
Sept 2, 1699 Richard Bennett, Sr of Upper Par., IOW Co, to John Bell of lower par, of Surry Co land on W/S Pokatmick Swamp, adj. John Mangom, and Ann Belke (pt of 630 AC gtd. sd. Richard Bennett) Wts: Thos. Edwards, Thos Wood
1704 Quit Rent Roll, IOW Co, Va-John Mangann 100 AC
Oct. 20, 1707 IOW Co, Bk 2 P 662, John Person Will names
wife, Francis, son John Person
1 of Wts: John Mangum
Will of Richard Bennett, SR Isle of Wight. Va. 1709
Legatees Named:
Wife: Sarah (She later Marr. Robert Lancaster) (She was PREV Wid of Daniel Lewis
who died Isle of Wight 1679)
Mary Thorp, (Tharpe/Throp?)
John Mangum,
James Cofer,
Susannah Lewis
Martha Lewis
Sons : Richard Bennett & his son James Bennett
James Bennett
Estate to be divided by : Thos. Thorp, Peter DeBerry, George Barlow, & Robert
Wits: John Mangrum, (Mangum) Thos. Thorp, William George,
Mary Carnes
Security on Admx. Bond of Sarah Bennett: Col. Henry Baker
Will of Richard Bennett, Jr of Isle of Wight Co., Va. 1720
Named: Sons: Richard Bennett & James Bennett
Also named: Jane Cofer & her children, Robert, John,
Magdalen & Richard Cofer (relationship not stated)
Grand daughter, Frances Mangum
EXRS: Jane Cofer, William Allen
Overseers: "Friends" John Carter & James Carter
Wts: John Carter, James Carter, William Allen, Sr
Estate appr'd. by Arthur Jones, Thomas Ward, William Bell
IOW Co-Will of Sarah (NMU) Lewis, Bennett, Lancaster,
Widow of #1-Daniel Lewis, (d) 1698
#2-Richard Bennett, SR (d) 1710
& #3 of Robert Lancaster (d) 1720
Dated Oct. 31, 1722 Pro Jan 29, 1722/3
Grand dtrs: Ann Craft, Sarah Meacom, Ann Kae,
to Mary Mangum, the daughter of John Mangum
to Bridgett & Sarah Bennett, the dtrs of James Bennett
Gr/dtrs: Elizabeth, Martha & Susan Meacor (Meacom)
to Mary Ussery
to my sister Elizabeth Hood
to Mary Sowdell
daughter Susanna Meacor
gr/son Lewis Meacor
to Mary Jones
to Benjamin Bell
to Samuel Craft
remainder of my estate to my dtr Mary Bell, and makes her Extrx
Wts: Thomas Roser, William Hood
Aug. 28, 1727, IOW Co, Va Bk 3-P 36, John Mangum, Thomas Ward, & Wm. Bell Appraised Est. of Thomas Williams
7/20/1727 Attachment of Capt John Allen agnst Nicholas Volentine-Sales made to William Mangum, etal
Aug 19, 1728 John Bell & w/Hannah Bell to Wm. Clark-180 AC Lawnes Crk, W/S Pocatinck Swamp bet. land sold by Richard Bennett to John Mangham & James Bennett's.
August 14, 1728 Richard Blow (& w/Elizabeth) to John Mangum, 100 AC N/S Main Blackwater Swamp S/S Pidgion Swamp, adj. Goodman's Old Field, John Williams, Wm. Bynum.. Wts: Sam'l. Taylor & DeLoney
Oct 6, 1728- Will of Loveliss Savage: names Dtr Olive Manggam, a pewter dish, etc. Wts: John Cofer, James Bennett, Anth. Evans
Oct 16, 1728 John Mangum, Sarah Savidge, Thos Francis Wit will of John Spratley
Nov 25, 1728, IOW Co, Va Bk 3, P133., Arthur Jones, John Mangum, William Bell Appraised Est. of Thomas Ward
Surry Co, Va Court Records June 15, 1737
At a court held in Surry County June the 15th 1737 In the attachment obtained by John Allen, gentleman, against the estate of Nicholas Valentine who is lately absconded it appearing by the sheriffs return that he hath attached the old bed an furniture, one old chair? and several other things as by the will whom may appear and the said John Allen having made oath that the said estate is indicted to him in the sum of seventeen pounds seven shillings and seven pence currant mony and that he hath not received any satisfaction for the same it is therefore ordered that the sheriff do make sale of the said goods at publick outcry for the best price can be gott for them and that he do pay unto the said John Allen the abovesaid sum & costs and the mony arising from the said sale and that he make return of his proceding herein to the next court. Copy Test. John Allen, Cl. Cur. Attach. are the ret 20 Ded. file papers in?____? 30 Each copy sprdgen? 31 ____ 81 By virtue of the above judgment, I have disposed of the goods attached according to the account hereunder. John Ruffin, sheriff 1737 THE ESTATE OF NICHOLAS VALLENTINE To John Allen, gent. 17 : 7 : 7 By Wm George for sundry sold him 2 : 2 : 4 To Cash fees 0 : 10 10 By Henry Savidge for sundry 1 : 1 : To sheriff for the attachment 0 4 : 11 By John Allen, gent. for sundry 1 : 9 : 2 To offciil? en fee? 0 8 : 1 By Wm Mangrum for sundrys & . . 1 : 7 : bell? set? ___________ By John Regan? for sundrys 0 : 7 : 0 £ 18 : 10 : 9 and bell? ____________ £ 6 : 6 : 6 Ballance 12 : 4 : 3 Due £ 18 10 : 9 Errors excepted July 1737 John Ruffin, sheriff
Isle of Wight Co, Va deeds-1736-1741 TLC Gen., Miami, Fla
DB5, P 85 Feb 5, 1736-7 from Magdalen Carter, Wid., and Martha, her dtr, of
Bertie Pct, NC, to Alexr. Carter of Chowan Pct, NC for 3f, a plantation
where Thomas Carter, dec'd, lived, b/b "the head of a Branch or Persons
line, running along his line to a white oak, the grt. pocoson at the head of the
Hole Br., Baker's line, a gum ,Cefils line, so along his line, the little
poquoson, Hulls Br, John Mangum. The land contains abt 350 A, and
is prt of a grtr. tract formerly taken up by William Miles by the sd
patent, which land Thomas Carter bought of Wm. Cook in 1669 by deed and in 1709
Thomas Carter, dec'd. left land in will to Magdalane, his wife, and Martha, his
dtr, during their lives, and after their death to Alexander, his aforenamed son.
" Signed: Magdalane Carter, her mark, Martha Carter, her mark, Wit: Jno.
Langston, Jr., James Carter, his mark, Sarah Floyd, her mark Rec'd. Feb 28,
P 88, Mar 26, 1737 Alexander Carter of Chowan Pct, NC to Joseph Mangrum of Lower Parish of IOW- for 12 f, one certain plantation tract in the lower parish of IOW, b/b head of a small branch, Person's line tree, the grt pocoson, the head of the Hole Branch, Baker, Cafil, the Little Pocoson, Hulls Branch, John Mangrum, cont abt 350 AC and is part of a greater tract formerly taken up and patented by William Miles. No wts.
Nov. 28, 1737 Bk 4 P 189 IOW Co, Va. JOHN MANGUM Est. Appraised by John Davis, Edward Brantley, Joseph Ward. Signed: Frances Mangum. Ordered Sept. 26, 1737
Sept 14, 1738 Robert Tharp to Wm. Clements 100 AC b/b John Mangham's Branch, Williamson, Ed'd. Longs's Br, and Pedigion Swp Sig: Robert Tharp Wts: Richard Cocke, Alexander Bolling, & John X Grant Rec'd Feb 21, 1738/39
The Langston families, the Mangum families & the Bennett families appear to have migrated to North Carolina about the same time, and lived in the same area, as well as later in South Carolina.
The following records are of the children & grandchildren of John & Frances Bennett Mangum:
Surry Co, Va records, Cont'd:
7/18/1739 List of Bills due est of Thos Cogging, mentions Joseph Mangum
July 15, 1741 Acct of Est of Henry Savage-, dec'd. list includes James Bennett, John Mangum
12/23/1742 Sam'l Thompson to Wm Smith-land b/b John Mangum, etal
Feb. 16, 1743 (1742) John Mangum of Pigeon Swamp & wife Sarah
Mangum,* to Zachariah Madera of same 5 pds current money, 100 AC Pigeon Swamp
b/b John Williams & Wm. Smith Wts: Wm Edwards & John Nicolson Sig: John
(X) Mangum Olive X Mangum*
Rec'd Feb 16, 1742
Dec 23, 1742 Samuel Thompson of Surry to William Smith of Surry, abt 100 AC on S/S Pigeon's Swamp, b/b John Mangrum, Williams, Edwd Long, the grt branch.
12/21/1743 Est of Francis Sharp, dec'd-acctg lists among others, William Mangum, John Langston
Dec. 20, 1744- John Mangum Est by Olive Mangum, Admrx. Signed: Saml. Maget, Robt. Judkins, Barth. Figures
SURRY CO, Va Court Orders Index-1741-1751
Bk-Page#-Court Date-Name
A-013 Dec, 1744 John Mangum
A-058 June, 1745 John , Olive & William Mangum
1-087 Sept, 1745 John & Olive Mangum
1-234 Oct, 1746 John, Olive & William Mangum
1-235 Oct, 1746 John Mangum
A-323 June, 1747 John Mangum's ORPHANS
B-147 Nov, 1750 John Mangum
A-387 Olive Mangum
A-563-James Mangum
B-020 James "
B-106 James "
B-225 James "
A-024 Samuel Mangum
B-124 Samuel "
B-155 Samuel "
B-216 Samuel "
1-184 William Mangum
A-070 William "
A-313 William "
A-415 William "
A-463 William "
A-475 William
A-493 William
A-540 William
A-570 William
Surry Co, Va Wills: Index
John Mangum, Inventory, 1744
Nicolas Mangum, Inventory, 1757
Martha Mangum Will, 1761
Isle of Wight Co., Va Wills Index:
John Mangum, Inventory, 1737
Joseph Mangum Will, 1762
Joseph Mangum, Inventory, 1777
Brittain Mangum Will 1782
Henry Mangam, 1795 Will
Richard Mangum Inventory, 1795
Sussex Co, Va Wills Index
James Mangam Will 1784
IOW Co-DB7, P 130 -6/10/1745-Wm Braddy to Samuel Person -deed-Wts: Joseph Manggum,
12/15/1746 Henry Browne, to Thos Bell- deed -Wts: William
7/10/1747 Arthur Sherrod Est, Chas. Mabry, Adm. sig: Chas. Holt, Aug. Hargrove,
William Mangum
11/17/1747 John Stegall & w/Winifred to Sarah Jones (all of Surry) deed-Wts: James Mangum, Howell Jones, Wm Gray, Jr
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol V, P 339 Sept 20, 1748 James Baker, 190 AC IOW Co, S/S Main Blackwater, up the Run of Mile Br., in Grt. Pocoson, adj. his own old lines, Joseph Mangum, Thos. Humphrey, Wm. Goodrich, Benj. Goodrich, & Benj. Hodges
0/10/1748 Thos Humphries of Surry to Patience Jordan of IOW, land joins Joseph Mangum, Main Blackwater Swamp.
11/18/1751-Nath'l. Green & w/Phebe of Alb. Par, Surry Co to James Mangum of same, 73 AC N/S Nottowat Riv, b/b Woodyard Swamp. Wts: None
Isle of Wight-deeds, etc (Hopkins) & others
3/13/1753-John Manggum of Albemarle Par, Surry Co, to Henry Manggum of Newport Par, IOW Co, 83 AC being pt of patent to William Miles & Robert Lacey, adj. Persons Bridge, the Beaverdam Branch & Hull's Branch. Wts: Francis Person, Jacob Person, Samuel Person, (sig: John X Manggum) Rec'd. 5 Apr 1753
IOW Wills, BK 6. P 123 Will of Samuel Person,
Feb. 15, 1753 Proved Oct. 3, 1754 Named: Cousin /Samuel, s/o Francis
Person, cousin Jesse, s/o Francis Person, cousin George, s/o John Glover, cousin
Benjamin, s/o Jesse Hargrove; Samuel Prestlow, John Prestlow, cousin Joseph, s/o
Francis Person, cousin John.(last name omitted)
WTS Henry Mangum, Constant Mangum, Joseph Mangum
Sept 4, 1755 IOW Co, Va., Bk 6, P 190 Joseph Mangum, Samuel Jones & Richard Jones Appraise Est of Samuel Person.
Jan 10, 1758 Reuben Proctor & w/Sarah to Thos Ward-deed-Wts: Samuel Person, Joseph X Mangum & James Cofer
May 3, 1759 IOW Co, Va. Bk 6, P 484 Joseph Mangum, Richard Jones, Benjamin Atkinson Appraise Est of Britain Jones.
Oct. 10, 1761 IOW Co, BK 7, P 141 Samuel Person Will-(Pro Apr 1, 1762) 1 Wts: Henry Mangum, Joseph Mangum
May 6, 1762 IOW Co, Will Bk 7 P 157 Joseph Mangum Will Pro. May
6, 1762
Leg-eldest son, Micajah, Son Elisha, son Josiah, wife, Lucy, Exrs: wife Lucy
& son Micajah Mangum Wts: Henry Mangum
Apr 7, 1763 IOW Co -Bk 7, P 229-Richard Jones Est. Appr. by Henry Mangum, Mason Bradley, Joseph Atkinson
Aug 1, 1765-IOW Co-Rebecca Person, orphan of Samuel Person -Guardian -Jacob Person-lists 225 AC Quitrents-Sig: Wm Gray, Jas. Stringfellow, Henry Mangum
IOW Dec 6, 1770 -Micajah Mangum & w/Elizabeth of Surry Co to Henry Mangum of IOW Co, 120 AC Beaverdam Br, adj Col Baker, Copher, Hull's Br & Henry Mangum Wts: Jacob Person, Chas. Goodrich, John Gray, Henry Mangum, Jr
IOW Co, Bk 8 P 74 Henry Mangum EXR of Samuel Jones, Sr
Book 8, P 470-IOW Co, Va (Date July 3, 1777) Joseph Mangum Est. appraised by James Pitman, Thomas Copher
July 1, 1772 IOW Co, Va-Bk 8, P 165-Henry Mangum, Wm. Barlow, Joseph Maddera Appraised Est of Sarah Mintz, Ordered May 7, 1772
IOW Co, Va. Bk 8, P 398-Dec. 7, 1775-Henry Mangum mentioned in will of Francis Wrenn, (refers to land adj Henry Mangum)
2/4/1778-John Thomas & w/Martha to Josiah Mangum of IOW-160 AC
2/4/1778 Micajah Mangum &w/Elizabeth to Josiah Mangum -29 AC adj. Josiah Mangum
2/4/1778 Josiah Mangum to Micajah Mangum 60 AC in Newport Par, IOW
IOW Co, Va Bk 9 P 147 Dec. 5, 1782 Estate of Brittain Mangum Appraised by John J Wheadon, Benjamin Jones, Emanuel Hunter
IOW Co, Va. Bk 10 P 323-Nov. 17, 1790 Will of Henry Mangum
(Proved April 7, 1795)
Named: Sons Henry, Richard, Samuel, John, Goodrich, & Brittain Mangum
Dtrs: Martha Carrell, Ann Jones, dec'd; & Hannah Chapman
Exr-son Henry Mangum
Wts: Josiah Mangum, etal
IOW Co, Va Bk 10, P 379 Dec. 7, 1795-Henry Mangum Est Appraised by Jacob Stringfield, Benjamin Jones, Samuel Gray
The following information is from Joanne Sutherland, Mangum Researcher
North Carolina Records
1754 Granville Co, NC Capt. David Harris' Company
Thomas Bell, Lt., Peter Green, Sgt.
Absolum Langston #51
James Langston #54
Solomon Langston #55
Richard Bennett #59
William Mangham #64
James Mangham #65
William Mangham, Jr #66
Samuel Mangham #74
1755 Granville Co, NC Tax List-
Joseph Mangum
Samuel Mangum & Jno. Tomson, 2-0-2
Wm Mangum, Sons Wm &: James, 3-0-3
Richard Bennit & Son Richard, Negroe Moll, 2-1-3
Jno. Langston, Sons James, Joseph & Solomon & Negroe Arnus(?), 4-1-5
Granville Grant, #1966 May 10, 1756 Samuel Mangum, 640 Ac. Granville Co., Sec: Jas Langston
1766 Bute Co, NC Tax List
Joseph Mangum, Wm. Mangum
1769 Bertie Co, NC Tax List-John Mangram
1771 Granville Co, NC Tax List-Joseph Mangum
Mangum Deeds from Warren/Bute Co., NC Deed Books (Kerr)
DB-1, page 61. 20 March 1765. William Johnson, Sheriff, to John Bobbit, Planter, both of Bute Co.
John Bobbit highest bidder, of 60 Pds. Procl. money, at Sheriff's Sale at County Court, 31 Jan. 1765, for 295 A. of land of
Henry Chambles, sold by Court Order of Superior Court of Halifax, in name of KING GEORGE III, order dated 1 Sept. 1764,
Allan Jones, Esq., Clerk. Land sold to satisfy debt of Henry Chambles &
Henry Temple to Peter Davis, with interest from 4 June 1764, plus costs & fees. Land in Bute Co., called the meeting house land whereon
William Mangrum formerly lived and sold to Henry Chambles, on Reedy Branch & great Rockey Branch, adj.
Jos. Green & Acock. Debt to Peter Davis paid & overplush (sic) applied to debts of
Henry Chambles. Court Order was pursuant to Act of Parliament of Great Britain, in fifth year of reign of his late Majesty KING GEORGE II, for recovery of debts in his Majesty's Plantations & Colonies in America. Wit:
John Golightly, Sugan Johnson. Receipt of 60 Pds. from John Bobbit, dated 25 March 1765.
Ack: by William Johnson, Esq., late Sheriff, Bute January Court 1766,Ben
McCulloch, C.C. Reg: 1 November 1766, by Willm. Johnson, P.R.
DB-2, page 163. 14 March 1768. William Davis to William Arnold, both of Bute Co. 54 Pds. Va. money for 237 A. in Bute Co. on SS the Reedy Creek adj. Green & Mangum Wit: James Eates , Wm. Cooper, Charles Blacker, David Rose, Ack: by William Davis, Bute February Court 1769, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg: 28 June 1769, by William Johnson, P.R. Marginal notation: Delivered the 1 day of December. 1772 to Thos. Rogers
DB-3, page 123 . 15 February 1770. Thomas House to Charles Bartholomew, both of Bute Co. 120 Pds. for 800 A. in Bute Co., from a branch of Gunters Creek to head of Meltons Creek, adj. Mangum, Weldon, Acock & his own line.Wit: Jesse Rowland, Jno. Bell, Daniel Sledge. Proved by Jesse Rowland, Bute Aug. Court 1770, Ben McCulloch,C.C. Reg: 12 Feb.1771, by William Johnson,P.R.
DB-3, page 460. 8 May 1772. Richard Beardin (Bearden) to John Hudson, both of Bute Co. 14 Pds. Va. money for 60 A. in Bute Co. on NS Reedy Creek adj. Jones & Person. Wit: James Gardner, Howell Manggum. Ack: by Richard Bearden, Bute May Court 1772, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg: 24 July 1772, by Js. Johnson, P.R.
DB-4, page 171 . 28 July 1773. Thomas Rogers & Amy, his wife, to Allan Love & Co. 48 Pds: lO Sh: Va. money for 237 A. in Bute Co. on SS Reedy Creek, adj. Green & Mangum. Wit. William Davis, Joseph Green, William Rose. Proved by William Rose, Bute May Court 1774, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg. 17 January 1775, by Jas. Johnson, P.R.
DB-4, page 227 . 2 April 1773. Kannon (Kennon) Cooper & Sarah Cooper, of Granville Co., to Joseph Mangum, Planter, of Bute Co. 34 Pds:13 Sh:4 d. Procl. money for 100 A. on SS Court House Prong of Sandy Creek, down sd. Creek to ES My Spring Branch, where sd. Joseph Mangum now lives. Wit. Thomas Stevins, William Sauls.. Ack. by Cannon Cooper, Bute May Court 1774, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg. 21 April 1775, by Jas. Johnson, P.R.
DB-4, page 260 . 9 August 1774. William Cheek Sr . to John Smith, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 150 A. in Bute Co. from the Old Road to Lick Hole at the mouth of the Poplar Branch, adj. John Cheek. Wit. Henry Jackson, Samuel Mangum. Ack. by William Cheek, Bute August Court 1774, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg. i May 1775, by James Johnson, P.R.
DB-4. page 296 . 9 August 1774. William Cheek, Sr . to Henry Jackson, both of Bute Co. 20 Pds. Procl. money for 200 A. in Bute Co. on Pore Creek, to Popler Spring Branch, down the Meadow (Meddow) Spring Branch to the Barren Lick Branch, adj. Solomon Alston. Wit. John Smith, Samuel Mangum. Ack. by William Cheek, Bute August Court 1774, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg. 30 May 1775, by Jas. Johnson, P.R.
DB-5. page 5. 22 July 1774. Howell Mangom to John Thompson, both of Bute Co. 120 Pds. Va. money for 550 A. in Bute Co. on SS Reedy Creek, adj. Acock & Jones (Old line of Prince). Wit: Richard Acock, Thos. Standard. Proved by Richard Acock, Bute August Court 1774, Ben McCullloch, C.C. Reg: 4 September 1774, by James Johnson P.R.
DB-5, page 61. 16 January 1773. Benjamin Ward & Tabitha Ward to Thomas Garrot, Planter, both of Bute Co. 40 Pds. Procl. money for 244 A. on SS Thomas Martains Creek, bought from William Moore & adj. Christmas. Wit: Jos. Mangom, Kannon Cooper. Ack: by Benjamin Ward, Esq., Bute Aug. Court 1774, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg: 1 Feb. 1775, by James Johnson, P.R.
DB-5, page 94. 13 September 1774. (E)manuel Faukner (Forkner, Folkner) to Howel Mangum (Mangom), Planter, both of Bute Co. 33 Pds:6 Sh:8d. Procl. money for 80 A. on SS Court House Prong of Sandy Creek, adj. Joseph Mangum at the County Road, to mouth of William Howel's Branch on WS plantation of William Howel, including the plantation on which Martin Dickerson lived. Wit: Joseph Mangom, Martin Dickison. Ack: by Emanuel Forkner, Bute November Court 1774, Ben McCulloch, C.C. Reg: 9 March 1775, by Jas Johnson, P.R.
Bk 1, P 136- Granville Co, NC (1777)- Acctg. of Est. of Samuel
Mangum, Dec'd, by Commissioners, John Oliver, James Langston, Littleton
(1/3 to Widow, Unnamed and 2/3 to children, Unnamed)
May, 1779 Acctg of Est by Daniel Meadows
May 4, 1779 Acctg of Est by James Langston
May, 1796 Acctg of Est by James Langston & John Williams
Bastardy Bonds of Granville Co, NC
May 1, 1780 – Lydda, aged abt 14 yrs, base born child of Catherine Conner, formerly bound to Edward Roland, is removed and bound to James Langston until 21, to become Spinster.
The State Records
Published Under The Supervision of the trustees of the public libraries, by
order of the General Assembly
Collected and Edited By Walter Clark
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina
Vol. XXII. Miscellaneous Records Published-1907
P 168
An Account Of Persons Who Took The State Oath 1778
I will bear faithfull and true Allegiance to the State of North Carolina and
will truly endeavor to support, maintain, and defend the independent Government
thereof against George the third, King of Great Britain and his successors, and
the attempts of any other Person, Prince, power, state or Potentate, who by
secret arts, treasons, Conspiracies or by open force shall attempt to subvert
the same and will in every respect conduct myself as a peaceful orderly subject
and that I will disclose and make known to the governor, some member of the
Council of State, some Justices of the Superior Courts or of the Peace, all
treasons, Conspiracies and attempts committed or intended against the State
shall come to my knowledge.
And that all persons being Quakers, Moravians, Menomists & dunkards &
under the circumstances above mentioned in Law, shall make the following
affirmation or depart the State.
I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will bear true
Fidelity to the independence State of North Carolina and to the Powers &
authorities which are or may be established for the good governments thereof and
I do renounce any Fidelity to the present King of Great Britain, his Heirs and
successors, and that I will disclose and make known to the Governor, some member
of the Council of State, Judge of the superior Court or
Justice of the peace, all Treasons, Conspiracies or attempts Committed or
intended against the same which shall come to my knowledge.
Following took above oath, or affirmed, 22 May, 1778.
List Incl: William Langston
State Oath and test for Tar River district taken by James Lanston
(Langston), Esq.
P 177-178
A List of Persons who have taken Oath of Allegiance in Goshen District
List Incl:
Rich'd. Bennett
P 179
This Book contains the Names of Persons that hath taken the Oath of Allegiance
in the Nap of Reed District before me, Robt. Harris Names Incl:
James Bennett
Jo. Mangum
William Bennett
1779 Orange Co, NC Tax List:
Arthur Mangum,
Wm. Mangum,
Solomon Mangum
1784 Granville Co, NC Tax List-
Howell Mangham
Joseph Mangham
1785 Granville Co., NC TL
Howell Mangham
Joseph Mangham
1788 TL Granville Co, NC-
Joseph Mangum 1,206 AC Knap of Reed's Dist.
Howell Mangum, Knapp of Reed's Dist
Absolum Mangum, Beaver Dam Dist
Caswell Co, NC Jan 20, 1791-John Douglas, Esq. & Martin Cooper, contract dated Jan 20, 1791 in Caswell Co., in which Solomon Mangum, an orphan boy now four yrs old is indentured to Martin Cooper to live after the manner of an apprentice. Wts: A E Murphy, H Haraldson, C/C Cas. Co
Granville Co, NC Marriages
Langston, Frances- Roberts, Charles 12 Jan 1782
Bowling, Ordary- Mangum, Reavis 08 Nov 1786
Mangrum, Mary -Cooper, William 29 Aug 1799
Mangrum, Mimy- Green, John 30 Dec 1799
Mangum, Betsy- Loyd, William 22 Feb 1797
Lewis, Patsy -Mangum, Henry 14 Aug 1801
Mangum, Sarah -Meadows, William 10 Jan 1803
Loyd, Ann -Mangum, Pleasant 05 Aug 1805
Goss, Nancy -Mangum, James 24 Sep 1807
Cooper, Susannah- Mangum, Josiah 10 Feb 1809
Wilkerson, Sarah- Mangum, William 07 Nov 1809
Duke, Pheney- Mangum, William 07 Jun 1811
Mangum, Charlotte- Estes, James 11 Sep 1813
Joplin, Charity -Mangum, Augustine 23 Aug 1814
Bradford, Nancy- Mangum, Simpson 06 Oct 1814
Mangum, Sarah -Barnes, John 16 Jul 1814
Wilkison, Martha- Mangum, Reavis Jr. 28 Nov 1818
Parrish, Polly- Mangum, Jesse 07 Jan 1819
Loyd, Martha -Mangum, John 05 Jan 1825
Person Co., NC cut off 1791 from Caswell Co
Boundary Lines For The Part Of Orange County That Became Person County.
File # C.R. 073.928.18 Orange County Records in the N.C. State Archives.
St. James District.....
The fourteenth district begins at Granville line running west including
Widow PARKER, William YARBROUGH, and Doctor PAYN on the south. Thence south
including JAmes KIRKLAND (through three waste plantations) and Samuel
FANNIN on the east, to a point half a mile west off Robert McCONWELL.
Thence east including Thomas GIBSON crossing Flat River just above George
GIBSONS (him not included) by Arthur MANGUM (him not included) to Granville
line where it crosses the Nop of Reed. (Knap of Reeds)
1790 Orange Co, NC Census Index
Mangum, William, St Mary's Dist
1800 Orange Co, NC
MANGRUM James M-32 034 586 20100-10100-01
MANGRUM Lucy M-32 034 586 10400-00101-06
MANGRUM Samuel M-32 034 586 10100-00100-00
MANGRUM William M-32 034 583 31010-01000-29
1810 Orange Co, NC Index
MANGRUM Arthur M-252 041 128
MANGRUM William M-252 041 117
MANGRUM William P. M-252 041 150
Orange Co, NC Marriages
Parker, David- Clary Mangrom 29 Dec. 1792 Wm. Cozart
Cozart, Wm.- Holley Mangum 8 Mar. 1792 Wm. Mangum
Mangum, Samuel -Jemimah Brinkley 16 Aug. 1798 Allen Parrish
Mangum, Arthur- Dicey Carringotn 22 Apr. 1801 James Parrish
Teasley, Wm.- Elizabeth Mangum 10 Jan. 1801 George Teasley
Brinkley, Robt-. Polley Mangum 29 Apr. 1805 Charles Parish
Mangum, Wm. P-. Caty Davis 13 Apr. 1811 John Atkison
Mangum, Ellison G.- Elizabeth Harris 4 Dec. 1819 Saml. E. Alsobrook [w] Jos. A. Woods
Mangum, Willie P. -Charity A. Cain 30 Sept. 1819 C.S. Hinton [w] Jos. A. Woods
Parish, Nelson -Letha Mangum 13 Dec. 1819 William Duke [w] John Taylor
Mangum, Daniel -Peney Thomas 15 Mar. 1820 Alexander Thomas [w]
Michl. Holt
War of 1812-North Carolina
SAMUEL MANGRUM ,Pvt- 4th Regt, Person Co
William Mangham, 5th Regt, Rockingham Co
, Priv
1815 Graduates of University of North Carolina, @ Chapel Hill
Priestly H. MANGUM
Willie P. MANGUM
1848 Graduates Incl
Willie P. MANGUN, JR.
MANGUM PLOT-University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill
"Planted in memory of U.S. Senator Willie Preston Mangum 1997"
MANGUM (plot) -Many Family Members here
South Carolina Records
PATENT LAND SURVEYS, State of South Carolina
Index to Land Acquisitions, 1770-1820
Located in Greenville, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg, & Union Counties
Bk A 1784-1786
John Langston, SR P 63, 639 AC Both sides of Langston's Creek, of Reedy
River, near Paris Mountain Oct. 15, 1784
John Langston, JR P 35, 620 AC Both sides of Langston Creek, of Reedy
Joseph Langston, P 178- 640 AC on Langston Branch of Reedy River
Hugh McVey, P 151, 280 AC Little River
Solomon Manghan P P 257 140 AC Jones Br, Thicketty Crk
Solomon Manghan , P 258 103 AC Br. of Muncum's Crk of Thicketty Cr
Jane Bennett, P 164, 145 AC small br of Dutchman's Crk
John Bennett, P 274 450 AC Lawson's Fork of Pacolet Riv
Thompson Bennett P 264 340 AC Thompson's Crk of Pacolet Riv
17th Century Isle of Wight, (Boddie)
Virginia Historical Families (Boddie)
Southside Virginia Families (Boddie)
Isle of Wight C,o.,Va Deeds (Hopkins)
Surry Co., Va Deeds & Crt. Orders (Hopkins)
Isle of Wight Deeds (Eliza T. Davis)
Surry Co Deeds & Wills, (Davis)
Wills & Adms. IOW Co (Chapman)
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vols I & II (Nugent)
LDS Records, & Other Records
Warren/Bute Co., NC Recprds (Kerr)